Cal Mag

Buy a cheap bag of Epsom Salts. Buy a cheap bag of Calcium Chloride. Add a a teaspoon of each to 5L of water, let them dissolve. You now have a calmag solution.
It depends on not only the base nutrients, but also what medium you're using. Growing in coco? --you'll want to have CalMag on hand, but may not need it. Most soil grows, depending on the health of the soil and, again, base nutes used, you may need it but less likely in soil.

I used GH CaliMagiC and have mixed it with at least 2 other brands of nutrients, and it worked just fine
Like has been said already, it's going to depend on the nutrients you use as to whether you need it or not. I've been growing for decades and have never used calmag.
I hope I never have an issue. I just read that some people use it for prevention to not have trouble in the future.