
A retired soldier friend of mine posted this:
"Ukraine offers cash rewards for those who surrender their equipment, with specific amounts last April for aircraft ($USD1,000,000), helicopters ($USD500,000), tanks ($USD100,000) and other equipment. The rates have gone up, such that the 3 Russian soldiers surrendering in this video clip will each share $USD250,000.
In addition to this cash reward these will be given favourable treatment and offered Ukrainian citizenship to protect them against Putin's vengeance. For those who elect to return to Russia in a prisoner exchange, Ukraine will list them as "captured" rather than "surrendered" to protect them again reprisals by Putin."

That's a good pay day for Russians surrendering. Smart tactic. From Pawn to riches.
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Carpet-bombing by the acre…this bodes well for the future of conflict

Well that is how you use Grad rocket artillery and Ukranian positions must look like that a lot too. They are not very precise, but each vehicle shoots 40 rockets. A battery shoots 240 rockets and we might use three batteries on a target area to erase all troops on it.

Imagine being where these land...

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It’s prelude to a hard-line crackdown In Belorus…what’s so great about that?
It could spark a revolution or coup, they been under a hardline crackdown for years and there are plenty of Belarussians in Ukraine getting trained and experienced. If Vlad doesn't nuke us all, it will be the next domino to fall, Lukashenko is not popular and the only reason he is in power is because of a large Russian internal security force stationed there. If they are cracking down harder, it means they are worried, Russia is coming apart at the seams so those security forces might be needed there. The army basically mutinied when ordered into Ukraine earlier in the war and there was sabotage on the railways over it. This guy is right, Ukraine and Poland want his ass and if he fucks up, they will have it.
Of course, people are gonna want personal payback FFS, in the aftermath of such a war these kinds of people are regularly slain. WW2 might have ended with the surrender, but the legal and extra-legal executions never stopped and went on for years as war criminals and quislings were hunted down. It's not legal, but in the immediate aftermath of a battle the authorities will sometimes turn a blind eye to some crimes, they are only human too. The cops can't be everywhere in a battle zone and are looking for Russian war criminals and collaborators, unless someone else finds them first. They conducted mass executions and torture a box of gold dental crowns and teeth was found FFS and whoever had it probably didn't live long.


It's just sickening. The Russians are targeting civilians. They are terrorists no different than ISIS. The Russian people should be ashamed of themselves for supporting this terrorist act that pootin called a special operation. So many are completely brainwashed by propaganda and some pathetic belief that they're defending the Motherland. Their Motherland is a terrorist nation.

Russia is a third world nation. There will be no glory for Russia. It's a pariah. Until the Russian people rise up and take their country back from the corrupt officials then they are complicit in the vile acts that Russia is committing.
I have no doubt there is a clandestine war happening too and one of the fronts is in Belarus, Ukraine, Poland and the Baltic states see their chance and it would make Kaliningrad untenable for the Russians. Vlad freaking out in "incandescent rage" according to some reports and is causing concern, as the writing on the wall becomes clearer as the walls close in!

They already tried that shit and the army already refused a suicide mission for Vlad and it would invite an invasion of Belarus. They would rather have a coup and join with Ukraine and Poland, than be invaded by them after invading Ukraine. They also know that there is a Belarussian guerilla army trained, equipped and experienced in Ukraine who will be coming home. They might want to ally with them, or they will end up fighting them. Belarus has a small army that has been stripped bare of ammo and supplies by Russia for its war in Ukraine.

You can understand how countries like Iran or Ukraine can mass produce cheap drones if you know how the airframes are constructed. They are made from foam, molded and cut with a hot wire, then they are laminated by spaying on fiberglass & resin and using fiberglass tape for reinforcement. They use fiberglass, balsawood, or nonconductive carbon fiber for spars and any structure required. Power is provided by a cheap 2- or 4-cylinder gas engine.

The weak links for a country under sanctions are the Electonics that guide and control it, however, even a cellphone could be adapted to do some of it and RC hobby parts like flight control computers can be used too. You can fly an RC plane low to the ground an unlimited distance from the controller using a 4G cellphone connection now. You fly via cellphone network with a data dongle in the plane, so if there's cellphone service, your cruise missile might be in business.

they're getting closer to the real solution...Shoigu should shoot PUTIN...in the head...several times. and then withdraw every single russian soldier from Ukraine, and start talks about reaparations, and surrendering war criminals.
anything else is just going to bring more pain to russia AND Ukraine
Someone there suggested the same thing to Putin I saw. They fucked themselves and now know it, the magnitude of their Blunder will eventually be fatal to them, and they are now fighting for mere survival, Vlad and those who depend on him for money and power are panicking. Drafting the male population and trying to send them untrained and unequipped into a shit show organization that might starve them before it gets them killed, was a serious mistake. They might not care about Ukraine, but they care about their own asses. Information and news travels fast these days with cellphones and the internet, even in Russia, they know what awaits them in the Russian army, such that it is.

With the rewards the Ukrainians are offering for equipment, the first move of the criminals being sent to Ukraine is to steal equipment at gun point from Russian soldiers and cash in and they are organizing to do it as news of the money and sanctuary in the west spreads. The Ukrainians will make sure they are informed online and when they hit Ukraine!

Ukraine: Russian forces are 'falling apart' around Kherson
810,964 views Oct 6, 2022 A former advisor to the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense believes "rout" is the right word to describe Russian forces around Kherson.

Lieutenant Colonel (Ret'd) Glen Grant has told Forces News he believes the Ukrainians have gained a clear upper hand in the war against Russia.

"They are just falling apart," he said of the Russian aggressors who are, in some areas, making a disorderly retreat.
Russian propaganda on Twitter. Ukraine has a population of over 40 million and I doubt they lost 20K soldiers in this war. Many were territorials, older guys who manned the trenches during the dark days of spring in the east, while younger fitter men trained and prepared for eventual offensive operations. Western allies are training more replacements than are being KIA or wounded, in addition to the Ukrainians training efforts. The only limitations are on helmets and body armor supplies, volunteers are plentiful, so I imagine standards can be high for the regular army.

They must be desperate and looking for morons or magat retweets with this math whiz of a post.


Putin may use bio-weapons as a precursor to nuclear
17,048 views Oct 7, 2022 "Russia can't defeat Ukraine on the battlefield, so they've resorted to more missile strikes on towns and cities."

The result? Ukrainians shell-shocked and parts of liberated Ukraine left without water, electricity or internet, says reporter Askold Krushelnycky from Kyiv.
Returning more Russian lend lease, a typical heavy mortar team, they hide from incoming in a bunker and seem pretty static. These guys use commercial drones and tablets to watch the fall of shot on their targets and problems to solve are called in by the guys at the front, unless a drone spots them first.

Mortars Vs. Artillery: Ukrainian Crews Fire Captured Shells Back At Russians
11,003 views Oct 7, 2022 A Ukrainian mortar battery provides cover for their infantry on the front line in eastern Ukraine. They fire dozens of shells per day, including some captured from Russian forces. They aim at targets up to 7 kilometers away, the maximum range, as longer-range Russian artillery hits back at them.