Anyone else with a crazy body quirk?

Hello all! Long time lurker, first time poster here. Thought I would start with a bit of an ice breaker and share something that always blows my friends' minds a bit when we're high.

So I'm a 5′4″ (162 cm) guy with size 18 US / 17 UK / 55 EU feet. My feet are stupidly big for my height and it's very noticeable. It's due to a genetic anomaly - I was born with oversized feet and hands and they just kept growing bigger. Strangers comment on it all the time. And forget about the reaction of assistants at shoe shops or bowling alley clerks! I will admit I've been stoned before and freaked myself out with how big my own feet are compared to everyone else's!

Here are some photos below so you can see how noticeable it is. The shoes compared to are my buddy's size 11s and he's 6'1".

Anyone else got a wacky body quirk?



Well-Known Member
Bald is beautiful? :lol:
Lots of ladies like the bald look as well. I spent years worrying about my thinning hair but I decided I wasn't going to be one of those guys doing a comb over or scraggly hair on the sides with a bald spot in the middle so I started shaving my head. I realized that I had been worrying over nothing. As soon as I started shaving my head it seemed like I couldn't go anywhere without the ladies flirting with me.
I've bought shoes from there before.
Yeah they have the best selection. Still I'm restricted because I can't wear anything too bright or people stare 5x more than normal when I'm just walking down the street. Converse are also a no go...already look like a real life L don't need any help from those shoes!