Once that happens the Ukrainians might head for Moscow looking for Vlad's ass, unless the Russians get it first. The first hint of nukes will cause a mass exodus from Moscow and St, Petersburg that will make the draft dodger's exodus from Russia look minuscule as the populations of the cities panic.
I consider that a first step.
The recruiting offices are overflowing with men, but the ladies want a crack at them too! Many are medics and the bravest of all, they are cherished by their units and especially the wounded. I remember at the beginning of the war 400K expatriate Ukranian men working abroad returned to fight and the number probably doubled since then, compare that to the estimated 700K who left Russia to avoid the war.
The recruiting offices are overflowing with men, but the ladies want a crack at them too! Many are medics and the bravest of all, they are cherished by their units and especially the wounded. I remember at the beginning of the war 400K expatriate Ukranian men working abroad returned to fight and the number probably doubled since then, compare that to the estimated 700K who left Russia to avoid the war.
Say in a couple of months 100K Russians are killed, 3 times that seriously wounded and a 100K are prisoners in Ukraine. Someone must be thinking of blowing up the rail bridges inside Russia on the 10 rail routes into Ukraine. It would cut off the Russians there already forcing their surrender and trap Vlad's conscript army in Russia. The Ukrainians are negotiating a target list with Uncle Sam for ATACMs, and it would be a no brainer for a strategic target. It would in effect stop the war and leave large numbers of pissed off armed Russian conscripts trapped inside Russia near Moscow.
He's been getting a lot of that, and I think it might be making an impression on the master of the universe.Oh yeah before i forget …. Fuck Elon Musk
it's there attention to detail...Some of the finest snipers are women.
They also learned shoulder fired missiles suck.they learned the wrong things. They controlled the narrative to some extent, but more importantly, they had geography on their side. Most of Afghanistan was isolated by the terrain, which meant that the Russians could dictate the pace of their expenditure there.
They have none of that in Ukraine. They made gains in ‘14, a thing they are not achieving now. The terrain does not give them a much-needed time out, and Ukraine has so far been able to hold them to a “die this way, or die that way” operational tempo.
The one real revelation of the conflict so far is what a paper tiger the Russian army has turned out to be. This raises fears of nukes, but in my decidedly unprofessional opinion, a nuclear use would put Russia from the frying pan into the fire, turning the outcome from an empire-ender into a nation-ender.
If there will be negotiations, Ukraine will be participating from a position of unquestionable, if not necessarily unquestioned, strength.
I don't follow much of the Ukraine war. Its become back ground news here and has been for awhile.Some red meat for you guys:
It's a different veiwpoint. Chomsky says the US is preventing Ukraine and Russia from reaching a settlement and because of that, we are making global warming worse. (or something like that). He also says that the people of Europe (especially France and Germany) oppose intervention in the Russo-Ukraine war. Also that UK is a lackey of the US. Prashad echoes Chomsky's claim that in March, Russia and Ukraine had reached an acceptable settlement but US said no. He goes on to say the US is blocking negotiations. And, arms spending is $2 T, while the UN budget is $2B. That might be true but I don't know what point he's making.
Anyway, the link provides a good snapshot of what @Lucky Luke will be saying over the next week or so.
If Vlad pulls his dick out on the battlefield using nukes - one would think that his own ragtag psuedo-soldiers would also become nuclear fodder. Push button / scorched earth / russian moms told boys are missing. The fallout patterns have been computer modeled for radioactive drift - right up russia’s noses at worst.
How would he plan to “ occupy “ a dead zone ?
I mentioned before he is a table flipper - cause massive infrastructure damage that ripples down to economic , security and other interconnected targets.
He is already a marked man with the wartime atrocities accumulating daily , so the cornered rat is totally capable of a royal fuckup.
Even North Korea is firing over japan.