
That is where I do not necessarily agree. Do you know Kahn’s nuclear crisis escalation ladder? I found out and read about it just days ago. Unless Russia’s opening play is massive (in the estimation of our strategic warfare pros) we ought to be able to call the meeting to order with conventional strikes.

Bottom line: I think Russia using a battlefield-scale nuke or three is not obligatory total (strategic exchange type) war.
What it certainly is, is a probable guarantee of Nato ending the current Russian regime. Even then we want to leave paths open for phased stand-down by a certainly frightened command structure. All jmo
I'm familiar with it, but is Vlad and does he care? We will see, Joe is the right man at the right time for this shit, he has experience and is still pretty sharp. So far, they've been two moves ahead of Vlad after a slow start in backing Ukraine to the hilt.
Just my style sometimes, I'd be recommending on an obscure pot forum with a limited readership and no movers and shakers among them. I don't post on Twitter and seldom on FB.
I have no presence on either. Now for the crackling noises coming from my offended dignity by that characterization,
(bubbling inhalation noises; suppressed cough)

In a month Vlad will be fit to be tied, especially if he loses 25K troops captured in Kherson and much of their equipment. There appear to be enough munitions stacked up around the railheads and supply depots to keep their tanks and Russian guns going for a while and the western arms keep coming and will increase if Vlad is playing with chemicals.

Winter will not be kind to the Russians remaining in Ukraine, I don't think it will stop the Ukrainians from killing them. I think ending it quickly might be the best solution, cause a collapse of the Russians in Ukraine ASAP, cut Vlad off at the knees and blow his rail lines into Ukraine. If he uses a nuke, it will be out of spite and vengeance, but his army will be cut off in Ukraine and trapped inside Russia.


Will military failure collapse the Russian regime?
174,533 views Oct 6, 2022 "Ukrainians have momentum and initiative. This is putting major pressure on the Russian regime, which is pointing blame everywhere."

Battlefield failure in Ukraine is putting massive pressure on Putin politically, former defence attaché to Russia Peter Zwack tells #timesradio .

Will military failure collapse the Russian regime?
174,533 views Oct 6, 2022 "Ukrainians have momentum and initiative. This is putting major pressure on the Russian regime, which is pointing blame everywhere."

Battlefield failure in Ukraine is putting massive pressure on Putin politically, former defence attaché to Russia Peter Zwack tells #timesradio .
As soon as they got to the frontline I bunch of conscripted prisoners turned on the regular soldiers they were assigned to and robbed them and absconded with their weapons & vehicles....lol
Can't trust those criminals
As soon as they got to the frontline I bunch of conscripted prisoners turned on the regular soldiers they were assigned to and robbed them and absconded with their weapons & vehicles....lol
Can't trust those criminals
It's a complete shit show and is gonna collapse under the strain, WTF does that do for morale to have a bunch of brigands roaming the battlefield, they won't last long with both sides gunning for them! Ya fight for yer buddies and the Russians have no cohesive units left, they already lost the equivalent of the entire invasion force they started with. Soon they will lose more than 20 or 30 BTGs of men and equipment in the south and that will upset the balance of forces. Using the river as a defensive line they can head south to the sea of Azov further east. The Russians at the nuclear power plant and in Donbas will have to come out from behind their defenses to try and stop them, while getting squeezed from the north by the Ukrainians in Luhansk. If they were smart, they would land special forces at that nuclear power station when the Russians bugged out. They would have to try and stop the Ukrainians from getting to the coast and cutting their logistics to the southern front and dividing them while threatening the bridge at Kerch and a critcal rail junction in northern Crimea by HIMARS
It's a complete shit show and is gonna collapse under the strain, WTF does that do for morale to have a bunch of brigands roaming the battlefield, they won't last long with both sides gunning for them! Ya fight for yer buddies and the Russians have no cohesive units left, they already lost the equivalent of the entire invasion force they started with. Soon they will lose more than 20 or 30 BTGs of men and equipment in the south and that will upset the balance of forces. Using the river as a defensive line they can head south to the sea of Azov further east. The Russians at the nuclear power plant and in Donbas will have to come out from behind their defenses to try and stop them, while getting squeezed from the north by the Ukrainians in Luhansk. If they were smart, they would land special forces at that nuclear power station when the Russians bugged out. They would have to try and stop the Ukrainians from getting to the coast and cutting their logistics to the southern front and dividing them while threatening the bridge at Kerch and a critcal rail junction in northern Crimea by HIMARS
Due to the possibility of the loss of American support after the November elections time is of the essence to get as much done as possible by the end of the year. Ukraine needs to keep pushing now for all they've got.

Resistance to Putin by ordinary Russians: the rail war and the activation of the opposition
231,326 views Oct 6, 2022 Associates of the Russian opposition leader Aleksei Navalny announced the resumption of the work of the politician's headquarters in Russia. They plan to start an active struggle against Putin’s regime, war and mobilization. The network of contacts will be created anew. According to information from open sources, more than 50 organized groups of ‘railway resistance’ have been operating in Russia since the start of a full-scale war. Hundreds of acts of sabotage take place all over the country. Our correspondent found out how the underground guerilla is gaining momentum in Russia.
Due to the possibility of the loss of American support after the November elections time is of the essence to get as much done as possible by the end of the year. Ukraine needs to keep pushing now for all they've got.
Maybe Vlad is hanging on until the election, if the republicans lose the house, he gives up and leaves Ukraine, then is killed. :lol: