Is Biden really that bad?

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Did you just say doing well with the economy? Joe has led us into a recession, the toilet bowl.
I'm just stating what has been reported. That businesses are reporting that the things they care about -- costs and sales are both going in the right direction for them. Also service sector businesses are improving.

If you just want to grind your political axe and not celebrate these improvements, fine. We know that Republicans are anti-America. You might as well wear your belief openly.

Do you even know what a recession is? Do you work? Have you ever had a job? Have you ever lost one? I don't think so. If you had, you'd be glad to see that things are looking up.
yup. The term "recession" technically looks backward by half a year or more. It describes what has been, not what is coming. We might be in a recession regardless of what the NBER says. I'm just saying that from leading indicators, it seems this recession if it has occurred at all, seems to already be over.

But people like @NYCBambu don't want this to be true. They want blood on the streets for their own political purposes.

you should read what you link.

During a recession, it’s common to see stock prices fall and the unemployment rate rise. Stock prices fall because investors have less income to invest and less faith in the market to increase their investment. This decreases demand for stocks, meaning stock prices (and thus portfolio values) will naturally go down.

Business revenues also decrease during a recession, which leads many to stop hiring new workers or lay off some of their existing workforce.

Stock prices went up 10% in July. Unemployment has only gone down this year, if not throughout Biden's term. I know you want so badly to see Biden fail but he is not failing.
Thats very nice, but does not change the definition of what a recession actually is. Gross domestic product in the U.S. fell 0.9% in the second quarter of 2022, marking the second consecutive quarter of negative growth, the commonly accepted definition of a recession.
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Democrats will change the definition of what a woman is, what a recession is, what a vaccine is. Anything the babies dont like they just change to suit themselves.

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