Well-Known Member
I'll never vote for anyone who thinks marijuana should remain illegal for recreational purposes. That has less to do with my love of pot and more to do with my hatred of corrupt liars in office.
Anyone who is high up in politics and power and thinks that cannabis should remain illegal is corrupt. Sure, there are plenty of ignorant people who buy the propaganda of the DEA and the "Partnership for a Drug Free America". But anyone involved in national power and politics who still thinks marijuana should be illegal is corrupt. Period. End of fucking story.
All these promises Obama has made are bullshit, as we'll come to see in the years ahead. Obama came making promises of change and hope, but if he is willing to lie to us for money, votes, and power... then he fundamentally is quite the same as the President he is replacing. And if you still think he hasn't lied to us, read on.
During the primary campaign, he promised to take public campaign financing (with its spending limits). He even signed a statement to that effect. How much stronger of a promise can you make? Yet just a few months later, when faced with a pile of money if he'd only break his promise, and having won all the votes in the primaries that he needed from that promise, he went back on his word. His excuse was that the "system is broken" (as if the decades old system wasn't broken a few months earlier when he made his promise). In another example, Obama said he could never disown his fiery, black pastor and spiritual mentor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. That particular promise came when he was fighting the Clintons for the black vote during the Democratic primaries. Then, just a few short months later, when facing McCain for the white vote, Obama condemned Wright and announced he was leaving his church family.
This is the man of principle and we're supposed to hope in to bring change from "politics as usual"? Why should we believe a word this man says when, just like Bush, he is willing to lie to us for money, votes, and power? Again, anyone who is high up in politics and power and thinks that cannabis should remain illegal is corrupt. Period.
Let me know when Barack Obama gets the last of our boys and girls out of Iraq, or does what it takes to catch Bin Laden, or reigns in federal spending, or ends our need of foreign oil within 10 years (yes, he promised that), or stops the DEA from enforcing prohibition era hemp laws against state medical cannabis patients (he promised that too... very early in his campaign, when he needed all the "grass"roots support he could get). Let me know when these things happen, and I guess I'll eat crow. But what we're more likely to see is just further payouts going into the hands of the powerful banks and corporate entities that control the wealth in *both* major political parties. Besides that, very little is going to change.
One promise we know he'll fulfill is that tax break for most Americans. As with Bush's "stimulus checks", he knows he has to pay us off to get re-elected in 4 years. But we won't see much substantial change besides that, and until we stop electing liars to the most important office in the land, we probably never will.
Anyone who is high up in politics and power and thinks that cannabis should remain illegal is corrupt. Sure, there are plenty of ignorant people who buy the propaganda of the DEA and the "Partnership for a Drug Free America". But anyone involved in national power and politics who still thinks marijuana should be illegal is corrupt. Period. End of fucking story.
All these promises Obama has made are bullshit, as we'll come to see in the years ahead. Obama came making promises of change and hope, but if he is willing to lie to us for money, votes, and power... then he fundamentally is quite the same as the President he is replacing. And if you still think he hasn't lied to us, read on.
During the primary campaign, he promised to take public campaign financing (with its spending limits). He even signed a statement to that effect. How much stronger of a promise can you make? Yet just a few months later, when faced with a pile of money if he'd only break his promise, and having won all the votes in the primaries that he needed from that promise, he went back on his word. His excuse was that the "system is broken" (as if the decades old system wasn't broken a few months earlier when he made his promise). In another example, Obama said he could never disown his fiery, black pastor and spiritual mentor, the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. That particular promise came when he was fighting the Clintons for the black vote during the Democratic primaries. Then, just a few short months later, when facing McCain for the white vote, Obama condemned Wright and announced he was leaving his church family.
This is the man of principle and we're supposed to hope in to bring change from "politics as usual"? Why should we believe a word this man says when, just like Bush, he is willing to lie to us for money, votes, and power? Again, anyone who is high up in politics and power and thinks that cannabis should remain illegal is corrupt. Period.
Let me know when Barack Obama gets the last of our boys and girls out of Iraq, or does what it takes to catch Bin Laden, or reigns in federal spending, or ends our need of foreign oil within 10 years (yes, he promised that), or stops the DEA from enforcing prohibition era hemp laws against state medical cannabis patients (he promised that too... very early in his campaign, when he needed all the "grass"roots support he could get). Let me know when these things happen, and I guess I'll eat crow. But what we're more likely to see is just further payouts going into the hands of the powerful banks and corporate entities that control the wealth in *both* major political parties. Besides that, very little is going to change.
One promise we know he'll fulfill is that tax break for most Americans. As with Bush's "stimulus checks", he knows he has to pay us off to get re-elected in 4 years. But we won't see much substantial change besides that, and until we stop electing liars to the most important office in the land, we probably never will.
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