Gun control is coming

Guns are now a symbol of the Culture War. A fashion statement. "Gunpowder makes all men tall". The NRA is a marketing agency for gun manufacturers and they rely on the Culture War to make money without regard to how our children and grandchildren are learning how to deal with mass shooters in school. Definitely a reason for concern because there is too much overlap, in my opinion, among gun "enthusiasts", law enforcement, election deniers, the Christian Taliban, and white nationalist insurrectionists. Vladimir Putin supports the NRA because he knows that they are bad for America. Gun enthusiasts are being played.
the NRA really has fallen far. Or maybe they started low. Not sure which, but they’re in the moral mud now.
Sorry, started that reply yesterday and then there were pages of responses before I hit post.

I moved from middle America where everyone carried a gun to Massachusetts, where they don't. It was wild how safe everywhere felt there (all of new england really). Never worried about some yahoo pulling a gun on me living in the northeast, people weren't armed at the grocery store. To me, it was an example of gun control done right. I point at the Chicago/Indiana thing because that is an example of it done wrong, Chicago has strict laws but you can get around them with a short drive and there isn't really a big broad appetite for something better.

I'm always civil man, if not, there's normally a very good reason. Being a dick gets us nowhere. I applaud folks that have different views and stick up for them, assuming they aren't asses about it.

*I can only think of once where I was a real dick to someone and it was uncalled for, was having a bad day and went overboard.
I spent a year in Boston. They compensated with their cars. It was like a Russian dashcam vid.
Wow. That sounds stressful. Must suck to live like that. Any meds or docs trying to help you.. Hope you had a good Christmas to wind down..And im still waiting on what kinda carbine you have. I said I was a fan . Detachable mags? Maybe santa brought some before they’re gone.You getting that baby registered. I hope you do. The gun will be safer for everyone almost overnight and virtually eliminates the possibility it will crawl out of the safe and hurt somebody. I cant stand people with mental health issues having them. Thats why all mine came registered
hey we are NOT following the rules at all in here and other areas of politics alot of you know what youre doing please stop
i'm not trying to start any shit...if i'm offending please point it out to me, been trying to comply...i still find it very difficult to be polite to a few in particular.
I am. I dont think the penalty of a slap on the wrist is reasonable anymore
The maximum penalty for Class A misdemeanor is hardly a slap on the wrist.

In any case, this isn't about punishing people, it's about saving lives. It is a simple fact that in districts where these laws were enacted, death rates due to guns went down. They are reasonable measures yet still, the gun nuts are going crazy over them. Nobody is going to be deprived of their gun rights, but they will be required to do a few reasonable things in order to buy a gun going forward.

This isn't a done deal. The measure will be tested in the courts and has been blocked in a lower court. We'll see what happens.
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Fair enough but imo it’s pretty ignorant to think the max is what is served or even given.
A: In Massachusetts, a misdemeanor is any criminal offense that does not carry the potential for state prison time. The maximum sentence for a misdemeanor is 2 1/2 years in the House of Corrections.

Unlawful gun possession may be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor and carries a sentence of up to two years in prison. Carried a handgun in public. Massachusetts law imposes a mandatory minimum sentence of 18 months in jail or prison for illegally carrying a firearm, even for a first offense.
Who’s the ignorant one
Heres some more research
What is the punishment for a class a misdemeanor?

Defendants found guilty of Class A Misdemeanors are typically sentenced to between six months and one year in a local jail. Fines imposed for Class A misdemeanors will vary depending on the jurisdiction. In some states the most serious misdemeanors are punishable by a fine of up to $2,500.Aug 13, 2020
Kind of a testament to gun control working when there isn't the obvious failing of Indiana being next to Chicago, isnt it. You have no idea how refreshing it was to be a place where everyone wasn't walking around strapped all day when that's what you grew up around. It was nice and something that was super noticeable when you aren't from there.
Are you implying that Illinois residents can legally purchase firearms in Indiana? If so, this is 100% false.
I stand corrected. Two yrs how terrible .
ever been in prison? i haven't, but i've been to jail a few times, and didn't enjoy that worth a fuck. it served as a reminder that i sure as fuck didn't want to do the same thing, for longer, while throwing in potential rape and having to defend myself daily, unless i joined some gang that i didn't believe in at all, solely for the protection they would offer...
2 years seems sufficient for a non violent handgun possession charge.
Ive never been to either not even close. So unless the cops can prove im carrying an “ILLEGAL “ gun for potential violence (why else) out in a handful of months? You guys really are serious about this
yeah, that helps, but the majority of guns used in crimes aren't stolen, they're bought, legally, either at gun shops where incomplete rushed background checks aren't sufficient, or person to person, with no controls what so ever...
Even the NRA recommends that gun owners store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons. A gun safe is a good solution for that. It's a regular event -- kids accidentally shooting themselves or others with their parent's loaded gun that was not locked away.
Even the NRA recommends that gun owners store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons. A gun safe is a good solution for that. It's a regular event -- kids accidentally shooting themselves or others with their parent's loaded gun that was not locked away.
that's true, i don't deny it, but it seemed like a valid point that most guns used in crimes aren't stolen.
an accidental shooting because of a careless adults behavior isn't the kind of crime i was referring to.
Even the NRA recommends that gun owners store guns so they are not accessible to unauthorized persons. A gun safe is a good solution for that. It's a regular event -- kids accidentally shooting themselves or others with their parent's loaded gun that was not locked away.
The NRA and their gunmaker masters have got the wrong attitude, there is profit in mandating safety! Think of all the gun safes and trigger locks they can sell, if they did it right they could exploit their customers even more before they kill themselves! Getting the law changed to mandate your gun safes could be profitable, control the lobbyists and you control the specifications. The NRA could market it for them, for a piece of the action, these people just aren't creative enough!