
Ret. Lt. General says Putin has lost his relationship with reality
263,317 views Oct 1, 2022 Retired Lieutenant General Mark Hertling discusses Russian President Vladimir Putin's speech where he seized one fifth of Ukraine's land.
Ukraine soldier on the front line.......
They fight well on all fronts and in the information age with a modern global village PR, press and social media are battle spaces too. Everybody is all in, I've seen top judges and prosecutors in unform on the front lines along with musicians, teachers and poets. No nation building required here, just some help that stands a good chance of being paid back. It is also a good investment; Ukraine can take the place of any US or Canadian requirements in Europe, along with a strong German army.

Russia will be in no shape to do much except try to hold together and for this regime, holding on to power could become an issue too. Vlad holding onto his head is also becoming more of a problem for him, he's paranoid, but now he will have just cause. Knocking off Vlad and blaming him in the grave while pulling out of all of Ukraine would get the Russian government out from under a lot of sanctions, but not enough for them to recover militarily.
Let's say in 5 years the Ukrainians supplant Russia as the EUs energy supplier after a gradual increase over the preceding few years. There are an estimated 5 trillion cu meters of reserves in Ukraine and there is every prospect of the Russians being cleared from much of it soon, already rich gas and oil fields are out of the dangerous areas. Selling Europe $150 billion worth of gas a year should pay off any debts incurred by this war, along with half a trillion or more of Russian money seized from abroad for reconstruction. I think Ukraine will do well, with a post war boom, provided they expel the Russians and keep them out, which shouldn't be much of an issue with their rail bridges into Ukraine down. With that much cash, Uncle Sam as a good friend, and western/central Europe energy and resource dependent, they would be the last people the Russians will want to tangle with, once burned near to death, more than twice shy, terrified! With that much oil and gas, of course the EU wants to accelerate their membership FFS, it represents future internal energy security and more. The cash they spend on gas will be also used to defend them, win win, not to mention growing the EU economy through Ukrainian reconstruction and trade.

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Is anyone else worried about Putin’s next move? Is this not a proverbial red line for him if he now loses that territory? It will be telling in the next few days I think.
Worried? Yes. Petrified? No.

I suspect that if he tries to use a wmd it would only hasten his removal. Iirc it takes several top-level people in concurrence to release one or more weapons.
Is anyone else worried about Putin’s next move? Is this not a proverbial red line for him if he now loses that territory? It will be telling in the next few days I think.
We called his bet, if he wants to commit suicide we will help. He stuck his cock in the meat grinder and got sucked in and is now thrashing around in desperation. All he has to do is leave all of Ukraine to have peace, he has options, but he'd rather eat shit and hopefully he will die from the poisoning.
Is anyone else worried about Putin’s next move? Is this not a proverbial red line for him if he now loses that territory? It will be telling in the next few days I think.
Chemical weapons would be my guess, there are some reports of preparations on Twitter, but they don't seem credible, and Sammy would know. When the beards come off the troops in Ukraine, you'll know either nukes or chemicals are at risk of use. By now the Ukrainian troops will be better prepared than the Russian ones for chemical warfare, in terms of training and equipment. A tactical nuke on the battlefield is of limited use the way this war is being fought. He is only really left with the option of nuking Ukrainian cities for it to have any effect and the reaction he would get might be too painful to contemplate. It would surely be a death sentence for him personally and his cronies, as the gloves came off in western capitols
Low yield, low fallout doesn't matter, once you split the atom in war on the battlefield you enter a whole new ballgame and you had better be prepared to use a lot of them, while you still can.

Retired general explains Russia's 'closest thing to a smoking gun’
18,766 views Oct 1, 2022 Retired Brig. Gen. Peter Zwack discusses leaks in the Nord Stream pipelines and Russia's continued invasion of Ukraine.
After the announcement of mobilization, Sverdlovsk residents were offered to freeze sperm for free
The owner of a private clinic in Yekaterinburg offered Sverdlovsk residents to freeze sperm for free after the announcement of mobilization. Andrey Ivanov, head of the assisted reproductive technology department at the Mariinsky Hospital, spoke about this.

“My friend, the owner of a private clinic in Yekaterinburg, Igor Portnov, at the beginning of the mobilization, widely announced the provision of such a service as sperm freezing, free of charge. Freezing sperm is a super-primitive action, consumables are cheap, ”Ivanov told Fontanka.

In his opinion, every private clinic can take care of the future of those who leave to risk life and health. Ivanov notes that after the announcement of mobilization, the number of appeals from people leaving for the front, as well as from men leaving Russia, increased.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree on partial mobilization on September 21. In total, 300 thousand reservists are planned to be called up for military service ( 9.7 thousand from the Sverdlovsk region ).
We called his bet, if he wants to commit suicide we will help. He stuck his cock in the meat grinder and got sucked in and is now thrashing around in desperation. All he has to do is leave all of Ukraine to have peace, he has options, but he'd rather eat shit and hopefully he will die from the poisoning.
It’s the thrashing around in desperation that causes concern. And the fact he “stuck his cock in a meat grinder” that makes it even more worry some!
These are little more than glorified RC planes with FPV and an advanced long range encrypted communications system for video and control. The Yagi antenna you see in the video focuses the transmission microwaves into a tight beam and it is also a highly sensitive and directional receiver antenna, the antenna tracks the drone using GPS data from the drone. They appear surprisingly accurate as bombers, who would have thought! They would be easy to mass produce from imported parts and cheap. The same setup is used with long range FPV hobby planes, except for the encrypted two-way military grade link and probably hardened electronics using aluminum or copper foil for shielding.
