January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.


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J6 hearing exposes more Trump election crimes AND his victimization of election worker Shay Moss
44,253 views Jun 21, 2022 The latest January 6 public hearing exposed additional evidence of Donald Trump's election crimes. He corruptly pressured state election officials and politicians in Georgia, Arizona and elsewhere, soliciting election fraud in his desperate attempt to unconstitutionally cling to power. Notably, at the beginning of the hearing, Rep. Adam Schiff read into the record a newly posted statement by Trump. The first witness to testify was Speaker of the Arizona House Rusty Bowers. Trump issued a statement claiming that he had a conversation with Speaker Bowers in which Bowers told him (Trump) that the presidential election was rigged. Speaker Bowers testified, under oath, that Trump's claim was a lie. But what it did show was that Trump remains willing to obstruct an official congressional proceeding. moreover, this conduct by Trump was reminiscent of how hatred to chill the testimony of Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch as the was appearing before Congress. But the most gut-wrenching portion of the hearing was the testimony of election worker Shay Moss. Trump and Rudy Giuliani falsely claimed that Ms. Moss committee crimes by, essenaitlly, stuffing Georgia ballot boxes with fraudulent votes for Joe Biden. This was a flat-out lie, but once Trump put her name out into the public square, Trump's base went after Ms. Shay and her mother, making their lives a living hell. This video discusses some the evidence of Trmp's crimes, as well as the crimes of Rudy Giulian and John Eastman.


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I hope Garland goes to town on them, all of them, appoint several special prosecutors if you need to and hand some of it off onto them, but get them all. There will be a ton of evidence and rats, let the press go through it and the public too, so they can make sure they get them all for everything. This former republican congressman and intelligence expert says a lot of republicans were involved, a whole lot. Bring back FBI agents from retirement on term contract, retired DOJ people too, if extra experienced people are required.

Denver Riggleman: 1/6 Committee Has 'Made Facts More Attractive Than Fantasy'
65,417 views Jun 21, 2022 Former Congressman and former advisor to the January 6th Select Committee Denver Riggleman discusses with Nicolle Wallace the committee's most recent hearing and what story he thinks the committee will tell in its final hearings.
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CNN released an email from Ginni Thomas to Mark Meadows in which she used the term "coup buses".
It’s been well-know for a long time that she hired buses and drivers to bring ‘marchers’ to the Capitol for the 6th…in terms of effect, it just sort of slid off - until now.

Conway isn't really a conservative anymore. Democrats scooped up the more reasonable ones when they left due to trump. Kelly Anne's husband is just a talking head.
Conway’s even a minor example: David Frum, David Brooks, William Kristol, to name the most prominent neo-con voices. Liz Cheney, for gawdsake, and Adam Kitzinger are more prominent *now* than they’ve ever been, and are pretty full-throated in terms of how they view the attempted overthrow.

I saw hearing 4 today, had only seen a piece of another…must say, this is major. There was little of it that was new to me (I have been working to keep my eye on the ball), but stepping through the timeline, with all the supporting evidence, I myself was a bit overwhelmed by the weight of the presentation. One thing I hadn’t known was that one of Trump’s calls w/ GA SOS Brad Raffensperger was *67* minutes long, and while they did not play the entire recording, it was clear that Trump had bullied, talked over, cut off Raffensperger time and time again, had told him to stop “hiding the truth”, had threatened Raffensperger, his career, and his family over and over and over. And this was just ONE of the calls the SOS had to deal with from Trump.

At every step in the plot to disrupt the election and steal the presidency, Trump was told repeatedly that what he planned was illegal & he couldn’t do it…and then he did it. They searingly made the point that election workers in Fulton County Ga were receiving TENS OF THOUSANDS of threatening and/or abusive texts and emails and phone calls during the time taken up by the three recounts - after having been doxxed by ’angry’ Trump supporters or agents - up to and including forcible home invasion.

I’d figured I’d get around to seeing the others soon enough, but watching the first three hearings is suddenly more urgent, so I’ll try to be ready in time for the *next* hearing. I learned US civics in grade school, in the 50s; the essentials are still unchanged, and the principles are undiluted, despite now covering “non-white” as well as “white” citizens…and perhaps more than any other service the hearings can provide, they are a brilliant lesson in the strength of the American Experiment in self-governance, and of our civil institutions in action, and an advanced course in civil government in action.

The Overthrow agents have said again and again that ‘these hearings have no valid legislative purpose’, but I’m looking very much forward to legislation emerging that will prevent and punish such acts & actions in the future
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Damning: Jan. 6 Probe Reveals Trump Was Directly Involved In Fake Electors Plot
89,957 views Jun 21, 2022 New evidence shows allies of Donald Trump attempted to ambush then-Vice President Mike Pence on the Senate floor on Jan. 6 with an alternate slate of electors in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election results. Other new testimony at the Jan. 6 hearing revealed that Trump was directly involved in the fraudulent electors plot. MSNBC’s Ari Melber is joined by former Georgia U.S. Attorney Michael J. Moore and The Washington Post’s Libby Casey to discuss the significance of the evidence unveiled at the Jan. 6 committee’s latest public hearing.


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Damning: Jan. 6 Probe Reveals Trump Was Directly Involved In Fake Electors Plot
89,957 views Jun 21, 2022 New evidence shows allies of Donald Trump attempted to ambush then-Vice President Mike Pence on the Senate floor on Jan. 6 with an alternate slate of electors in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election results. Other new testimony at the Jan. 6 hearing revealed that Trump was directly involved in the fraudulent electors plot. MSNBC’s Ari Melber is joined by former Georgia U.S. Attorney Michael J. Moore and The Washington Post’s Libby Casey to discuss the significance of the evidence unveiled at the Jan. 6 committee’s latest public hearing.
Senator RON WISCONSIN JOHNSON, everyone. Wanted to personally put slates of false electors *from multiple states* INTO PENCE’S HANDS ON THE SENATE FLOOR.

On January 6th. During the certification.

No pressure, Mike…just DO IT…you *know* we’re watching
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Took Obama 8 years to issue a leave now order did it? But but but George started it.

Shut up, it doesn't take 8 years to evacuate. Rest of that horse piss isn't worth bothering with.
what are you referring to? What took 8 years to evacuate?


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T****'s Relentless, Illegal Scheme To Overturn The Election | GOP Candidate Goes RINO Hunting
231,381 views Jun 22, 2022 Today the Jan. 6th Committee laid out in shocking detail how the former president's scheme to overturn the 2020 election brought harrowing consequences for the public servants who resisted the pressure to support his lies. Elsewhere, GOP primary voters in Missouri are seeing yet another violent campaign ad from a gun-toting candidate.


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Why Ron Johnson Is Right To Worry About Trump's Fake Elector Scheme
11,267 views Jun 22, 2022 Ari Melber and an MSNBC panel discuss the revelation at the fourth January 6th hearing that a staffer for Senator Ron Johnson tried to arrange giving lists of fake electors to Mike Pence, and Johnson's apparent extreme discomfort with discussing the matter, possibly a reflection of the legal liability he senses.

Herb & Suds

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Why Ron Johnson Is Right To Worry About Trump's Fake Elector Scheme
11,267 views Jun 22, 2022 Ari Melber and an MSNBC panel discuss the revelation at the fourth January 6th hearing that a staffer for Senator Ron Johnson tried to arrange giving lists of fake electors to Mike Pence, and Johnson's apparent extreme discomfort with discussing the matter, possibly a reflection of the legal liability he senses.
Johnson saying he is on a call and the guy says “no you are not, I can see your screen”
Is exactly what Ron the Con is


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Bowers says Biggs asked him to sign letter to decertify state’s electors
Rusty Bowers, the Republican Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, said that Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), the former chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, called him on the morning of Jan. 6, 2021, asking him to support the decertification of electors.

“He asked if I would sign on both to a letter that had been sent from my state, and/or that I would support the decertification of the electors,” Bowers said at a Tuesday hearing of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.

“I said I would not,” Bowers added.

A representative for Biggs did not immediately return a request for comment.

The Jan. 6 select committee subpoenaed Biggs last month, along with several other GOP members of Congress. They have not complied with the subpoenas.

In a previous hearing, the Jan. 6 committee named Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.), the current chair of the House Freedom Caucus, as one of multiple GOP members who requested pardons from former President Donald Trump. Perry, through a spokesperson, denied that.

Biggs was apparently part of that group of interest.

In a May letter requesting information from Biggs, the committee said that Biggs was identified by former White House personnel as being part of “an effort by certain House Republicans after January 6th to seek a presidential pardon for activities taken in connection with President Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.”
When Jared Kushner testified that when the WH lawyers said they'd all resign over the Presidents behavior, Mr. Kushner referred to it as 'whining'.

Did anyone catch what he said as part of that sentence?

He said he was busy 'processing as many pardons as possible' when he thought/felt the attorneys whining.


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When Jared Kushner testified that when the WH lawyers said they'd all resign over the Presidents behavior, Mr. Kushner referred to it as 'whining'.

Did anyone catch what he said as part of that sentence?

He said he was busy 'processing as many pardons as possible' when he thought/felt the attorneys whining.
Posted it when it came out. Come on schuylaar, please keep up. ;)


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Trump says it’s ‘not even a question’ McCarthy should’ve put Republicans on Jan. 6 panel
Former President Trump in a new interview said it was “not even a question” that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) should have put GOP lawmakers on the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, riots at the Capitol.

“Well, I think in retrospect, I think it would have been very smart to put [Republicans on the committee] and again, I wasn’t involved in it from a standpoint so I never looked at it too closely. But I think it would have been good if we had representation,” Trump told Punchbowl News in an interview.

McCarthy last year withdrew all of his Republican picks for the panel after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) rejected two of his choices — Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Jim Banks (R-Ind.) — that voted to reject election results from certain states on the day of the riots.

“They were great and would’ve been great to have them,” Trump said of Jordan and Banks. “But when Pelosi wrongfully didn’t allow them, we should’ve picked other people. We have a lot of good people in the Republican Party.”


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Trump says it’s ‘not even a question’ McCarthy should’ve put Republicans on Jan. 6 panel
Former President Trump in a new interview said it was “not even a question” that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) should have put GOP lawmakers on the House committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, riots at the Capitol.

“Well, I think in retrospect, I think it would have been very smart to put [Republicans on the committee] and again, I wasn’t involved in it from a standpoint so I never looked at it too closely. But I think it would have been good if we had representation,” Trump told Punchbowl News in an interview.

McCarthy last year withdrew all of his Republican picks for the panel after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) rejected two of his choices — Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Jim Banks (R-Ind.) — that voted to reject election results from certain states on the day of the riots.

“They were great and would’ve been great to have them,” Trump said of Jordan and Banks. “But when Pelosi wrongfully didn’t allow them, we should’ve picked other people. We have a lot of good people in the Republican Party.”
"I wasn't involved in it." Sounds incredible and believable to an extent. It would be exactly like Trump to ignore very important matters if it invovlves actual work, which it didn't, but also unbelievable that he wouldn't micromanage anything PR related. He wanted to frame it as a partisan witch hunt but now his hindsight is 20/20 so naturally he blames it on someone else.


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Posted it when it came out. Come on schuylaar, please keep up. ;)
Citation link?:wink:

In my opinion that was one of two major takeaways..after it played Cheney repeated 'whining' (that the WH lawyers were) and totally missed the moment prior when Kushner revealed 'he was busy with pardons' (had to get as many in as possible). Coming from Cheney would have had major impact..busy with pardons while our country literally burns.

The second being Guiliani admitting there is no evidence. "just say you won' on November 3rd.


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Key Jan. 6 witness says he’d vote for Trump again
Calls from top advisers to former President Donald Trump to help overturn Trump’s 2020 election loss were an unsupported, unwise and “juvenile” effort that attacked a bedrock principal of American democracy, Arizona’s House speaker said Monday.

Republican Speaker Rusty Bowers is among a series of state election officials set to testify Tuesday before the congressional committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection where Trump backers tried to stop the certification of President Joe Biden’s victory.

Bowers spoke to The Associated Press after he arrived in Washington on Monday afternoon. He will be questioned about a phone call he got from Trump and attorney Rudy Giuliani in the weeks after the November 2020 election where Giuliani floated a proposal to replace Arizona’s Biden electors by having the state’s Legislature instead choose those committed to voting for Trump.



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Ivanka Trump said a month after 2020 election father should ‘continue to fight’
Ivanka Trump told a filmmaker a month after the 2020 presidential election that her father, former President Trump, should keep up his legal challenges against the results, according to a video seen by The New York Times.

The video was captured by Alex Holder, a British filmmaker who was subpoenaed by the Jan. 6 House committee investigating the Capitol riot.

“I think that, as the president has said, every single vote needs to be counted and needs to be heard, and he campaigned for the voiceless,” Ivanka Trump said. “And I think a lot of Americans feel very, very disenfranchised right now, and really, question the sanctity of our elections, and that’s not right, it’s not acceptable.”

A person with access to the video told The Times the interview was conducted on December 10, 2020.

“And he has to take on this fight. Look, you fight for what you love the most and he loves this country and he loves this country’s people, and he wants to make sure that their voice is, is heard and not muted,” she said, adding that her father “will continue to fight until every legal remedy is exhausted and that’s what he should do.”

The comments from the former president’s daughter part ways with her deposition to the House committee.

In an interview the committee played during a public hearing, Ivanka Trump said she “accepted” the results of the election after former Attorney General William Barr said there was no election fraud.

“It affected my perspective. I respect Attorney General Barr, so I accepted what he said,” Ivanka Trump testified.

In response to the hearing where those comments were played on prime-time television, former President Trump said that Ivanka Trump was “checked out” after the election and “only trying to be respectful to Bill Barr and his position as Attorney General (he sucked!).”

Holder said he turned over footage from the riot he took and interviews he had with Trump, former Vice President Pence, Ivanka Trump, Jared Kushner, Donald Trump Jr. and Eric Trump.


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They caught Ron on open ground, literally and figuratively. :lol:

'It Doesn't Work That Way': Joe Reacts To Sen. Johnson's Denial On Fake Electors
131,701 views Jun 22, 2022 Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., is denying being involved in a plot to submit a bogus pro-Trump slate of electors for Michigan and Wisconsin. The Jan. 6 Committee presented text messages between Sean Riley, a top aide to Johnson, and Chris Hodgson, then the director of legislative affairs for then-VP Mike Pence. The Morning Joe panel discusses.