Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Think modern young women will want to go to college in red states with anti abortion and perhaps anti contraception laws? Think many of the faculty will want to stay? How about high tech companies, who need to hire trained people, not bible schooled idiots, educated people with brains, think they will want to live in a shithole state? Any woman from another state or country who visits the place could be charged with murder if she miscarried there. What blue state would extradite a woman for abortion or miscarriage, to be tried for murder in a shithole red state? They would tell the SCOTUS to go fuck themselves.

So I wonder what college admissions will be like this fall, I figure the shithole red states will have sausage parties at INCEL Universities. There will be some girls there, nice Christian girls who will be looking to get knocked up before they graduate and snag a young Christian stud for their very own, using the traditional method of a shotgun wedding! Looks like they want to go back to male only higher education, another thing young white republican men can whine about, not getting laid. Vote republican then whine about being a virgin college graduate from INCEL U in a shithole state.

‘It’s Scary’: Students Fear Going to College in Red States After Roe

“Location has never before been more important to me,” said Ashley Huynh, 17, a rising high school senior in Montgomery County, Maryland.
damn straight, if they can game the system for evil, it can be gamed to counteract that same evil
Every one running for governor in a red state should do the same. It's a vote getter from those republicans who will feel guilty about imprisoning women who reproductive rights. Refusal to prosecute is another state wide vote getter and way around gerrymandered state houses for governors and attorney generals who are elected state wide. No blue state will extradite a woman to a shithole state for murder over reproductive rights, they will defy the SCOTUS. Even the UN and world court will come down hard on them, as will most international human rights organizations.
I think with this court you need to speak their language, religion. Have women convert to the American Muslim church, Islam allows abortion up to 120 days and make it a matter of religious freedom. Jesus vs Mohammad, Islam has more liberal abortion laws than most states and those places do like religious exemptions for everything.

I think with this court you need to speak their language, religion. Have women convert to the American Muslim church, Islam allows abortion up to 120 days and make it a matter of religious freedom. Jesus vs Mohammad, Islam has more liberal abortion laws than most states and those places do like religious exemptions for everything.

so doing one stupid, insulting, more or less immoral thing can fix another stupid, insulting, certainly immoral thing?
why don't we re-elect trump then? that one stupid, insulting, incredibly immoral thing ought to cancel out everything the republicans have ever done.....
so doing one stupid, insulting, more or less immoral thing can fix another stupid, insulting, certainly immoral thing?
why don't we re-elect trump then? that one stupid, insulting, incredibly immoral thing ought to cancel out everything the republicans have ever done.....
Fight fire with fire, they put religion above all things, an ashiest has no rights and a religious lunatic has many in America. Religious grounds win every time, besides it will show the public Islam is more liberal on women's rights than shithole red states. It's not if you are right or wrong with these people, it's if you win or lose, cause if you lose yer dead, there is no room for compromise in a zero sum game.

As Lincoln said about slavery, it must be one or the other, is now true of women's rights. The SCOTUS broke the US justice system, blue states won't extradite women facing murder charges in red states for abortion or miscarriages, they will tell the SCOTUS to go fuck itself, the constitution has been broken, or soon will be.
Fight fire with fire, they put religion above all things, an ashiest has no rights and a religious lunatic has many in America. Religious grounds win every time, besides it will show the public Islam is more liberal on women's rights than shithole red states. It's not if you are right or wrong with these people, it's if you win or lose, cause if you lose yer dead, there is no room for compromise in a zero sum game.

As Lincoln said about slavery, it must be one or the other, is now true of women's rights. The SCOTUS broke the US justice system, blue states won't extradite women facing murder charges in red states for abortion or miscarriages, they will tell the SCOTUS to go fuck itself, the constitution has been broken, or soon will be.
for all this talk, this is the same country it has been for longer than i've been alive...
all the internet did was bring things that were simmering into the public eye.
those things have to be dealt with. those who want to break the constitution will be called to account, one way or another...
count on it
for all this talk, this is the same country it has been for longer than i've been alive...
all the internet did was bring things that were simmering into the public eye.
those things have to be dealt with. those who want to break the constitution will be called to account, one way or another...
count on it
I disagree. I see the current crisis as unprecedented (in both nature and peril) in our history. At the least, we need to take a good hard look at a document that was just right a quarter millennium ago. At worst, we will gain insight into how early 1933 looked to the German person in the street.
They do atm. They wont when its legislated to not supply. The Supreme court is going after contraception and same sex marriage next. Women now have no Constitutional rights- None.
This is from someone earlier in the thead (my apologies for not remembering who):

"Women don't have Constitutionally protected rights, unlike white men. What rights women have came from the right to "privacy" which is the same for virtually every achievement of the Civil Rights movement. They have now been stripped of those rights. This decision has less to do with abortion, than it has to do with equal rights. People are still focused on the abortion aspect, but soon they will realize that the Supreme Court just returned the USA to the status of an Apartheid state. We are now the only developed nation without Constitutionally guaranteed equal rights. I just hope it's enough of shock to push the states into adopting a fresh Equal Rights Amendment or else this country is done. The mullahs on the Supreme Sharia Court have spoken, the choice is either to follow the Republicans into creating their Megachurch Afghanistan or to fix the glaring flaws that the Founders had to compromise on in order to keep the Southern slave-owning states onboard with the new "country.""

I'm surprised you can get the morning after pill from a chemist (drug store)without a prescription. Here I'm pretty sure you have to book a Dr appointment and get a prescription. Luckily the dr is free here and the pill is extremely cheap as its on the Pharmaceutical benefits scheme. But it is very hard to get in to see a Dr within a week let alone the day after. Very hard for those who live in rural areas who live nowhere close to a dr, especially if they don't drive or are not free to leave.

it's approved by the FDA- good luck in overturning something from there.
it's approved by the FDA- good luck in overturning something from there.
If the red tide continues, I can see the availability ending without much notice. Young people (not only women) of childbearing age -and thoughtful parents - are well-advised to lay some away for the proverbial rainy day. Stuff keeps for decades.

Shop shop shop! I’ve seen prices/dose from $9 to $60.
Company I work for just affirmed that they view reproductive health as part of basic health services so will cover anything related if you happen to live in a shitty state.

I wonder if some similar reasoning could be applied on a national level and be rolled up into providing some of that sweet sweet commie healthcare.
Company I work for just affirmed that they view reproductive health as part of basic health services so will cover anything related if you happen to live in a shitty state.

I wonder if some similar reasoning could be applied on a national level and be rolled up into providing some of that sweet sweet commie healthcare.
A million lawsuits later
Company I work for just affirmed that they view reproductive health as part of basic health services so will cover anything related if you happen to live in a shitty state.

I wonder if some similar reasoning could be applied on a national level and be rolled up into providing some of that sweet sweet commie healthcare.
A million lawsuits later
“Health care” for business.

Weird that health insurance didn’t even become available as a perk of general employment until the 80s; before then, it was $25 to walk into a doctor’s office @ more or less random & be seen that day, and pay maybe $5 for a shot and a prescription (this in a major metro). After that, they passed the Medical Profiteering Enablement Act, or whatever they called it, in ‘76. By ‘83, company-paid health insurance became expected for professionals; that meant way more paperwork & secretarial hours chasing insurance companies, and the boom in healthcare-cost expansion & specialization had begun, and rising costs for *every* act along the way meant that cash prices became irrelevant. Health insurance had become necessary - and a huge industry, driven as all industry is driven: to minimize costs at every turn, to maximize production in every way, to prevent loss wherever possible, and ultimately, to shift ALL costs and responsibilities AWAY from themselves…and onto their policyholders & providers - *and* on governments whose police forces receive as much as or more than 80% of state, city, or county funds. My old stomping ground, city police was most recently reported to have been receiving funding from the city - an amount in excess of 91% of all city funds available for allotment.

Totally separate from the confiscation, seizure and etc auctions the police hold, or their share of fines processed by municipal courts, of course.

The point being that health care - once seen as available to all - is now about as available as a chicken sandwich from Popeye’s: it’s a profit center, now, and a cash-cow that never runs dry. The “health of the mother” was never more than a pretense, like w/ rape and incest. The camel’s nose, as they say.

The health of the mother is not important - nor is the health of the child: the dollar value of the required care to be extracted from *every* pregnancy - *THAT* is important.
Company I work for just affirmed that they view reproductive health as part of basic health services so will cover anything related if you happen to live in a shitty state.

I wonder if some similar reasoning could be applied on a national level and be rolled up into providing some of that sweet sweet commie healthcare.
It would be sweet. How does Congress think they will tackle mental health without universal health care. Our system of mental healthcare is rock bottom and hugely due to politicians. We can re-haul it much easier with a single payer system. There is so much that could be done to improve the mental healthcare system.
It would be sweet. How does Congress think they will tackle mental health without universal health care. Our system of mental healthcare is rock bottom and hugely due to politicians. We can re-haul it much easier with a single payer system. There is so much that could be done to improve the mental healthcare system.
The gutting of the mental healhcare system was deliberate. Reagan did it first: California, then nationwide. This is where/when the authoritarian wing killed the Republican Party as a viable choice for small-r republicans.

Republicans simply do not want “we the people” to include … people. Nonwhites. Women. Libertysexuals. Heathens. New Americans.

The Republican Party has decided that the republic must go. It has promiscuously welcomed too many of the wrong sort, who appear to have clean forgotten their place in polite society, and have the gall to talk about it.
I do think they will need to establish some sort of legal framework that would override states rights.

Edit: well I only posted half a thought there, not sure where it was headed originally. Maybe they can sell people on nationalized healthcare this time, not sure if it would work, but I would assume that nationwide federal law would override the states. It would of course wind up in the supreme court and would likely lose, and really has no chance of getting off the ground...but maybe. I'm stretching there.
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