What mix-ins do you use to keep pests away?

This is powdered Spinosad and dusts the topsoil / under leaf - and is useful on “ edibles “ in garden.
Plus container acts like a “ puffer “ when sides are squeezed. Not sure I would put on flowers but definitely on topsoil / Veg.

gnat nix is definitely just crushed up glass. and perfect for getting rid of pesky gnats. or you could just use food grad de with the puffer and put it on the top of the soil as well as dust the plant during veg to help kill off any unwanted pests. stuff washes rite off. cause thats what this reminds me of ^^^^^^
Crush up the outer green part of a bunch black walnuts. Soak that in a bucket of water for 10-15 mins then dump the water on the ground. The worms literally shoot out of the ground. You need to rinse them in clean water before storing them. Used to use this trick often in a pinch by the water if we ran out of worms.... Works like a charm
here are some common controls for the fungus gnat and the correct spelling of the BTI. apparently they are more pesky than anything but I guess you could get an infestation.
Bacillus thuringiensis 'Israelensis,' Predatory mites (Hypoaspis miles - Stratiolaelaps scimitus), Beauveria bassiana and parasitic nematodes (Steinernema feltiae). Water potted plants and courtyards less often. Neem or citrus oil products. A drench of citrus, compost tea, and molasses works as well as anything.
source is the Dirt Doctor, Howard Garret.
Is that real? A compost tea with some molasses will deter fungus gnats?
Is that real? A compost tea with some molasses will deter fungus gnats?
I'm guessing the orange oil has the most effect but that can be dangerous on fragile young plants. this guy, Howard Garret swears by molasses he puts it in everything. I can say that I've tried a few things with it for instance 4 ounces per gallon and drench into soil gets rid of nutsedge, those little garlic like sedge. I also mix an ounce per gallon into a 15% vinegar spray for weeds.
on the topic, I have used BTI for when I get fungus gnats in the summer inside when I tend to over water. I spray the top of the soil and the outside of the felt pot.
I'll have to try that on my Bermuda grass .. that would save me $100 on that little bottle of nutsedge killer.