Horticultural Lighting Group End of Summer Grow and Show give away!

No kiddin'. I was jonzing for that Blackbird.:razz:
Well I'm super jealous of all of you, :wall: this was the one contest I was super excited for especially since I got cuts that just rooted and the timing was perfect. Congrats my friends and I hope the lights grow some killa. Tanks again @pop22 super cool of you to do this giveaway. I'll try and check yalls journals GL..
Wish I saw this in time and entered myself as I am about week 3 in flower currently and will be wrapped up in about 5-6 weeks, but maybe next time, you lucky people who won I’m a bit jealous of y’all haha

currently have an HLG 350R but would love a 650R or something similar size to upgrade and cover my whole space with one light vs two
Well I'm super jealous of all of you, :wall: this was the one contest I was super excited for especially since I got cuts that just rooted and the timing was perfect. Congrats my friends and I hope the lights grow some killa. Tanks again @pop22 super cool of you to do this giveaway. I'll try and check yalls journals GL..

Seriously, this was a generous promotion and I feel like I've hit the jackpot with the 600-R. Arriving Tuesday so should have a journal up by Wed. Gonna be some December dankness around these parts.
Thank you!

Okay seeing I ruffled feathers
I want to be clearer

earlierin the beginning we had a several users derailing the thread upset this was USA only

now we have people accusing the company of cherry picky and slandering them forwho won

it’s just out of hand for a giveaway thread
Please stop getting mad at me when it was user related

I’ll reopen whenpeople can cool off
