The problem with libs/dems

I’ll have a look at your source but I doubt we’ll see eye to eye on the subject. Like I said I got my vax and I know plenty of vaxed who got sick and plenty of unvaxed who got sick as well, everyone seems to have faired the same. Some people eat up the dribble coming from the news, the internet, whatever printed or visual word they prefer, I just talk to people because I have the luxury of roaming around with work do service calls. It’s all been the same responses, couple days were shitty and I was super tired but it really wasn’t any worse than the last time I had the flu or bronchitis. It’d be nice if there was a site where people could rate their experience on a 1-10 scale and we could see the public opinion, maybe there is I’ve never looked

You go ahead and just talk to people. Suggest you mask up when you do but it's your choice not to.

Stay safe. The immune response that kicks in after getting vaccinated, leaving people tired and feeling icky is common and a sign that you have a healthy immune system.

The word is "drivel", not "dribble".
The boosters have been shown to prevent serious illness from Covid infection.

The risk from myocarditis due to the vaccine is miniscule compared to the risk of myocarditis when infected with Covid. This is a fact and not open to debate. Reams of very good information is available on this. But you won't read it so I won't attach a link. But do let me know if you want to open your mind and I'll send you some links.

I was skeptical about the vaccines. The difference between my skepticism and what you suffer from -- cynicism is the starting point. I start with the question -- are these claims true and I check them out, reading both sides of the discussion. A skeptic is a doubter. A cynic is a disbeliever. Your statements begin with disbelief and then everything you say goes on to confirm that belief. Regarding these covid vaccines. There is a mountain of good information and test data that show they are safe and effective. The antivaxx stuff is very weak and relies on cherry picked small sample sets. Your story "about this household I know", for example. First off, it's not verifiable, so I can't use the information. Second, the mountain of data only shows the benefits outweigh the risks. Nobody says "100% effective". The health experts on the subject say "far less risk than if not vaccinated". Maybe you can't understand the difference. I don't disbelieve your story about that family. I just say, if true, it doesn't mean anything one way or the other.

Speaking of your cynicism and disbelief. I have not been infected with Covid. You have no basis for disbelieving me. I follow CDC guidelines -- all of them, not just masking up and I've never tested positive for Covid, nor have I ever had any symptoms. I could have been infected and not had any symptoms. If you want to go with that as your basis of disbelieving me, it's a free world. Clutch your baseless belief tightly.

But I'm not going to moralize about your choices to not mask up or socially distance. I'm not going to say you could reduce the risk of exposure and I'm not going to complain about the costs to society caused by people not taking precautions. I'm just saying I follow CDC guidelines and haven't caught the virus yet. How many times have you been infected? I hear people say they have caught Covid several times already. But I'm not saying they are bad people. Careless, yes, but it's their choice. Choices have consequences.
Where my skepticism comes from is how often are large pharmaceutical companies caught paying off doctors and studies to reflect positive narratives. There’s a lot of money tied to everything and humans ethics are easily bought and paid for compliments of greed. What Would be more reassuring was every respiratory and cardiac physician reporting their findings on a publically available site, One that cannot be edited in anyway to remove adverse findings. Tons of doctors who spoke out against vaccines or treatments were relinquished of their duties and not so much as allowed to prescribe vitamin c to a patient. When something like that transpires you have to question things like how legitimate the claims being made are. Either way it’s your choice if you want to mask up and get every booster available, I just personally don’t see a point to it any longer given it’s never going to not exist anymore
Well that’s absolutely ridiculous. Granted the previous discussion was hinged on the cov vax. There’s no reason not to trust in a vax that went through the proper development and clinical trials typically 5-10 year studies, we know they work we know the associated risks etc. only debating with buddy because technically we’re in year two of wide spread clinical testing without know long term affects of what we all took nor the true efficacy given vaxed or not we’re still getting sick and there’s no data that can ever possibly tell you if an individual would have had greater or equal to symptoms to the virus because you’d require a duplicate of yourself to know what’s more beneficial if any difference at all.
but yeah people not getting Polio vaxes when we pretty well eradicated the disease thanks to the same vax is pretty ludicrous
Well that’s absolutely ridiculous. Granted the previous discussion was hinged on the cov vax. There’s no reason not to trust in a vax that went through the proper development and clinical trials typically 5-10 year studies, we know they work we know the associated risks etc. only debating with buddy because technically we’re in year two of wide spread clinical testing without know long term affects of what we all took nor the true efficacy given vaxed or not we’re still getting sick and there’s no data that can ever possibly tell you if an individual would have had greater or equal to symptoms to the virus because you’d require a duplicate of yourself to know what’s more beneficial if any difference at all.
but yeah people not getting Polio vaxes when we pretty well eradicated the disease thanks to the same vax is pretty ludicrous
People still believe antivaxx bullshit and it spread to covid vaccines killing tens of thousands with disinformation, the arrogant murdering bastards who spread it are criminals. It's the same for measles, chicken pox and a host of other diseases, they are child murders using disinformation and bullshit.
Where my skepticism comes from is how often are large pharmaceutical companies caught paying off doctors and studies to reflect positive narratives. There’s a lot of money tied to everything and humans ethics are easily bought and paid for compliments of greed. What Would be more reassuring was every respiratory and cardiac physician reporting their findings on a publically available site, One that cannot be edited in anyway to remove adverse findings. Tons of doctors who spoke out against vaccines or treatments were relinquished of their duties and not so much as allowed to prescribe vitamin c to a patient. When something like that transpires you have to question things like how legitimate the claims being made are. Either way it’s your choice if you want to mask up and get every booster available, I just personally don’t see a point to it any longer given it’s never going to not exist anymore
Oh I guess I forgot to mention to my knowledge I haven’t had it once according to the rapid antigen testing but did feel really shitty and winded for a week with every symptom Covid has. That being said I feel I may have had it and the rapid tests are lacking in efficacy. Was mid august last year, so no real flu spread or reason to have pneumonia or bronchitis, diligent with the sanitizers etc but that due in part to most people are gross and 5/10 people seem to walk right out the bathroom without washing their hands, but yeah I’d say I’m about 80% sure it must have been a variant of sorts and the rapid test failed. With that being said in my experience if it was indeed Covid it was one day of shitty coughing, 2 days of being winded doing normal activities and 6 or so total days of typical cold feeling were you can still do everything you normally can but you’d rather take it easy and watch the price is right
People still believe antivaxx bullshit and it spread to covid vaccines killing tens of thousands with disinformation, the arrogant murdering bastards who spread it are criminals. It's the same for measles, chicken pox and a host of other diseases, they are child murders using disinformation and bullshit.
Regular non rushed properly tested vaccines should never be questioned because of the stringent guidelines behind them. The cov vax was a rush job pump it into arms and our own govts waived rights to legal actions against pharmaceutical companies if anything went wrong. There are reasons to doubt it’s efficacy given the amount of transmission in fully vaxxed and boosted community members. Declaring their severity is reduced is impossible to actually predict given everyone pre vaccines reacted differently to the virus. It’s a blanket statement to say to all of us who took it you did the right thing and you’re better for it when that can never actually be proven whereas vaccines like IPV we know truly worked because polio virtually disappeared all together. The same can’t be said for Covid, it also cannot be empirically proven you have better protection against the virus without having a clone and subject you both to the virus to see who fairs better
Well that’s absolutely ridiculous. Granted the previous discussion was hinged on the cov vax. There’s no reason not to trust in a vax that went through the proper development and clinical trials typically 5-10 year studies, we know they work we know the associated risks etc. only debating with buddy because technically we’re in year two of wide spread clinical testing without know long term affects of what we all took nor the true efficacy given vaxed or not we’re still getting sick and there’s no data that can ever possibly tell you if an individual would have had greater or equal to symptoms to the virus because you’d require a duplicate of yourself to know what’s more beneficial if any difference at all.
but yeah people not getting Polio vaxes when we pretty well eradicated the disease thanks to the same vax is pretty ludicrous
Tell us more about how the body shuts itself down if a woman gets raped.

For real, now you are a scientist? After all the batshit crazy you have been spewing on here right? I'm sure you know all about all the science that has been being done for decades leading up to them designing this virus.

You seem totally legit.

People still believe antivaxx bullshit and it spread to covid vaccines killing tens of thousands with disinformation, the arrogant murdering bastards who spread it are criminals. It's the same for measles, chicken pox and a host of other diseases, they are child murders using disinformation and bullshit.
The problem I’m finding with it is I’ve seen only a few study groups of low numbers 30-50 participants willingly exposed to cov and around 1/2 contracted it. There’s no wide range data because most doctors argue it’s ethically unjustifiable because there’s no known long term effects with us only in year two. Even at that point 1/2 of the 18-30 aged healthy participants contracted. Not exactly the 80% efficacy, and with them being subjected to low dose exposure it’s hard to tell how well it performs because ethically you can’t give them high dose because it could lead to their death potentially. So yeah like it’s great to say hey we got something that works, but the answer really was we got something that sorta works maybe and you might not get it as bad or you will really it’s dependent on every individuals immune response overall health and under lying health conditions but so you’re not pissed about being an unpaid lab rat if you caught it without your vax you would been on a ventilator so good job for being in our global experiment we haven’t fully learned all the repercussions of yet. Hopefully it’s none cause I’d rather not face anything thinking I was doing the responsible thing, but only time will tell
Still mad huh? Everyone’s entitled to their opinions, I said rape is justifiable for abortion but that if she’s already on bc because she’s sexually active she’s more than likely not gonna need the abortion. She also should be getting plan b and an sti check right away too because it’s responsible thing to do and then filing charges so the prick goes to jail. You’re an idiot if you think otherwise but we’ve already established you’re retarded
Nice deflection from your internet credentials in the science of this vaccine. Negging always works right lol.
The problem I’m finding with it is I’ve seen only a few study groups of low numbers 30-50 participants willingly exposed to cov and around 1/2 contracted it. There’s no wide range data because most doctors argue it’s ethically unjustifiable because there’s no known long term effects with us only in year two. Even at that point 1/2 of the 18-30 aged healthy participants contracted. Not exactly the 80% efficacy, and with them being subjected to low dose exposure it’s hard to tell how well it performs because ethically you can’t give them high dose because it could lead to their death potentially. So yeah like it’s great to say hey we got something that works, but the answer really was we got something that sorta works maybe and you might not get it as bad or you will really it’s dependent on every individuals immune response overall health and under lying health conditions but so you’re not pissed about being an unpaid lab rat if you caught it without your vax you would been on a ventilator so good job for being in our global experiment we haven’t fully learned all the repercussions of yet. Hopefully it’s none cause I’d rather not face anything thinking I was doing the responsible thing, but only time will tell
You are not a scientist and probably never even went to collage, your opinion is worthless and dangerous. Keep your irrational fear to yourself and stop victimizing the innocent, you don't have a moral or ethical leg to stand on.
You are not a scientist and probably never even went to collage, your opinion is worthless and dangerous. Keep your irrational fear to yourself and stop victimizing the innocent, you don't have a moral or ethical leg to stand on.
And I’m so certain you were part of the cutting edge development team leading the charge on the vax. You’re equally as qualified to discuss it as I am only difference is you believe everything crammed in front of your face while I have enough intellect to question how exactly can they deliver such results when they truly don’t know and cannot properly conduct testing in such a heightened duration of time. Adios retard
Nice deflection from your internet credentials in the science of this vaccine. Negging always works right lol.
Sorry I poked holes in your belief and your to overwhelmed at the thought your leaders could just be lying to you so you don’t get pissy. I mean it makes complete logical sense to tell someone they’re definitely not as bad as they would have been with Covid thanks to their shot. I suppose they’re all mystics capable of viewing multiple timelines right??
Sorry I poked holes in your belief and your to overwhelmed at the thought your leaders could just be lying to you so you don’t get pissy. I mean it makes complete logical sense to tell someone they’re definitely not as bad as they would have been with Covid thanks to their shot. I suppose they’re all mystics capable of viewing multiple timelines right??

Ill go with the 95%+ of doctors who dedicate their entire lives to keeping up on the actual science of medicine over nut jobs who think demon sperm is the real reason people get sick.
Where my skepticism comes from is how often are large pharmaceutical companies caught paying off doctors and studies to reflect positive narratives. There’s a lot of money tied to everything and humans ethics are easily bought and paid for compliments of greed. What Would be more reassuring was every respiratory and cardiac physician reporting their findings on a publically available site, One that cannot be edited in anyway to remove adverse findings. Tons of doctors who spoke out against vaccines or treatments were relinquished of their duties and not so much as allowed to prescribe vitamin c to a patient. When something like that transpires you have to question things like how legitimate the claims being made are. Either way it’s your choice if you want to mask up and get every booster available, I just personally don’t see a point to it any longer given it’s never going to not exist anymore
That's not skepticism, it is cynicism. Right? Your doubt comes from a belief that people are being underhanded regarding this vaccine. Doctors did not administer the Covid vaccines, at least, not in the US. Canada has a social health system. In both cases, the government buys the vaccine and pays government employees to administer them. Where is the "paying off doctors" in that? The studies that tested the vaccines where rushed in a health emergency. This drew my skepticism. So I waited a few months to let the early adopters help flesh out the data. The data is fine. Not zero risk and not 100% effective. The risk from the vaccine is minuscule compared to the risk to the unvaccinated. Your concerns are not backed up with information. You are simply afraid of what you don't understand.

What a pile of dreck. Your mind is closed and all you do is repeat a cynical POV.
That's not skepticism, it is cynicism. Right? Your doubt comes from a belief that people are being underhanded regarding this vaccine. Doctors did not administer the Covid vaccines, at least, not in the US. Canada has a social health system. In both cases, the government buys the vaccine and pays government employees to administer them. Where is the "paying off doctors" in that? The studies that tested the vaccines where rushed in a health emergency. This drew my skepticism. So I waited a few months to let the early adopters help flesh out the data. The data is fine. Not zero risk and not 100% effective. The risk from the vaccine is minuscule compared to the risk to the unvaccinated. Your concerns are not backed up with information. You are simply afraid of what you don't understand.

What a pile of dreck. Your mind is closed and all you do is repeat a cynical POV.
Pharmachem companies will gladly pay licensed physicians to say what they want them to say because everyone’s supposed to trust doctors. So when other doctors and nurses start losing their jobs cause they say hold up this can’t be accurate, this particular aspect concerns me and our government prevents them from practising medicine for raising their concerns it certainly leads to skepticism. I wouldn’t have gotten it if I were cynical I’m just pointing out you can’t truly tell a person they’d be worse off without the vaccine when the simple fact is they can’t actually no this for sure. There could be no difference in severity of outcome. Now a doctor telling you you’re way better off to have your polio vaccine than not because we’ve actually proven that you don’t get polio with it and we’ve all but eradicated the disease from the world compliments of this vaccine we took years and years to develop and make sure was safe and effective is a completely different story. Every pharma company rushed their ass off to find something that they could call a vaccine and when the first lab rat didn’t get infected they said tell ‘em we’ve done it and let’s make a fortune. Low and behold it barely works, herd immunity is up from natural infection and realistically it’s not even that dangerous a virus. But hey keep screaming science from the mountain tops when there is ultimately no way to accurately say your symptoms will be way worse if your unvaxxed compared to a vaxxed. Varies case by case with no way to accurately log that data, too many variables exist. Something like the polio vax though, we can say safe and effective because regardless of your health diet age etc polio isn’t running rampant.
Pharmachem companies will gladly pay licensed physicians to say what they want them to say because everyone’s supposed to trust doctors. So when other doctors and nurses start losing their jobs cause they say hold up this can’t be accurate, this particular aspect concerns me and our government prevents them from practising medicine for raising their concerns it certainly leads to skepticism. I wouldn’t have gotten it if I were cynical I’m just pointing out you can’t truly tell a person they’d be worse off without the vaccine when the simple fact is they can’t actually no this for sure. There could be no difference in severity of outcome. Now a doctor telling you you’re way better off to have your polio vaccine than not because we’ve actually proven that you don’t get polio with it and we’ve all but eradicated the disease from the world compliments of this vaccine we took years and years to develop and make sure was safe and effective is a completely different story. Every pharma company rushed their ass off to find something that they could call a vaccine and when the first lab rat didn’t get infected they said tell ‘em we’ve done it and let’s make a fortune. Low and behold it barely works, herd immunity is up from natural infection and realistically it’s not even that dangerous a virus. But hey keep screaming science from the mountain tops when there is ultimately no way to accurately say your symptoms will be way worse if your unvaxxed compared to a vaxxed. Varies case by case with no way to accurately log that data, too many variables exist. Something like the polio vax though, we can say safe and effective because regardless of your health diet age etc polio isn’t running rampant.
You say you are Canadian? Are you saying that Pharmachem companies in Canada are paying doctors to write prescriptions? Don't the Canadian govt or the provinces negotiate drug prices and purchase them for distribution? Does what Grampah make sense to one of the more rational Canadians who post here? @Budley Doright ?

In any case nothing you say applies to how Covid vaccines were paid for and delivered in the US. That was not how they were delivered to the public in the US. They were purchased by the feds and distributed by state or local governments. Doctors did not prescribe them

Testing and field experience clearly show the Covid vaccines along with a huge list of others are safe and effective. Moreover, people were not forced to take vaccines. You are full of BS. I say this dispassionately. The evidence is clear. The science is settled. Your claims are nonsensical musings.