nirvanas bubblicious and skunk #1


Well-Known Member
Holy crap... that looks delicious bro... Nice job man, keep me inspired lol.
thanks man i really appreciate it. your stuff is notin to sneeze at lol...

a little update.
after looking at the trichs in the scope i can say that that gf will be ripe at the end of 7 weeks. so at that point it will have a weeks flush with the final phase, wich is supposed to be sufficient , we will see. If i didnt use a vaporizour i would never flush under 2 weeks, even with final phase, but with the vape i will give it a 12 more days for the grapefruit. i cant say enuff about this plant its just incredible...i hope the buzz is as good as the plant looks..
on the other side i really think that the bg and sk1 are going to need close to 9 weeks, and since this is going to be the last of those 2 strains i want to let them go till they are perfect.:weed:


Well-Known Member
way to go they look real good not big on hydro but they look nice i will be starting a new journal at the first of the year cant wait until then smoke alot and grow a lot more


Well-Known Member
started flushing the fruit yesterday its going to be a 6 week plant.. i have never had such a fast finnisher..will post pics at dawn..


Well-Known Member
well the last harvest bubblicious is almost gone so i am puttin it away and going strictly with the ssh.
the bg in flower is coming right along could go to 9 weeks but probably 8.
the sk1 needs 9 but its starting to fatten up.
80% of my leaves are showing some sighn( some are just everso slight)of nute burn,
not to a devestating point but definately need to tweek the nute schedule..
it was my 4th week that got em my ec was high as time wont go over 1.6.
then i didnt decrease enuff in the 5th week.
but in all i am very content with what is happening..thanks subscribers for hangin in there...


Well-Known Member
grapefruit pictures

i guess the pics are

Very nice coating of trichs man... Do you grow them in the cardboard box?... i was just wonderin about moisture absorbtion and such... whatever you doing it is frosting wonderland up in your Great job man...


Well-Known Member
i guess the pics are

Very nice coating of trichs man... Do you grow them in the cardboard box?... i was just wonderin about moisture absorbtion and such... whatever you doing it is frosting wonderland up in your Great job man...
yes i use the boxes its hoboponics , i keep my nutes in brown paper bag coverd 40 bottles also lol


Well-Known Member
ahh!!! its like fuckin neurotic!! (sp?)

i bet the high is goin to be amazing

cute kitty and puppies!! =)
i remember seein pics of them before


Well-Known Member
changed the rez yesterday
final phase 240 ml , water, ph to 6.0
pulling the grapefruit thursday, 7 day flush
bg on next week 8 weeks
and unless this sk1 speeds up i will let it go 9 weeks,
everything is lookin sweet
and we are in the down hill slide


Well-Known Member
thanks grow dro..i really appreciate it..
yeah if i sent it to high times it would make it in as one of the 3 pictures of real weed they publish every month.. it would get lost amongst the 5000000 pictures and adds for fake bud.hehehe
you cant tell i hate high times can you?
but hey growdro thanks for zippin bye stop in any time and thanks for the possitive my friend ...peace...


Well-Known Member
really nice.

hope my harvest turns out as good as urs.
i hope that for you as well smokeh, good luck
i must admit i am really excited about this harvest.
i feel for the first time in my short life as a hobby farmer/science guy..
i have helped my plants to reach their genetic potential..
now i could have vegged longer and grew less plants, but as it stands the tallest plant i have is 2'..most are in the 18/20" area..
just started into my 7th week,,mmmmm so so close
the gf will be harvested in a couple days,, its ready now i am just waiting for the first yellowing leaves..
for once i really dont think i can complain about yeild or bud size,or trich coating,,jeeze now i will have to find something else to frett over....ohh yeah cloning is difficult for me so on to that problem hahaha.
will post pictures in a bit..


Well-Known Member
dude i just typed the cloning guide for you and then when i was posting a pic it deleted everything...

damn !!!!!


Well-Known Member
dude i just typed the cloning guide for you and then when i was posting a pic it deleted everything...

damn !!!!!
thank god i am not the only one who does shit like that lol!!!!
thanks genfranco!
just made a sterilite bubble cloner .. i am tryin every thing now


Well-Known Member
ok so im gonna post pics.... the cloning process is the same no matter what you use... cut , dip, and place... but after that is where the problems occur.. the way i do it works great cause you can leave them unatended for longer periods of time and not cause rot

In the pics your seeing an inverted rubbermaid bucket... this lid has like a 1" rez built on the lid... I fill that with hydroton (this holds the water and wicks it up to the clones rockwool)....the hydroton is half filled with water .. and then the rockwhool clones are put on top... just make sure that the rockwool is not in water. drill some holes on the tube for air...

now all you have to worry about is keeping that rez half filled with ro water.. spray the inside of the dome and the plants when you can.... at least every 10 hours... shit i spray the dome all the time... but i kick it in the garage smoking allot ya dig?

hehhee... 10 days.. roots come out... then plant into what you want..soil... hydroton... aero... whatever... anyway man... i recommend this rooting hormon... its pretty cheap.. like 7 bucks... and it will last you for a long time... its liquid so you dont have to worry about it rubbing off when you push into rockwool like with gels...