So, you expect the NATO response to NORMALIZE the use of tactical nukes?
Talk about bad precedents…
I think you put your finger on something that has been below my awareness threshold til now.
77 years ago, we used the first and only nukes spent in war. World opinion about that is still haunting us. It was a bad precedent then (even though I believe that the alternative, Downfall, would have been much worse for us and our enemies).
Today Nato possesses conventional weapons, and their delivery systems, that are quite sufficient as instruments of policy. Unless Russia’s first use is massive (numerous nuking in a short time), we can visit strategic consequences on the Russian war machine greater than the use of one or two tactical nuclear weapons would exact of Ukraine or Nato.
The moral high ground is of value immediately. It remains of arguably greater value when the histories are written, and “this is who we were” will be something we can say without bearing that particular shame. All jmo of course.
Yesterday I was drawn outside by the peculiar scream of a jet coming fast and low. I saw a B-2 come by directly overhead at no more than seven thousand feet AGL. What a sight and sound! (I think the topside engine housings were white! We get some unique “mule” airframes come through here .)
These are the weapons that will allow us the necessary authority to speak to Russia, without needing to use the bomb.
That said, it is probable Printer knows something I don’t, and I anticipate his response with anticipation.