Elons Little Plan

It became pretty clear when he suggested Ukraine negotiate because his gift of LarStink was starting to cost a few million.

Everybody: What?
L: $20,000,000 a month, this is costing me!
E: Your operating costs suddenly went up THAT MUCH because Ukraine?
L: NO, fool, every month I don’t get paid my $20,000,000, IT’S COSTING ME $20,000,000!!!
E: ….
L: What?
E: Are your operating expenses being met?
L: …what?
E: Are you covering expenses and making a profit?
L: ….
E: If you can keep running and still make money what *EXACTLY* is the point of trying to extort your money now, instead of - I don’t know, WAITING ‘TIL THE WAR IS OVER?
L: ….
E: You know, *after* you’ve banked a TON of good will for not being exactly *THIS* asshole & are in a GREAT negotiating position?
L: ….
E: ….
L: Hey, look! Blue checks are only $8 now - supply is limited, so order now!
E: ….

Everybody: What?
L: $20,000,000 a month, this is costing me!
E: Your operating costs suddenly went up THAT MUCH because Ukraine?
L: NO, fool, every month I don’t get paid my $20,000,000, IT’S COSTING ME $20,000,000!!!
E: ….
L: What?
E: Are your operating expenses being met?
L: …what?
E: Are you covering expenses and making a profit?
L: ….
E: If you can keep running and still make money what *EXACTLY* is the point of trying to extort your money now, instead of - I don’t know, WAITING ‘TIL THE WAR IS OVER?
L: ….
E: You know, *after* you’ve banked a TON of good will for not being exactly *THIS* asshole & are in a GREAT negotiating position?
L: ….
E: ….
L: Hey, look! Blue checks are only $8 now - supply is limited, so order now!
E: ….
yeah, its amazing how selectively unperceptive people can be. usually that selective unperceptiveness occurs when they try to practice some self examination...or when they should be trying to practice self examination...
I've never seen Tik Tok. I think I decided not to view it because of some nefarious reason that I don't honestly remember.

Should I check it out?
I've never seen Tik Tok. I think I decided not to view it because of some nefarious reason that I don't honestly remember.

Should I check it out?
it's like a lot of other places, there is some good content, some people are very talented, very funny...but there is of course the trolls and pushers of agendas...just use caution, like you would on any other site.
my old lady watches this guy name officer udy or oody? his daughter is the devil, but he's pretty damn funny...
Lol, somewhere MySpace is like "my time is NOW!!!! 140 characters of angsty poetry coming right up!"

It's been silly watching this whole saga unfold. The firing people and then having to ask them to come back is hilarious, have seen that happen before and it's a bad sign of things to come.
Lol, somewhere MySpace is like "my time is NOW!!!! 140 characters of angsty poetry coming right up!"

It's been silly watching this whole saga unfold. The firing people and then having to ask them to come back is hilarious, have seen that happen before and it's a bad sign of things to come.
it's a sign of someone who does not employ analytical thinking, who is a poor planner, who doesn't wait till they have facts in hand before acting...that doesn't bode well for twitter, tesla, starlink, or anything else poor little rich boy is currently running into the ground...
That's long been my argument against buying a tesla. What happens when his dumb ass blows up the company and you can't get your shit fixed. There aren't a bunch of independent tesla mechanics. I'm a bit grumpy as I'm going on two months of their solar panels not working. Tech came out and insisted it was fixed...no...no it was not. Wtf do you do when there's an issue with you charger thing at home.

That first tesla was pretty sweet, I haven't heard the same sort of rave reviews for the others.