Well-Known Member
yeah, I know. Despite the narrative blared on full blast that Biden is failing, his administration has been doing well in terms of managing the economy. Facts are facts. Despite the spin that the "I hope Biden fails" camp are giving, his performance is anything but a failure.The chicken is coming home to roost
Another chicken is coming home too:
Kansas abortion vote: Pro-life amendment fails, in first post-Roe vote

Kansas abortion vote: Pro-life amendment fails, in first post-Roe vote
Kansas citizens rejected a pro-life amendment — known as the “Value Them Both” amendment — during their state’s primary election Tuesday.

This is being viewed as an indicator of public sentiment toward the orthodoxy that Republicans have been shoving.
And how about this from 538 , a site that specializes in statistical analysis and forecasting results

With the caveat that the only poll that matters is an election poll. And the fact that opinion polls at this time only project current sentiment and are not useful for predicting an election result in the fall, I'll say this.
Those charts from 538 showing a near even split in chances for Democrats and Republicans to take control of the House and the Senate. A year ago, analysts were projecting a definite advantage to Republicans. The trend lines are up and to the right for Democrats. All very tentative. Same with economic projections. But I feel much more easy about the chances of Democrats retaining control of government right now than I did a year ago.
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