How to build lightweigt wall

Uk brah and that’s 2nd hand lol there $150 new lol did my roof out almost killed me
Where are they that price? Is it 150mm - 6" thick?
A 4 x 8 x 1" thick sheet celotexgeneral purpose PIR Insulation board is only £17.39...... including VAT
Where are they that price? Is it 150mm - 6" thick?
A 4 x 8 x 1" thick sheet celotexgeneral purpose PIR Insulation board is only £17.39...... including VAT
Where the hell from
This is any local hardware store here I am looking at 50mm though

thins are 17 yes but will need 6 lol
Where the hell from
This is any local hardware store here I am looking at 50mm though

thins are 17 yes but will need 6 lol
I suppose it depends where you are in the country.

I suppose it depends where you are in the country.

That was nice of you to source for him. Hopefully he'll be able to buy what he needs.
Yeah, everything has gone up, not doubled. That's just crazy talk.
Sure keep telling your self that. I know it has doubled. For example I paid 225 a ton for coal and now paying 450 so yeah that’s over double. Gas has also doubled but I’m glad you’re not paying double. Maybe I should move to your area lol
Talkin doubled what about hardwood beech ply I was paying £25 a sheet…and this year started at £145 and is currently 45 a sheet I stil refuse to pay that dang

will pir board it I think best option