Was Trump stupid for claiming credit for "the vaccine" , will Democrats use that to fuck him in his fat ass as their own vaccine regret intensifies?

Right. It sure is wonderful how they shelter and protect certain criminals, while they choose to investigate others. Why should running for an election (or not) influence that in any way?

Why are you using Trump's crimes to somehow diminish the Hunter Biden situation? Can't they BOTH be criminals?
Its all about power and censorship which go hand in hand.
Hunter wasn't running for an election. He seems to be only newsworthy in America and not very newsworthy at that. I know nothing about him and his perceived crimes.
Trump was the President and wants to run again. He wants to become the first Dictator of America. Of cause they can both be criminals.
Glad you see that Trump is a criminal.
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Yes, as matter of point of view some slaves preferred one master over another. Not much has changed in that regard.
The way of the world. It's one of the reasons i work for myself. No overseer, no boss man, If i don't like the client or the job or just don't feel like it, i won't do it.
That's what I thought, which means that your post only served as a petty distraction.

Its all about power and censorship which go hand in hand.
Hunter wasn't running for an election. He seems to be only newsworthy in America and not very newsworthy at that. I know nothing about him and his perceived crimes.
Trump was the President and wants to run again. He wants to become the first Dictator of America. Of cause they can both be criminals.
Glad you see that Trump is a criminal.

I've never posted anything to suggest otherwise. As I previously intimated, yes I think they are both criminals.
I'd vote against the Dems, simply because of their supposed supporters actions online. Towards anyone, who is percieved as daring to question the party or supporters (etc). I've seen the most hate from their supporters and the most faar towards others. When facts and opinions online are so biased, i look at the supporters words themselves. Its the 'Left' i see with the most hate not the Right. And I don't support either as a general rule (i'm not a radical, who always votes for one party). But, i know which side has attacked like good national socialists. In fact, pick a website, it is always the same group of people both attacking and pattig themselves on the back for said attack.
On top of that ..they still can't work out, they have been their own worst enemy.
I'd vote against the Dems, simply because of their supposed supporters actions online. Towards anyone, who is percieved as daring to question the party or supporters (etc). I've seen the most hate from their supporters and the most faar towards others. When facts and opinions online are so biased, i look at the supporters words themselves. Its the 'Left' i see with the most hate not the Right. And I don't support either as a general rule (i'm not a radical, who always votes for one party). But, i know which side has attacked like good national socialists. In fact, pick a website, it is always the same group of people both attacking and pattig themselves on the back for said attack.
On top of that ..they still can't work out, they have been their own worst enemy.
Remember this?

Can't wait to see the 'evidenece', given past attempts to take down Trump, if it turn out to be the usual hearsay ..it will (as has been the case) only strenghen Trumps power base. Which, has been going on since 2016. Those who attack him, make him stronger. They (by their actions over time) created the red wave and still refuse to accept it.
As for these 'documenta' that people are ranting about ..without knowing for sure, again *lol*
All Trump needed to do, was hide the real 'secret' documents on Hunter Biden's laptop. No FBI agents would think/dare to search there
I'd vote against the Dems, simply because of their supposed supporters actions online. Towards anyone, who is percieved as daring to question the party or supporters (etc). I've seen the most hate from their supporters and the most faar towards others. When facts and opinions online are so biased, i look at the supporters words themselves. Its the 'Left' i see with the most hate not the Right. And I don't support either as a general rule (i'm not a radical, who always votes for one party). But, i know which side has attacked like good national socialists. In fact, pick a website, it is always the same group of people both attacking and pattig themselves on the back for said attack.
On top of that ..they still can't work out, they have been their own worst enemy.
And this?

As an outsider to all this, who had only seen mainstream media accounts (before travelling).
I got back from the US recently (after shooting across it, is that a 'good' term to use at the moment), mostly the southern states.

My god, there wasn't one Biden supporter to be found anywhere (or Vice President supporter etc),
Not one democratic party sign or supporter could I find. And, lots and LOTS of Brandon stuff.

This 'political issue' the US is having, is it a divide between the southern states and the northern?
In the North, are there lots of Biden/Democratic Party signs ..everywhere?
I'm just wondering this, now I'm home.
If this is not the case, I know where my gambling money is being put in the next US election!

I was surprised, having only seen mainstream media, at the lack of support for the current president and his party.
And zero interest in the Jan 6th hearings!
I did hear lots about no-one watching/interested in the Jan 6th hearings (except smaller, focused, groups of people).
I understand, most on this forum, are very opinionated at the moment.
And (vocally) seem to speak more for the Democratic Party.
Plus, strongly aggressive towards what they 'perceive' as the other side.

Speaking directly to those more opinionated, Democratic party people.

If the Jan6th hearing (against Trump) collapses. What will you do?
If a red wave occurs, at the next election, what would you do? In your opinion, how will you react?

Will you sit down and accept it (if it occurs).
Or, will you react like you currently perceive the other side?

If all my post does is make you angry/crazy. Don't bother replying, please.
I already understand those emotions from previous experience (by bumping into these radicalised sides n the 'real world').
Remember how Joe Biden and Rachel Maddow said that Covid stops with every vaccinated person?

Turns out that it was not true for people, and it is not even true for mice.
All ten mice, vaccinated with Moderna Ba.5 booster, became infected with Covid when challenged with Ba.5 variant virus after receiving their Ba.5-based bivalent boosters!
Here’s a helpful infographic, presented today at the CDC ACIP committee meeting.

Dead mice were photoshopped by me to increase the urge to share this article on social media.
What does the infographic show? The red-circled dot plots show viral counts in the LUNGS and in the NOSES of mice, who were twice-vaccinated with Moderna original series, then boosted with the Ba.5-based “bivalent booster”, then were exposed to a Ba.5 infection.
These are the super-protected mice, fully shielded by the magical power of mRNA science, right? Vaxed, and boosted with a Moderna Ba. 5-based booster. Can’t dream of better protection against Ba.5, wouldn’t you agree?
And what happened to these mice when challenged with Ba.5?
All ten mice got Covid! Oops.

Source - Lew Rockwell Site
Remember how Joe Biden and Rachel Maddow said that Covid stops with every vaccinated person?

Turns out that it was not true for people, and it is not even true for mice.
All ten mice, vaccinated with Moderna Ba.5 booster, became infected with Covid when challenged with Ba.5 variant virus after receiving their Ba.5-based bivalent boosters!
Here’s a helpful infographic, presented today at the CDC ACIP committee meeting.

Dead mice were photoshopped by me to increase the urge to share this article on social media.
What does the infographic show? The red-circled dot plots show viral counts in the LUNGS and in the NOSES of mice, who were twice-vaccinated with Moderna original series, then boosted with the Ba.5-based “bivalent booster”, then were exposed to a Ba.5 infection.
These are the super-protected mice, fully shielded by the magical power of mRNA science, right? Vaxed, and boosted with a Moderna Ba. 5-based booster. Can’t dream of better protection against Ba.5, wouldn’t you agree?
And what happened to these mice when challenged with Ba.5?
All ten mice got Covid! Oops.

Source - Lew Rockwell Site

Lew Rockwell is a soi-disant anarcho-capitalist, and one of old Ron Paul’s pet ideologues.

Now comment on the thousandfold reduction in viral load in the vaccinated vs. control animals. Viral load is a measure of disease severity.
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I'd vote against the Dems, simply because of their supposed supporters actions online. Towards anyone, who is percieved as daring to question the party or supporters (etc). I've seen the most hate from their supporters and the most faar towards others. When facts and opinions online are so biased, i look at the supporters words themselves. Its the 'Left' i see with the most hate not the Right. And I don't support either as a general rule (i'm not a radical, who always votes for one party). But, i know which side has attacked like good national socialists. In fact, pick a website, it is always the same group of people both attacking and pattig themselves on the back for said attack.
On top of that ..they still can't work out, they have been their own worst enemy.
Strange because currently polls indicate that independents are leaning democratic by a margin of 4 to 1 since the theft of Americas highest secrets and the stripping of womens equal rights
I guess you’re special :lol:
He wants to become the first Dictator of America.

Too late. FDR got their first. Truth be told, Lincoln could make a claim to being the first dictator. On third thought, Washington could be too.

I think Lincoln and FDR were probably the most blatant though, given their obvious and frequent ass wiping with the magical constitution.