How about (c) there are so many people out there who constantly spout off misinformation that continually correcting all of you would be like trying to empty the ocean with a thimble.
Oh my! Well, thank you for stooping down to our level and pointing out my "5 factual errors"... maybe I can learn something from you!
1) "But anyone involved in national power and politics who still thinks marijuana should be illegal is corrupt. Period. End of fucking story."
There are legitimate reasons for not supporting the legalization of marijuana, although I don't necessarily agree with them. For one, the public is generally not behind it, parents don't want their kids to have easy access to weed, etc. Obama was trying to win after all, plus he had to fight the negative image of being a pot smoker when he was younger, supporting the legalization of weed would get him branded a pothead, not an image he'd want to have, and he'd probably lose.
This statement of mine was an *opinion*, not a statement of fact. You should learn the difference before being so accusatory.
There are ignorant people who have been mislead by anti-weed propaganda, but ignorance is not a "legitimate reason" to criminalize something. It is a negligent, stupid reason. Besides... Obama is not ignorant anyway. He is powerful and high up enough to know the facts about marijuana and the lobbies that want it illegal. And he is willing to jail people in order to win political power (and money from the lobbies). Your excuse for him that "after all, he was trying to win," just emphasizes how corrupt his soul is. You be ashamed. Seriously.
Anyway... My "factual errors" count: 0. If you think my opinion was wrong, well then, so be it.
2) "During the primary campaign, he promised to take public campaign financing (with its spending limits). He even signed a statement to that effect."
He promised to work with John McCain to agree to public financing. Although this is kind of underhanded, it gave him an out without technically lying.
Asked last September on a questionnaire from the Midwest Democracy Network whether he would "participate in the presidential public financing system" if his "major opponents agree to forgo private funding in the general election campaign," Obama checked the box marked "yes." See
He also said, ""If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election." See
McCain agreed to forgo private funding, and Obama didn't. That was lie number one (first quote above). Also, he never once pursued an agreement to preserve public financing with McCain. That was lie number two.
Those are facts, my friend, and you simply have them wrong. All I did to find these quotes was google: obama said he would take public financing. It was that easy. For you to say "getting your facts straight is not a high priority" and then bumble the facts so badly is quite ironic.
So... my factual error count: still 0.
3) "In another example, Obama said he could never disown his fiery, black pastor and spiritual mentor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. That particular promise came when he was fighting the Clintons for the black vote during the Democratic primaries. Then, just a few short months later, when facing McCain for the white vote, Obama condemned Wright and announced he was leaving his church family."
He didn't "disown" his pastor, he left the church, saying that he didn't want them to have all this unwanted publicity. Also, he did that during the primary, and he already had the black vote locked up, so there was no reason for him not to leave sooner.
The definition of "disown" is: "To refuse to acknowledge or accept as one's own; repudiate." He is not related to Wright, so his statement that he would never disown him had nothing to do with family relationships as we commonly use the word. It had to do with accepting him not as a father, but as his pastor. That is what Wright was. The relationship between them was pastor/member. Obama first said he could never disown him (end the relationship), then he both repudiated him and ended the relationship.
If you don't think repudiating Wright and ending his relationship with him amounts to "disowning"... then we'll just have to disagree.
And Obama was a sure win in the primarys by the time he disowned Wright. He was not a sure win when he said he would never disown him.
For proof of that, see above that he disowned him in June, and see the following timeline, which shows that by June Clinton's supporters were telling her to drop out because Obama was a sure win.,_2008_timeline#June_2008
My factual errors count? Still 0.
4) "or ends our need of foreign oil within 10 years (yes, he promised that)"
He promised to end our need of "Middle Eastern oil". We'd still be able to buy oil from Canada, Mexico, etc.
I'll grant you that one. Forgive me, but I tend to think of "foreign oil" as Middle Eastern oil, since that is where most of our foreign oil comes from. I'll grant you that "factual error" since you are being so damn picky (and I feel sorry for you).
I guess 5 is just a repeat of 1 though.
Anyway, it's pretty clear you are the one who doesn't have high priorities as far as factual accuracy is concerned. In fact, your own post is above your two error threshold for responding, so I suggest you stick to your principals and stop writing in this thread. (Just kidding...

). Thanks for trying though... I'll be sure to say "Middle Eastern" oil from now on... I seriously do appreciate the correction.
Hopefully next time you'll stoop down to my pitifully low intellectual level sooner, since my one factual error is well below the maximum you'll put up with in a post.
(By the way, I just want to be clear, I think McCain is a corrupt liar too... I'm not making excuses for either of these assholes.)