Littering. I can't take it anymore. What is wrong with people?

Hi …. I’ll take the szechuan sauce in pic.
I loves me some szechuan sauce

Side note :
Humans are dirty animals by nature , they suck the life out of the environment like a parasite , pollute every square inch of their existence.
They destroy , infect , murder. All of the worst viral / bacteriological diseases ever born are human hosted. I seen fucking losers do dumping runs on nearby streets … mattresses, fridge, furniture. Had to pull a gun on some fucking transient that was lurking on side of house stealing my bag of cans.…. 3 am. ( got phone alert ) But having to be creeping at O dark thirty - he can forget me being generous .Neighbor had homeless dude using backyard hose to wash his ass .
Reminds me of my black light posters from back in the day …. :bigjoint:
That one is a Santa Cruz local classic.

I want to build a waterworld town sized floating island out of plastic bottles, like Richie Sowa's place down in Mexico, but on a grand scale. I would tow it out to the great pacific garbage patch in sections, then connect it all together there. It is mostly fishing equipment swirling around the patch, so lots of netting and bottles to work with. So much in fact, all you have to do is search the globs you see everywhere for fresh caught fish all day every day.

Start collecting more and more trash, and building onto the island as it drifts around. Imagine the hydroponic systems you could design out of all that plastic waste? I've heard there are lost shipping containers floating around there too, by the dozens, but most probably sink.

I really don't like the sea, but It will probably be a safer place to stay for awhile, the way thing are going.

Went for my daily walk. Came back home disgusted. What is wrong with people? I'm glad I didn't witness the fool that tossed this trash. There would have been problems.

Why? I just can't comprehend why anyone would do this. How are these people being raised? What is going through their minds? It makes me so mad. Fills me with rage. I guess I'll start taking a trash bag and gloves when I go for my walks.

Yes I'm ranting. I'm just extremely passionate about this issue.




I feel your pain. I frequent the state forest and reserves in my area which are filled with mountain bike trails (thank you council). I forever see monster, red bull and V cans, cigarette packets, bongs, smashed beer bottles and fire remnants everywhere. A lot of the trails are being closed due to dickheads with zero respect leaving their shit everywhere.

And even worse, everyone is so soft these days that you can't even hold shit people responsible for their own actions now as junkies, homeless and criminals are a new protected class and they can basically do whatever they want, whenever they want. Any expectation of basic human responsibility or decency from this class and you are immediately labeled some type of "ist". For example, some shirtless, meth'd up loser was agitated and smashing beer bottles on the road the other day. I pulled him aside, told him to calm down, gave him a quiet revving alongside my Hi-vis vest and told him to go pick up the smashed glass in the gutter. He piped down, apologized and actually went to pick his shit up. Everyone ran over like I was in the wrong, and accused me of "bullying" a man in need. Need? need of what? Another pipe and more benefits to spend on drugs instead of accommodation and food?

What sucks is that he actually questioned himself, realized he was acting out, apologized and decided to do the right thing, and people told him not to, to just leave and not listen to me. Straight Up toxic Enablers. These are the same people that claim to care about homeless and drug addicted, yet they reinforce their bad behavior instead and teach them it's okay to be violent, belligerent and antisocial.

It's like they don't realize that the more the baby these people, the longer and worse the issue will get.
There was a pilot project in Vancouver to pay 1 cent for every cigarette butt brought in to recycle, and a proposal to put a penny recycle deposit fee on every cigarette sold.

I lot of people participated but the biggest issue was how to count them accurately.

It's too time consuming to actually count them, and by volume is inaccurate as the size of the butts varies, and you can't go by weight as they can be saturated by the rain, so the idea was abandoned.

It's the tossed needles that bothers me the most...fucking junkies have no respect for the environment or themselves.
There was a pilot project in Vancouver to pay 1 cent for every cigarette butt brought in to recycle, and a proposal to put a penny recycle deposit fee on every cigarette sold.

I lot of people participated but the biggest issue was how to count them accurately.

It's too time consuming to actually count them, and by volume is inaccurate as the size of the butts varies, and you can't go by weight as they can be saturated by the rain, so the idea was abandoned.

It's the tossed needles that bothers me the most...fucking junkies have no respect for the environment or themselves.
I'm pretty sure a camera and grated belt-fed system with a bit of machine learning could have solved that. Nice project for a high school or university.
If they paid to get cig butts in a liberal run shithole today, the junkeroos would be stealing your ash trays off your back porch, lol. I mean, they already are sniping out butts to smoke on a daily basis, and probably sifting through your ash tray anyway, but not getting paid to do it at least.

If they paid them to get trash in general, they would steal your trash cans.

If they got paid in meth or blue counterfeit fentynal pills, there wouldn't be a single trace of trash anywhere. F it, why not just do that, and give them safe zones to tranq out all bent over on their benzo dopes??

I really don't judge the drug use part, but the tossing trash everywhere did use to bother me quite a bit, before my enlightenment. I seen truckloads of food & supplies being brought to tent cities, by official social workers and volunteers, etc. I know because I tried to help too. I seen 50% of the people literally open food packages and just toss the litter up into the wind.

It kind of makes you want to take it personally, like an attack on your own children, and want to pick up the trash and slap the shit out of them with it.

That is why I choose to just not be bothered anymore, and see the positive sides to trash. :)
The truth is, it's your average working class family home that is producing the most waste. Bag after bag after bag after bag, all day every day. Just because a truck picks it up and its out of site, out of mind, doesn't make a whole lot of difference. It's still trash whether its buried in a landfill, dumped in the ocean, or sent across the sea to 3rd world countries.

Homeless people might throw a little bit of trash around, but they don't even come close to wasting as many resources as the working class. Heat, electricity, you name it, they use less of it. Their little bit of trash you see floating around the side walks, even the piles of shit is nothing really, if you think about the total amount that exists.

Nothing compared to industrial, commercial, or military kinds of wastes..
I want to build a waterworld town sized floating island out of plastic bottles, like Richie Sowa's place down in Mexico, but on a grand scale. I would tow it out to the great pacific garbage patch in sections, then connect it all together there. It is mostly fishing equipment swirling around the patch, so lots of netting and bottles to work with. So much in fact, all you have to do is search the globs you see everywhere for fresh caught fish all day every day.

Start collecting more and more trash, and building onto the island as it drifts around. Imagine the hydroponic systems you could design out of all that plastic waste? I've heard there are lost shipping containers floating around there too, by the dozens, but most probably sink.

I really don't like the sea, but It will probably be a safer place to stay for awhile, the way thing are going.
What are you smoking?
^ I must be on the same wavelength, or smoking the same brain cells as this crazy dutch guy. I'm part dutch too, lol

I can totally picture a vibrant floating island like that, covered in flora and fauna. No form of government, but have to fight off smokers and pirates once in awhile.