New and Improved TnT Foodie thread


Musubi. I wouldn’t eat the hot dog version but the egg or eel versions hit the spot on a cold day.

Is that a good looking cow or what… cow with big horns. Rare breed (Brandrode) held on small patrimonies/estates, raised on organic food, happy cows who got to watch their offspring grow up. Getting one next week. Not a whole cow but a good chunk of it. Turned into sausages, burgers, steaks, stew, bouillon etc by oldskool butcher and a chef from estate’s restaurant. Profits go to keeping that breed’s population alive and healthy. Per portion only slightly more expensive than meat from major grocery chain, quality should be uncomparable.
man, i'd drive down to wherever you got the pizza you put up pics from over dominos any day of the week. those slices and deep dish looked really good.
No shit man. That stuff was freakin awesome. I had it Tuesday, Wednesday, and yesterday, lol. I have to go back down there this coming Tuesday, so I'm gonna try to go back and grab a couple more pizzas. Pizzas are 50% off Tuesday-Thursday from 2-3pm. I'm gonna try that Hawaiian with the cream cheese soon, :lol:.