The Junk Drawer

this is very close to what we had in the "company" living room (we had a family room in the basement, didn't use the "company" living room unless we had company...)

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but ours was a little nicer as i recall, a little more stuffed, had a different coffee table, with end tables, and one of the chairs was a recliner...
i know it came from Ethan Allen, i had to sit in the damn showroom while my mom took hours picking the shit out...

My aunt and uncle had a similar set in the 70s- hard to believe that was Ethan Allen.
Sorry, but pineapple and regular bacon, it's my favorite combo..none of that Canadian stuff that's supposed to be bacon..this is now a bacon thread:lol:

Bacon Chocolate Chip Vanilla Ice Cream Sandwich

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when it comes to pizza I am New York Orthodox. There are eight canonical toppings, and pineapple is simply of the Devil.
when it comes to pizza I am New York Orthodox. There are eight canonical toppings, and pineapple is simply of the Devil.

Have you had ravioli or lasagna pizza?' There's a spot in town that basically takes any main meal and turns it into pizza. Another spot I stopped by had special for Thanksgiving..smoked turkey, stuffing, green beans, cranberry and gravy..too close to the holiday.
Have you had ravioli or lasagna pizza?' There's a spot in town that basically takes any main meal and turns it into pizza. Another spot I stopped by had special for Thanksgiving..smoked turkey, stuffing, green beans, cranberry and gravy..too close to the holiday.
can’t say I have. I did once make a pizza torte - fourteen crêpes with pizza-y layers in between. Fed me for days, that did.
Loved Summer Heights High with Chris Lilley..I haven't seen Ja'mie Private School Girl yet.
Never heard of it but i googled it and it sounds pretty racist. "Netflix removed from its streaming service due to the use of blackface and brownface in the portrayal of characters"
Never heard of it but i googled it and it sounds pretty racist. "Netflix removed from its streaming service due to the use of blackface and brownface in the portrayal of characters"

Go to YT I'm sure there's episodes there.

Can't speak to Ja'mie but Summer Heights High was about ummmmm, high school in Australia..I used to watch it with my 20-something daughter. Funny because the comedian played several of the parts and he would always nail it.

A fond memory of time spent with my child..nothing racist or nefarious about it. We don't all keep black people.
They were only looking ahead 30 years! The computer and subsequent digital, internet and cellphone age evolved in that time span and blind-sided most people even those in the industry, Bill Gates thought nobody would need more than a megabyte of RAM! I remember my first 286 with a meg of ram and a 40-megabyte hard drive and DOS! Years before I had a Vic-20 and programed in peeks and pokes!

Did you hear that Teletype hammering out shit in your kitchen? Fuck that put that shit somewhere else + I had to look at DOS a horrendous reminder of my coding days and typing ahead of the prompts because it was so slow..i hated that job think I was about 20-22. I find the electro static entry way of interest wonder if something like that would be useful in pandemic protection? Probably not or we would've done reminds me of the thing stores have to keep doors open, bugs out.
Did you hear that Teletype hammering out shit in your kitchen? Fuck that put that shit somewhere else + I had to look at DOS a horrendous reminder of my coding days and typing ahead of the prompts because it was so slow..i hated that job think I was about 20-22. I find the electro static entry way of interest wonder if something like that would be useful in pandemic protection? Probably not or we would've done reminds me of the thing stores have to keep doors open, bugs out.
I once had a big dot matrix bought used and had it hooked up to the 286 to print signs and banners with, as a little side gig back in the day. Ordered wide color tractor paper in different colors with no breaks by the roll and laminated it in plastic if required. I used to reink my own cartridges with sunfast black ink, it printed really big fonts and could print line graphics and logos on signs too in graphics mode. The signs looked pretty good too and I made a few bucks on the side for a while. If I wanted to get serious about it, I would have bought a plotter with a knife and cut vinyl with the computer to lay on any substrate as most places do these days.