
Lol I am exceedingly familiar with the M777, it's variants, along with how artillery battery's operate.
Forward observers embedded with units, com guys, and drones typically send in most coordinates. No one is doing 25km direct fires with the battery commander calling in the missions.
Well, the guys on the ground are worried about something overhead spotting them for a variety of things, I imagine the smaller drones would be used with mortars in tactical close in situations and the military drones would take care of the longer-range artillery fire. The Ukrainians have developed their own electronic fire control system that is reported to be very good. I would also assume no modern artillery spotter team would be without drones these days.
Well, the guys on the ground are worried about something overhead spotting them for a variety of things, I imagine the smaller drones would be used with mortars in tactical close in situations and the military drones would take care of the longer-range artillery fire. The Ukrainians have developed their own electronic fire control system that is reported to be very good. I would also assume no modern artillery spotter team would be without drones these days.
Yes, and that gets fed to the FDC which is then relayed to the gun line.
The M777 isn't a mortar.
Yes, and that gets fed to the FDC which is then relayed to the gun line.
The M777 isn't a mortar.
I guess the main point is the M777 and the longer range 155mm stuff, is very accurate at extreme ranges, provided they have the targeting data, compared to the soviet stuff, which is probably worn out by now. Military drones provide that data day or night, and they can simply out range the Russian stuff, while firing from widely separated points with fast step and bugout, shoot and scoot capabilities. All networked together with an electronic fire control and targeting system, modern as opposed to what the Russians are using. The guns are calibrated with much greater accuracy and that is maintained with proper maintenance. The Russians on the other hand are a mess.
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ooowwweeeooo....(creepy twilight zone noises)...
Well Uncle Sam is coming through with more M777, double the number and they come with maintenance and tube changeouts. More of everything in fact, every time Vlad makes nuclear noises it just seems to get worse for him. His many enemies are piling on now that he's down, he earned every one of them!
ooowwweeeooo....(creepy twilight zone noises)...
I'm kinda interested in the negotiations over ATACMs and the proposed Ukrainian target list between Uncle Sam and the Ukrainians, I can think of a few that would fuck the Russians in Ukraine and make it impossible to send more. The Ukrainians made an offer and provided a list for consideration. If I'm guessing right one of the purposes of these weapons would be to take out Russian rail transport, their dependency on it is obvious and they can't project power without it. So, if Uncle Sam was planning on fighting the Russians in Europe, he would have lots of different means to affect this.
I guess the main point is the M777 and the longer range 155mm stuff, is very accurate at extreme ranges, provided they have the targeting data, compared to the soviet stuff, which is probably worn out by now. Military drones provide that data day or night, and they can simply out range the Russian stuff, while firing from widely separated points with fast step and bugout, shoot and scoot capabilities. All networked together with an electronic fire control and targeting system, modern as opposed to what the Russians are using. The guns are calibrated with much greater accuracy and that is maintained with proper maintenance. The Russians on the other hand are a mess.
100% this
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Returning Russian lend lease, they could end up with more of this shit than the Russians will be left with! It might even be worth refurbishing it and making ammo, it could equip the reserve forces or be given away to Vlad's many enemies and neighbors and would be as good as what the Russians will have for a long time. Keep them pinned and hemmed in for a decade with their own soviet made weapons provided at their expense.

'Let Them Feel The Force Of Their Own Weapon': Ukrainians Fire Captured Russian Artillery
86,050 views Oct 5, 2022 The Ukrainian Army's 93rd Mechanized Brigade is using a captured self-propelled howitzer, a 2S5 Giatsint-S, to hit back against Moscow's forces with their own shells. Several were captured after the retreat by Russian troops from the Kharkiv region during a sweeping Ukrainian counteroffensive.
A blunder that would exceed Vlad's by invading Ukraine, who would chew through them pretty fast with territorials alone. There would soon be a new regime in Belarus and an even bigger front for Vlad to cover while Poland strains at the NATO leash! Nobody is afraid of the big bad bear now, or his little buddy that he stripped of equipment and ammo for the war in Ukraine! If they are buying junk from North Korea, they've already stripped Belarus bare.

Ukrainian Forces Prepare For Potential Attack By Belarus
26,016 views Oct 5, 2022 The Ukrainian Army, National Guard, and State Border Guard Service have been conducting joint exercises near the border with Belarus. The Ukrainian military demonstrated for journalists how their forces would handle an invasion by their northern neighbor.

Ukraine liberates more key towns and villages in Kherson | William Courtney
37,510 views Oct 5, 2022 "The Russian military is not prepared to take advantage of a nuclear weapon." It's prudent that NATO encourages its member states to keep a close eye on what might be happening with Russian nuclear weapons, says William Courtney, former special assistant to the President for Russia and Ukraine.
In a Russian village, men fled from mobilization into the forest for cranberries
In the Karelian village of Sheltozero, mobilization was not possible due to the departure of men to the forests for berries. This is reported by Baza in its Telegram channel.

At the end of September, when the distribution of subpoenas began, the local administration began calling the conscripts and notifying them through social networks, demanding to appear at the military registration and enlistment office, but instead the men went to the forests. According to the publication, the administration of the Russian village connects the failure to appear with the cranberry harvest season. Officials claim that it is at this time that locals go to the abandoned villages and hunting lodges for berries. However, they do not know where the men are now.

According to Karelian activists, some conscripts from the village of Rybreka also fled into the forest, where only a few people managed to mobilize.

Russian President Vladimir Putin announced the beginning of partial mobilization in the country on September 21. According to him, those called up for military service will definitely undergo additional military training before being sent to the units. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu specified that about 300,000 Russians would be involved in the mobilization, which is just over one percent of the country's total mobilization reserve.

Readovka: Putin is preparing to change the status of the special operation
On October 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin will address citizens and announce a change in the status of the special operation in Ukraine. It is reported by Readovka, citing a source.

“The president may issue a new address to the nation today. According to a Readovka source, it will concern changing the status of the special operation,” Readovka reports. How exactly the status of the special operation can change is not specified.

If Russia says that Ukrainians are now fighting a war with Russia then they can declare martial law. This will allow Russia to convert its economy into a wartime economy. Also people's rights (how much they have) can be suspended and the ruling class has less worry that the masses will rise up.
If Russia says that Ukrainians are now fighting a war with Russia then they can declare martial law. This will allow Russia to convert its economy into a wartime economy. Also people's rights (how much they have) can be suspended and the ruling class has less worry that the masses will rise up.
Officially declaring war has international ramifications including with the UN, Russia might find itself without a seat on the security council. It would be a major violation of international law and the US and UK along with Turkey provided Ukraine with security assurances, not guarantees, but an official declaration of war might change that. It is a move that could backfire on Vlad at home and abroad, he cannot control the flow of information internally these days. Stalin operated in the dark for most Russians and had total control of the information systems, radio and newspapers in those days. How such things will work today with cellphones, the internet and a tech savvy youth that is mostly against the war, or at least participating in it, remains to be seen.

Vlad and his crew fucked Russia economically and humiliated the military with incompetence and corruption. Vlad has a political base in Russia and with election cheating and throwing people out of windows has maintained power in the Duma. Unlike with the collapse of the Soviet Union, they now have the framework of a liberal democracy, they don't have the culture though and the scares of Stalin still remain as does his heirs like Vlad. Elections are next year I believe and pissing off the entire adult male population is not a good idea, neither is losing a war and causing national humiliation and poverty. They will have to take election cheating to a whole new level next time and that's when things could really go off the rails in Russia and violence could break out as conditions deteriorate while Vlad or his crew try to cling to power.