Was Trump stupid for claiming credit for "the vaccine" , will Democrats use that to fuck him in his fat ass as their own vaccine regret intensifies?

trump is stupid as a sack of hammers but he never lets it stop him from doin evil shit

I actually have a sack of hammers. Well, more of a box of them. Even have one of those mason's hammers. Seems like a pretty smart hammer to me.

I think we share a dislike of Trump, but please, don't disparage all hammers. Some are quite useful and specifically designed for certain tasks.

The problem is you think it's not credible if it does not come from CNN or MSNbC, you think it's credible if it comes from Pravda. I provided you with the most credible le news sources in the US. Perhaps the world at this point.
Yes my data comes from the US military. I k ow it's not the democrat/fake media hand feeding you bull shit that you will only believe coming from them but it is real no matter if you believe it from your fantasy land or not. In your world men can get pregnant. Your media tells you it's true so it must be right?
Your media also told you for 6 fuckj g years Russia collusion was real and Hubters laptop was a fake. Well guess what? They lied to you once again and did it for over 6 years solid concerning the Russian collusion lie. The Democrat party and their MI ions in government say something. Their media spreads the lie as if it were truth and Moro Moro think its true. Well it's not and we have been proving it for years now. It's so bad your media sources are not trusted at all. The shoe js on the other foot now. It js you who must provide credible ke sources and no it's not CNN or MSDNC or CBS. They have all proven to spread government propaganda
You might find this interesting….. doubt it https://fullfact.org/health/nhs-data-covid-vaccine-side-effects/
I do wonder what your affinity is for counterdemocratic propaganda.
I'm pro-democracy. As far as the Democratic party itself, sadly it has abandoned many of the virtues which I once held dear about it. I would love to see the Democratic party reconstruct itself away from a party controlled by lobbyists and the ruling elite.

As far as propaganda, my comment related to Bush-era fascism, is not as such. Here's a 15-year old article, which talks about it:
I'm pro-democracy. As far as the Democratic party itself, sadly it has abandoned many of the virtues which I once held dear about it. I would love to see the Democratic party reconstruct itself away from a party controlled by lobbyists and the ruling elite.

As far as propaganda, my comment related to Bush-era fascism, is not as such. Here's a 15-year old article, which talks about it:
You have voiced libertarian sentiments. Libertarians are not democrats.
When it walks, quacks and swims like a duck,
You're too busy defining and categorizing everyone into a nice concise label. When you only have three choices of color categories: red, blue, and yellow; but you come across green you simply place it in the blue or yellow category, depending on whatever suits your narrative at the time.
He’s one of those people that doesn’t like to be defined, you aren’t allowed to bring history into the conversation.
If you were going to define me based on history, I'd be a Democrat, since I've voted for Dems in major elections for decades but never a Republican or Libertarian. I did vote Peace and Freedom Party and Green Party in major elections though.