The boosters have been shown to prevent serious illness from Covid infection.
The risk from myocarditis due to the vaccine is miniscule compared to the risk of myocarditis when infected with Covid. This is a fact and not open to debate. Reams of very good information is available on this. But you won't read it so I won't attach a link. But do let me know if you want to open your mind and I'll send you some links.
I was skeptical about the vaccines. The difference between my skepticism and what you suffer from -- cynicism is the starting point. I start with the question -- are these claims true and I check them out, reading both sides of the discussion. A skeptic is a doubter. A cynic is a disbeliever. Your statements begin with disbelief and then everything you say goes on to confirm that belief. Regarding these covid vaccines. There is a mountain of good information and test data that show they are safe and effective. The antivaxx stuff is very weak and relies on cherry picked small sample sets. Your story "about this household I know", for example. First off, it's not verifiable, so I can't use the information. Second, the mountain of data only shows the benefits outweigh the risks. Nobody says "100% effective". The health experts on the subject say "far less risk than if not vaccinated". Maybe you can't understand the difference. I don't disbelieve your story about that family. I just say, if true, it doesn't mean anything one way or the other.
Speaking of your cynicism and disbelief. I have not been infected with Covid. You have no basis for disbelieving me. I follow CDC guidelines -- all of them, not just masking up and I've never tested positive for Covid, nor have I ever had any symptoms. I could have been infected and not had any symptoms. If you want to go with that as your basis of disbelieving me, it's a free world. Clutch your baseless belief tightly.
But I'm not going to moralize about your choices to not mask up or socially distance. I'm not going to say you could reduce the risk of exposure and I'm not going to complain about the costs to society caused by people not taking precautions. I'm just saying I follow CDC guidelines and haven't caught the virus yet. How many times have you been infected? I hear people say they have caught Covid several times already. But I'm not saying they are bad people. Careless, yes, but it's their choice. Choices have consequences.