Gun control is coming

I unfortunately understand but im not necessarily your opposition in this. However its fact in some cases that these mags were previously owned by them or a parent etc. I do think you should have an license so again I don’t think they should be able to buy them any easier than ammo or gun . Kids obviously shouldn’t be able too at all. Maybe kid and young adult is too intertwined a term nowadays. I still stand on my statement that we have to put more not only into treating mental health but also what’s causing it. I think a point I’ve been trying to make is that no laws for any crime does anything for it. The punishment does.
It is a simple fact that where these measures have been enacted, rates of deaths by gun have gone down. Your fears and bias seem to make you weigh against saving lives. I don't object your concerns. I object to doing nothing when reasonable measures are available to prevent needless harm. For example, I agree that background checks can be abused. That is a procedural issue, not a reason to block the measure.
Well i guess I’ll say it again. Im not opposed to any reasonable measures. I live under the strictest now. I have no issues at all. Im even fortunate enough to be grandfathered . Not in fear of anything and I didn’t even argue your crime rate stat? Also can you show me the bias in my quote
It is a simple fact that where these measures have been enacted, rates of deaths by gun have gone down. Your fears and bias seem to make you weigh against saving lives. I don't object your concerns. I object to doing nothing when reasonable measures are available to prevent needless harm. For example, I agree that background checks can be abused. That is a procedural issue, not a reason to block the measure.
Well i guess I’ll say it again. Im not opposed to any reasonable measures. I live under the strictest now. I have no issues at all. Im even fortunate enough to be grandfathered . Not in fear of anything and I didn’t even argue your crime rate stat? Also can you show me the bias in my quote
I'm not opposed to any reasonable measures too. So we agree. Imagine that!

Perhaps I misinterpreted some of your earlier statements as laced with fear and bias. If so, I stand corrected.
How come so many insist that laws do anything technically? They do jack shit . The punishment does. Someone is sleeping better in Oregon tonight because they passed new gun control and made the penalty a seatbelt ticket lol. I live in top 3 strictest state and the penalty for illegal possession is one yr. This is what im getting at. The deterrence and penalties are virtually non existent. We need to do better at that as well or its all a joke. Dreams of slowly making laws and restrictions and hardships until they’re gone are comical to me because it seems obvious that would just create a huge illegal trade no different than drugs. Not to mention that 3d printers etc already exist and a very large number of people have the potential ability and knowledge to make them for real. It all comes back to punishment but i admit even those don’t stop some.
That was not in the article you linked to. The judge just made his final ruling. You are saying the Oregon Supreme Court has already denied the possibility of appeal without a hearing? That's not how the appeals process works.

How come so many insist that laws do anything technically? They do jack shit . The punishment does. Someone is sleeping better in Oregon tonight because they passed new gun control and made the penalty a seatbelt ticket lol. I live in top 3 strictest state and the penalty for illegal possession is one yr. This is what im getting at. The deterrence and penalties are virtually non existent. We need to do better at that as well or its all a joke. Dreams of slowly making laws and restrictions and hardships until they’re gone are comical to me because it seems obvious that would just create a huge illegal trade no different than drugs. Not to mention that 3d printers etc already exist and a very large number of people have the potential ability and knowledge to make them for real. It all comes back to punishment but i admit even those don’t stop some.
because laws and punishments are part and parcel of the same cannot impose the punishment without the law to make it a punishable offense...
and the whole idea is NOT to punish anyone. it's to protect people. that's why they passed the measures they passed, they're relatively benign measures should have passed easily, and have proven effective where they been implemented before.
the next step will be to pass more such laws, all across the country. then slightly stricter ones, till things are under control.
other countries allow gun ownership, with stricter carry laws and require permits to carry in public. they have enormously lower death rates in all categories of gun death...there IS a reason why.
it's to protect people.

Police have no duty to protect you. You can look that up if you like.

If you are unable to have a gun and police have no duty to protect you, where will this protection you predict come from ?

Not that police could or would protect people even if they were supposed to, they can't be everywhere and most of them aren't very brave to begin with. Most don't have the courage to not enforce some laws even the ones they admit in private they know are wrong.
Police have no duty to protect you. You can look that up if you like.

If you are unable to have a gun and police have no duty to protect you, where will this protection you predict come from ?

Not that police could or would protect people even if they were supposed to, they can't be everywhere and most of them aren't very brave to begin with. Most don't have the courage to not enforce some laws even the ones they admit in private they know are wrong.

You protect yourself first and call the police second.

That was Dec. 7, regarding the request to overturn the temporary order. the final ruling hadn't been issued.

This isn't settled.

Below is what the Oregon SC said:


The ruling pertained only to the temporary order.
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How come so many insist that laws do anything technically? They do jack shit . The punishment does. Someone is sleeping better in Oregon tonight because they passed new gun control and made the penalty a seatbelt ticket lol. I live in top 3 strictest state and the penalty for illegal possession is one yr. This is what im getting at. The deterrence and penalties are virtually non existent. We need to do better at that as well or its all a joke. Dreams of slowly making laws and restrictions and hardships until they’re gone are comical to me because it seems obvious that would just create a huge illegal trade no different than drugs. Not to mention that 3d printers etc already exist and a very large number of people have the potential ability and knowledge to make them for real. It all comes back to punishment but i admit even those don’t stop some.
I'm simply stating a simple fact. In districts where these measures were enacted, rates of deaths due to guns went down. Not arguing with what you said or the "how come" stuff. None of what you said addresses the facts.

I thought you said you were in favor of reasonable measures.
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Here Starting Jan 1 you don't have to have a permit to carry a gun.So now everyone will have one on them.No conceal permit needed..
i don't have any problems with most existing weapons, i own two hand guns, a carbine, and a shotgun. i am NOT anti gun...i'm anti stupid bullshit.
background checks should include criminal records, mental health records, and a check for any recent police reports. if you can pass that, then you should be able to buy a gun. that won't stop all psychos, but it can't possibly hurt.
there are teflon coated bullets designed to penetrate police and military grade armor. there is no fucking reason what so ever for any civilian to EVER need that. there is no reason for any civilian to need body armor, except for all the other civilians who own guns...a really viscous circle. i need this because they have that, then they'll need this other, until we all have fucking howitzer on trailers behind our diesel pickups....
and it's not about balls, it's about doing the right thing the right way.
people have those things because they're legal at the moment. if and when they become illegal, decent law abiding citizens shouldn't have any trouble giving them up. if they do have trouble giving them up...they are then criminals, who they bought the weapons to protect themselves from to begin with...argue against the inevitable as much as you want.
the simple facts are the numbers scare people, but close to half of all weapons are owned by a very small percentage of wealthy white rural males...they won't revolt, they have way too much to lose. the only people who might revolt are white trash white supremacist militia members who should never have been allowed to own a fucking sling shot to begin with. no fucking loss if they all give them up out of their cold dead fingers.
there'll be no civil war, just some separate incidents with idiots who can't adapt.

I’ll answer numerically
#1- Of course a mentally ill person shouldn’t have access but its not obvious at all it will only be mental health records or stay that way
#2- i think leaving it up to a neighbor or boss or both should have the ability to make a claim without proving it in a courtroom. I still believe in innocent until proven guilty . So a neighbor and you dont get along idk property line dispute. Just has to say i have anger issues? Sorry i need more than that. A boss that you didn’t get along with gets a call a has a chance for the last fuck you? Just like that? People never hold grudges or are just DHs
Of course someone who acted and convicted shouldn’t. Any in my opinion not just certain. I never said they shouldn’t be barred.
#3- i do believe those people shouldn’t be allowed to own or possess any. However I believe threats need to be proven. Thats not usually that hard if it’s legit. Maybe they need to improve acting on threats . No definitely.
#4- not sure hiw you derived that? I asked why wait to ban this, stop making that etc over decades instead of not just going for the goal now in major federal and state action
#5-agree gotta start somewhere but it was started along time ago and here we are. Sorta like the war on drugs. I’ll go back and read rogs post , I actually like them.
Why does that prove im not interested in discussion? Isn’t that what we’re doing?
#6- I don’t play victim. It’s a little odd to me actually
that you consider this an argument while accusing me of playing the victim. Also could you quote the post where I said something even remotely close to having a personal belief that a person who committed a mass shooting should have access to guns? Thanks
Oh I apologize that some many of my answers contain questions but holy shit
Just to be clear, I never stated you said a convicted mass shooter should have access.

When you stated "And you find your self the moral superior so you deem what is reasonable? Got it", you are playing the victim.

If you don't understand why "Dems got the ball right?" is an issue and entirely dismissive of having a conversation on any legislative change, I wouldn't be able to explain it in a way that you would accept.

No reasonable person is saying that a neighbour or former boss or any other single individual should prevent someone from possessing certain firearms. It would be wise to get as many opinions as possible about someone to obtain an accurate assessment if something is flagged that requires further investigation.

No reasonable person is going to ask about medical records that are not related to mental illness/mental fitness. Having herpes is not going to disqualify someone from being able to possess a firearm.
I'm simply stating a simple fact. In districts where these measures were enacted, rates of deaths due to guns went down. Not arguing with what you said or the "how come" stuff. None of what you said addresses the facts.

I thought you said you were in favor of reasonable measures.
I am. I dont think the penalty of a slap on the wrist is reasonable anymore
that's exactly the attitude that's causing problems...
why do you need this shit? because your neighbor needs it, and you may one day have to fight it out with him after the zombie apocalypse?
because the deer are now carrying their own rifles, wearing body armor, and firing back?
or is it because it makes you feel like superman just a little bit more...
Because im an American and we can and do. Why does someone need a car that goes faster than the speed limit, why does someone need 50 acres to hit a little ball around,why does anyone need why does someone need anything besides food, water and shelter? Does anyone really need anything.