January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


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Trump Coup Exposed: Midnight Military Meeting Led Trump To Jan. 6 Rally, Navarro Plot
132,714 views Jul 14, 2022 The 7th Jan. 6th hearing unleashed new details on the shady, ‘off the books” meeting with Trump and controversial figures Sidney Powell and the CEO of Overstock which reportedly centered on the extreme plot to order the military to help steal the election. In Pat Cipollone’s testimony he claimed to not understand how they got into the White House, asking immediately ‘Who are you?’ when entering to break up the meeting. As The Beat previously reported, an aide of Peter Navarro allegedly let in these plotters who were not cleared to be in the White House. Navarro, the normally loud Trump warrior, told Ari Melber he had “no comment on that” meeting.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
desantis is fucked...His only chance is if they throw trump in a cell before the elections.
If the situation continues as it is right now...The republicans are fucked, desantis (or w/e) is fucked, trump will come in a miserable distant third, which will probably cause him to have a stroke, but will surely cause him to lose whatever influence he still has in DC...
Now if only the DOJ would get busy indicting and prosecuting EVERYONE but trump. Their entire strategy will be shattered. All those key state level people not only out of office, but serving time. Then would be the time to tie up all the loose ends by indicting the humiliated trump, giving his name worse connotations than Benedict Arnold.


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New Conservative-Led Report Debunks Every Single Trump Claim Of Election Fraud
440,570 views Jul 14, 2022 A new conservative report shows that there is "absolutely no evidence of widespread fraud" in the 2020 election, and debunks "each and every" one of former President Donald Trump's false claims. The authors of the report, conservative lawyers and judges, are urging the GOP to "cease obsessing over the results of the 2020 election," and hoping their work helps re-instill trust in our institutions. Former federal judge Thomas Griffith and Republican elections lawyer Ben Ginsberg join Morning Joe to discuss their report, "Lost, Not Stolen: The Conservative Case That Trump Lost And Biden Won the 2020 President Election."


Well-Known Member

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
desantis is fucked...His only chance is if they throw trump in a cell before the elections.
If the situation continues as it is right now...The republicans are fucked, desantis (or w/e) is fucked, trump will come in a miserable distant third, which will probably cause him to have a stroke, but will surely cause him to lose whatever influence he still has in DC...
Now if only the DOJ would get busy indicted and preosecuting EVERYONE but trump. Their entire strategy will be shattered. All those key state level people not only out of office, but serving time. Then would be the time to tie up all the loose ends by indicting the humiliated trump, giving his name worse connotations than Benedict Arnold.
Timing is a factor in all this shit. Unfortunately Georgia and the DOJ will clear the field for Desantis and a few statehouses out, with key people in prison, let's hope it is a lot, all the fake electors and their enablers in the statehouses and WH in a big conspiracy charge.


Well-Known Member
That is a federal crime, if they were federal government phones, I do believe? Someone's head is going to roll over this one and I think we might already know who's head that might be, the one who told the story about Trump's hands around someone else's throat, someone who got a big government job and is still working in the secret service...

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
So that is an indication he is running in 2024? Don't want to alienate anyone yet. Well, as long as it is the Woke crowd.

"I have people for that."
yeah, sure seems to be his fucked up way of trying to "tease"...he is implying that he just has to decide to announce before or after the 22 elections...i sure hope it's before...


Well-Known Member
Karma ain't revenge, it is a kind of natural justice, when one dies one is normally reincarnated, into a human or an animal, even into a Hell realm, if you are like Donald! One wanders in samsara and is naturally attracted to the next form of existence and that's why Bannon will most likely be reborn as a dug Beetle. When one stops accumulating karma one can attain enlightenment or awakening and end suffering by snuffing yourself out (Nibbana or Nirvana, means to snuff out, as in a candle) and thus end the never ending painful cycle of rebirths and deaths. One can also be reborn in one of the God realms which is also pretty cool. However, unlike heaven, one can attain Nirvana or the end of suffering (dukkha) in this life, as well as the next, there is no need to wait, if you train.


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Officer corroborates some of testimony about Trump and Secret Service
128,752 views Jul 14, 2022 A Washington, DC, police officer has corroborated to the House select committee investigating January 6, details regarding a heated exchange former President Donald Trump had with his Secret Service detail when he was told he could not go to the US Capitol after his rally, a source familiar with the matter tells CNN. The officer with the Metropolitan Police Department was in the motorcade with the Secret Service for Trump on January 6 and recounted what was seen to committee investigators, according to the source. A spokesperson for the committee declined to comment. A spokesperson for Metropolitan Police Department did not immediately respond to comment.


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Trump's criminal "Hub-and-Spoke" conspiracy to overturn the 2020 presidential election: an explainer
11,237 views Jul 14, 2022 There are different models of criminal conspiracies that prosecutors use to charge criminal organizations. One of the less-often-used models is what's know as a "hub-and-spoke" conspiracy. This video incorporates a deep dive I first presented back in April about why the conduct of Donald Trump and his collection of democracy-killing criminal associates is custom made for prosecutors to use a hub-and-spoke conspiracy model.

This video also pays tribute to our Team Justice video editor extraordinaire Peter Soby for lending his unending talents to these daily Justice Matters videos.

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Well-Known Member
In reference to Glenn's video above. It would be quite a spectacle and chore to have a thousand of these cocksuckers tried as one big conspiracy! It is rather a theory of the case and a device used to put all the pieces together into a coherent whole. With the mountain of evidence it should be possible, but not practical to have a thousand of them in a cage getting 20 years with the ringleaders and kingpin getting out in bags. It would be kinda like the Nuremberg trials after the war, except they would need to hold it in a stadium! :lol: Seriously a lot of people could eventually end up in prison, including the person who deleted those J6 texts in the Secret Service. The process has begun, starting with the grinding of Steve Bannon's maggot eaten carcass on Monday Morning as he steps into the barrel. If we go by how many were indicted or went to prison over Watergate it will be a Helluva lot! Watergate was nothing compared to this and the coverup, it eventually ensnared many.

Let's see if the DOJ works like it used to and grinds the guilty into dust, as it gets to the very bottom, that's where the DOJ started, at the bottom and worked it's way up. The J6 panel is dealing with some of the top, but not all, there are senators involved that they did not mention and other congress people too. Those who cut deals have to plead guilty, confess and tell of any other crimes they have knowledge of and other investigations and indictments can flow from that, so this will go on for some time to come, even if the republicans control the house in November.

Watergate Casualties and Convictions
In the aftermath of Richard Nixon’s resignation, Watergate continued to claim victims.

The final toll included:

one presidential resignation
one vice-presidential resignation – although Agnew’s crimes were unrelated to Watergate
40 government officials indicted or jailed
H.R. Haldeman and John Erlichman (White House staff), resigned 30 April 1973, subsequently jailed
John Dean (White House legal counsel), sacked 30 April 1973, subsequently jailed
John Mitchell, Attorney-General and Chairman of the Committee to Re-elect the President (CREEP), jailed
Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy (ex-White House staff), planned the Watergate break-in, both jailed
Charles Colson, special counsel to the President, jailed
James McCord (Security Director of CREEP), jailed


Well-Known Member
Mark will have his nuts in a vice and will squeal like a pig eventually! :o

Report: Trump’s Inner Circle Views Meadows As ‘Fall Guy’ | The Katie Phang Show
54,503 views Jul 14, 2022 Rolling Stone reports that Donald Trump’s inner circle increasingly views former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows as a likely fall guy for the former president’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election.


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See Trump WH Lawyer Confronted On Live TV: Keep The Medal Of Freedom Out Your Mouth
458,908 views Jul 14, 2022 As the Jan. 6 hearings have revealed major new evidence and testimony, some Beltway elites have begun heaping praise on Trump officials, including Fmr. Trump WH Counsel Pat Cipollone, who went so far as to suggest that Mike Pence should receive the Medal of Freedom for refusing to go along with the coup plot. MSNBC’s Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber responds: People who have been awarded this medal by presidents of both parties are “people we should look to as doing more than the bare minimum of not committing crimes, but people who showed civic courage, like the late John Lewis… To paraphrase Three Six Mafia: keep the Medal of Freedom out of your mouth, until you learn a bit more about true civic courage.”


Well-Known Member
"I barely knew her."
All some reporter would have to do is quote one her negative remarks about him and it would be enough to get him to call her a loser on TV at her funeral. Donald can also be played like a fish, if you push his buttons the right way.

Right now he must be a bit stressed, or he wouldn't be trying to cover his tracks by tampering with witnesses and paying for their lawyers. If these hearings didn't make Donald and his minions sweat, they are dead, cause only the dead wouldn't sweat in such circumstances. Guys like Flynn and Bannon have been through the wringer before and convicted, Trump saved their asses with a pardon, but they had to work for them and put their asses on the line again to get them. Their pardons covered other crimes that didn't directly involve Donald. It's hard to believe Don jr. Jarrod and Ivanka don't have pardons, Rudy apparently doesn't have one and neither does Meadows.