Well-Known Member
It happens because they took the crying Native American litter commercial off TV.
also push to outlaw overnight parking
I've slept in my car many times. Not because I needed too, but because I didn't want to waste the money on a hotel. Once I was smoking a bowl and having a few beers in a grocery store parking lot when I was going to Terry Peak to snowboard, and a cop pulled in. I explained I just didn't want to pay for a hotel for just a few hours. He was cool, and left me alone. I've also slept in the parking lots at other resorts and was never hassled.Let's say you get cancer, lose your job or your wife leaves you, takes the house/condo. Your forced to sleep in your car for awhile. Meanwhile (as if your life doesn't suck enough, with no home or shower, or fridge, or sink, or toilet) people on a cannabis forum are advocating to get you arrested for sleeping in said car. WTF, am I in an alternate universe?
Let's say you get cancer, lose your job or your wife leaves you, takes the house/condo. Your forced to sleep in your car for awhile. Meanwhile (as if your life doesn't suck enough, with no home or shower, or fridge, or sink, or toilet) people on a cannabis forum are advocating to get you arrested for sleeping in said car. WTF, am I in an alternate universe?
I quit smoking too a couple years ago. My wife's been chewing the gum for like 5 years, but doesn't smoke anymore,I quit smoking cigs over 6 years ago, but I still got a cup holder ash tray off Amazon for like $15, specifically for the rare hot-box occasion with friends. Even then I use reusable glass tips for my joints which I clean and reuse. That plus a small trash can and all my trash goes out with the weekly house garbage. A couple of ozium gel systems and the car smells good is clean and I'm and respecting the enviro. The only thing I'll dump out into the street is ice left in a cup. Never a reason to dump anything out of the car onto the street.
Its always Heineken bottles, used single use cannabis containers and White Castle boxes ….. legit I sympathize with you. I also pick up behind other so called adults…. Sad to see people use the land as their garbage can
Went for my daily walk. Came back home disgusted. What is wrong with people? I'm glad I didn't witness the fool that tossed this trash. There would have been problems.
Why? I just can't comprehend why anyone would do this. How are these people being raised? What is going through their minds? It makes me so mad. Fills me with rage. I guess I'll start taking a trash bag and gloves when I go for my walks.
Yes I'm ranting. I'm just extremely passionate about this issue.
Same here & i might need to in the future, you never know. A hotel room is $150+ now its crazy af. I hate litter & people are often animals but I would never want a law prohibiting people from sleeping in their car. It's just cruel & authoritarian.I've slept in my car many times. Not because I needed too, but because I didn't want to waste the money on a hotel. Once I was smoking a bowl and having a few beers in a grocery store parking lot when I was going to Terry Peak to snowboard, and a cop pulled in. I explained I just didn't want to pay for a hotel for just a few hours. He was cool, and left me alone. I've also slept in the parking lots at other resorts and was never hassled.
Let's say you get cancer, lose your job or your wife leaves you, takes the house/condo. Your forced to sleep in your car for awhile. Meanwhile (as if your life doesn't suck enough, with no home or shower, or fridge, or sink, or toilet) people on a cannabis forum are advocating to get you arrested for sleeping in said car. WTF, am I in an alternate universe?
I've slept in my car many times. Not because I needed too, but because I didn't want to waste the money on a hotel. Once I was smoking a bowl and having a few beers in a grocery store parking lot when I was going to Terry Peak to snowboard, and a cop pulled in. I explained I just didn't want to pay for a hotel for just a few hours. He was cool, and left me alone. I've also slept in the parking lots at other resorts and was never hassled.
When people do shit like that and I see it I confront them. Most people don't like confrontation and it can actually make them think twice next time. I'm a good teacher. I've given many lessons,If someone has to sleep in their car that's one thing. To just dump trash has nothing to do with that. It's idiots without any respect for things that think the world is their dumping ground. There are many people living out of their vehicles that would never think of just tossing their trash out on the side of the road. Being homeless doesn't give you the right to dump your trash wherever you please.
Did you kill her?!?!?!Nice one,. Fixed it,
When people do shit like that and I see it I confront them. Most people don't like confrontation and it can actually make them think twice next time. I'm a good teacher. I've given many lessons,.
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What, lol? Those guys are woosies.George and Jerry were punks. I'm not. I rarely confront people but when I do I'm not playing around.
I'm not a big guy but in good shape and can be a little intimidating to some. Especially when I square up. Had to assume the position a little while back. Some methy freak ran up on the lady and I as I exited the vehicle to get a six pack from a convenience store. I told the dude to move on but he kept advancing. It wasn't until I made an advance towards him and authoritatively told him to "Back Off!" that he retreated and removed himself as what I perceived as a minor threat. That was the end of that. But I'm always cautious of someone that may be carrying a weapon and in the instances where I have concern I will defer from starting a confrontation.
I finally came to terms with the garbage that is everywhere. There is a hidden beauty in the way a candy wrapper swirls around in the wind.
I still see a bright future so bright ahead, and I gotta wear 1,000 free pairs of discarded or lost shades.
I am going to build an entire kingdom out of trash. It's a never-ending resource, and it the most sustainable practice humans contribute too. My castle is going to be epic. Mountains of trash is gold to me now, while people slave for dollar bills. I would have to be a multi millionaire to afford the building materials I salvaged during the Trump presidency, while everyone else was complaining. It was so cheap driving around collecting free and unwanted stuff.
1000's of years from now, the worst hazardous waste will combine with fukashima and hanford nuclear waste, and form into new radio active minerals, and sources of energy to keep the last mutant humans alive, and they'll be able to fly to mars, etc.
I agree, but it's got nothing to do with trash, well kinda,Mankind is not going to last 1000's of years the way it's going.