
In December 2013, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych and Chinese Communist Party leader Xi Jinping signed a bilateral treaty and published a joint statement, where China reaffirmed that it will provide Ukraine with nuclear security guarantees upon nuclear invasion or threats of invasion.

How Ukraine's recapture of key town advances their position
41,081 views Oct 1, 2022 Retired Air Force Col. Cedric Leighton explains the significance of Russian forces retreating from Lyman, a strategic city for its operations in the east.
When the soviet union broke up in 1991 Ukraine possessed the worlds 3rd largest nuclear arsenal...1,900 warheads
the Budapest Memorandum
When the USSR broke up in late 1991, there were nuclear weapons scattered in the resulting post-Soviet states. The George H. W. Bush administration attached highest priority to ensuring this would not lead to an increase in the number of nuclear weapons states. Moreover, as it watched Yugoslavia break apart violently, the Bush administration worried that the Soviet collapse might also turn violent, raising the prospect of conflict among nuclear-armed states. Ensuring no increase in the number of nuclear weapons states meant that, in practice, only Russia would retain nuclear arms. The Clinton administration pursued the same goal. With the prospect of extending the Non-Proliferation Treaty indefinitely looming, an alternative course that allowed other post-Soviet states to keep nuclear weapons would have set a bad precedent.
Before agreeing to give up this nuclear arsenal, Kyiv sought three assurances. First, it wanted compensation for the value of the highly-enriched uranium in the nuclear warheads, which could be blended down for use as fuel for nuclear reactors. Russia agreed to provide that.

Second, eliminating ICBMs, ICBM silos, and bombers did not come cheaply. With its economy rapidly contracting, the Ukrainian government could not afford the costs. The United States agreed to cover those costs with Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction assistance.

Third, Ukraine wanted guarantees or assurances of its security once it got rid of the nuclear arms. The Budapest Memorandum provided security assurances.

America said it would act if Russia violated the Budapest Memorandum. That was part of the price it paid in return for a drastic reduction in the nuclear threat to America. The United States should keep its word and continue to arm Ukraine.
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Inspiring confidence and high morale in demoralized Russian conscripts! I imagine the Ukrainians are supplied with millions of MREs from allied countries, plus plenty of home cooking. At the beginning of the war the poor bastards had out of date rations, and I've seen video of relatives throwing food over the fences of mobilization centers for their men, who had nothing to eat! So, a piss poorly equipped army with junk to wear, carry and fight with and no training at all or leadership worth a damn is gonna show up in Ukraine half-starved with no training, no support and no heavy equipment!

FFS give Ukraine the means to blow up Russian rail bridges inside Russia at the 10 points of entry to Ukraine. Do it for humanitarian reasons if no other, to prevent the useless slaughter of poor stupid bastards. If not for humanity's sake, then for economic reasons and to save ammunition. It will be like lambs to the slaughter and one Helluva mess to clean up, unless they can get mass surrenders (put out food as bait) and trade them back for kidnapped Ukrainians. You don't need to be an expert to know what will happen, just listen to the experts, with the arms flowing into Ukraine now, there will be no shortage of firepower.

Corroded guns and uniforms of wrong sizes. Russian mobilization-to-graves in action
176,396 views Oct 1, 2022 Old uniform and boots that don't fit. After Vladimir Putin announced the mobilization in Russia, more and more conscripts complain that all military uniforms are completely unusable. According to the recruits, not only are they forced to go to war, but they also have to buy the equipment with their own money. Another problem of the Russian army is the strikingly low level of providing soldiers with weapons. Many have weapons that date back to the Soviet era. In several military units, the Russian command has handed out rusty Kalashnikov assault rifles, which were used during the first Chechen war.
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The Ukrainians have LBGTQ battalions and they apparently fight well, so do the woke and so do the women. I guess it mostly depends on what you are fighting for and how well you've been trained and equipped, how much social support you have, and who is depending on you to defend them from savages.

cruz let trump get away with saying his wife is a pig, then has the nerve to imply that the military is emasculated? he must have won his testicles back from trump in a bet of some kind...
cruz let trump get away with saying his wife is a pig, then has the nerve to imply that the military is emasculated? he must have won his testicles back from trump in a bet of some kind...
Donald keeps them in a jar on the fireplace mantel along with Lindsey's and Keven McCarthy's, Donald has quite the testicle collection, perhaps to compensate for the lack of his own. Maybe the FBI has evidence photos, nothing would surprise me at this point!
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Now these and those Norwegian AA missile systems along with starstreaks from the UK and their own SAM 3 AA defense missiles should reduce attacks on Ukrainian cities and possibly defend NG processing plants from random Russian missile attacks at some later point. If these German missile systems were used to defend gas infrastructure in Ukraine that was sending vital gas to them or going to, I think they would be quite generous with their missiles! The Poles would also be eager to help out and burn NG instead of coal for electricity.

Tanks and infantry working together to advance by the battalion, as it should be, the infantry protect the tanks from RPGs and the tanks take out the fixed defenses along with artillery, mortars and probably drones, taking out targets with bombs and giving the commanders of the advance a clear picture of targets and threats around them for miles. The Ukrainians have lots of night vision equipment, so a lot of their advances and special operations probably happen at night. Many drones can see at night and see infrared heat signatures better than at day. That gives special forces troops a lot of confidence when they are racing down the highway in the dark behind enemy lines to hold a vital bridge or set up an ambush or IDE at a vital road junction. Troops operating in the rear sow panic in the Russians at the front too and can cut them off from resupply and retreat.

So, when does Vlad start carting them off to the Gulag, if guys like this continue to speak out, he will have to do more than cut off their phoneline to propaganda shows He is the heir of Stalin, not running foxnews, and he will need to take more harsh measures than cutting the phone call, because complaints will increase with the loses in Ukraine. Lots of people around Putin have lots of money in Swiss and other western bank accounts that they can't access and that could be seized. If they realized that some of the personal sanctions might be lifted with a new government and attitude, it might in effect be a contract on Vlad! All those millions in the west while they live like shit in Russia under Putin's thumb on the fast track to Hell. They sweat like everybody else when Vlad plays with the nuclear button as his increasing madness, desperation and utter incompetence are becoming survival issues for many in Russia.

They are putting pressure on the Russians at the furthest point from their limited logistics support in Kherson and have already cut the area west of the Dnieper River off by blowing the bridges. They have further divided the Kherson pocket by destroying the bridges over a river running through it. These Russians have been largely cutoff from resupply and reinforcement for a while and allowed to wither on the vine for a spell, weakening them steadily.
