January 6th hearings on Trump's failed insurrection.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Trump in prison yet?

I'd rather have desantis in there personally. I know it's gonna be a shock to you dumbasses to hear this, but I vote independent. I was going to vote for Obama in 08, but never ended up voting that year. Good thing too, demoRATS make things sound so good. But once in office it's the same ole same ole of empty promises while blaming everyone but themselves.

I just don't ever see myself voting for your party again in my lifetime. You literally voted a pedophile in as president, but but but trump's so facist! Offer your children to Biden gullible parrots.
it doesn't matter who you vote for, and we could really give a fuck less...you personally are an asshole who tries to be abusive and insulting, you hold racist views, and you are so misinformed that it isn't worth the time to explain why literally EVERYTHING that you say is just fucking backwards...trump is the pedophile, and an incestuous one at that, he literally drools over Ivanka...it's fucking creepy...and the same fucking sick fucker would walk into miss teen America pageant contestant's rooms unannounced, trying to catch some of them undressed...but yeah, Biden is the creepy one...fucking idiot.
and as to the democrats getting into office then not accomplishing much? that's because the motherfucking republican cocksuckers would rather let people die than support anything a democrat proposes...but then they're eager to reap any of the benefits they voted against...like boebert the former (and future, i'm sure) whore voting against the infrastructure bill, then writing Pete Buttigieg a letter demanding money from the bill to build an off ramp for her district....if i was Pete, any and all requests from republicunts who voted against the bill go straight in the fucking trash, they get fucking NOTHING....
but, yeah, it's all the democrats fault that republicans are fucking assholes who stop all progress on any issue that they don't initiate themselves.... :roll:

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
You forgot Libya, Benghazi, the endless war in Afghanistan among a whole lot of other shit

But I'm the one cherry picking.
Libya was a mistake, we never should have intervened, but it was a humanitarian effort, not a regime building exercise.
do you even know what the incident everyone refers to as Benghazi was? or are you just regurtgitating republicunt talking points like a mindless parrot? our ambassador to Libya, a state department information office, and 2 security personnel were killed by sharia muslims who attacked the embassy. hillary clinton was secretary of state at the time, and the republicans have insisted ever since that she was somehow responsible for the attack...it has been independently investigated by the fbi and there was a senate hearing, just like the current one into trumps fuckery...and it found hillary was innocent of wrongdoing...a panel that was vastly republican...who would have liked to hang her ass out to dry permanently...found she was innocent of any wrongdoing...but it's all the republicans have, so they keep bringing it up, over and over, even though they themselves couldn't nail her for a fucking thing, despite their best efforts...
Bush started Afghanistan, not a democrat...but of course, blame democrats for that too, because what does the truth matter in the face of your feelings?...
as far as the withdrawal from Afghanistan? well, trump arranged all that, in his typical completely incompetent manner...he was rude to the taliban, and tried to bully them. they told him have all your people gone by this day or we'll kill them all. then they refused any further communication with us, as our leader had been a fucking rude piece of shit to them. so Biden inherited his fucking shitty mess, and did what he had to do to get people out by the date the taliban had given, to avoid further conflict. but of course, clearly that is also the fault of democrats....somehow...if you turn your head and hold your tongue just right...against trump's asshole...it all starts to make absolutely no sense... :rolleyes:


Well-Known Member
Trump in prison yet?

I'd rather have desantis in there personally. I know it's gonna be a shock to you dumbasses to hear this, but I vote independent. I was going to vote for Obama in 08, but never ended up voting that year. Good thing too, demoRATS make things sound so good. But once in office it's the same ole same ole of empty promises while blaming everyone but themselves.

I just don't ever see myself voting for your party again in my lifetime. You literally voted a pedophile in as president, but but but trump's so facist! Offer your children to Biden gullible parrots.
If they can make you believe absurdities, then they can make you commit atrocities. So, does 2+2=5 yet? Wait until Donald demands it, wait a second, he already did! :lol: When will math be made illegal to teach in Red states?

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
I'd rather have desantis in there personally.
that makes you even worse than a trumptard....desantis is a fuckbag racist, misogynist, homophobic piece of shit. he's a mean spirited vindictive cocksucker. he has installed white supremacists in the florida government,
he went to war with Disney and basically lost...his fan boys claim he was a navy seal...he was in the judge advocate corp...he was a paper pusher, whose only contact with the seals was coordinating legal matters with them...
he has a decent education, and he earned a few commendations while in the navy, but since then, he has turned into a brown shirted fascist thug...just a piece of fucking shit, and anyone who supports him is no better


Well-Known Member
C-SPAN is serving as the pool for broadcast and cable media, and will cover the hearing with seven cameras. Each network — except Fox News, which is not covering the hearings in full — will add analysis and reporting.


So far we know:

The insurrection was planned
Proud Boys & Oath Keepers were in touch with the WH
Trump was willing to have Pence hanged
Trump advisers said all of the plans were illegal
Trump absolutely knows there was no significant fraud
The GOP knows there was no significant fraud
Fox News is complicit
Trump continues to espouse the Big Lie & his supporters continue to send the "billionaire" their money after he stole $250 million from them.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
C-SPAN is serving as the pool for broadcast and cable media, and will cover the hearing with seven cameras. Each network — except Fox News, which is not covering the hearings in full — will add analysis and reporting.


So far we know:

The insurrection was planned
Proud Boys & Oath Keepers were in touch with the WH
Trump was willing to have Pence hanged
Trump advisers said all of the plans were illegal
Trump absolutely knows there was no significant fraud
The GOP knows there was no significant fraud
Fox News is complicit
Trump continues to espouse the Big Lie & his supporters continue to send the "billionaire" their money after he stole $250 million from them.
or, to paraphrase....trump and 99% of republicans are still criminal fucks, and supporters of either are still fucking idiots with too much money who shouldn't be allowed to vote...


Ursus marijanus
C-SPAN is serving as the pool for broadcast and cable media, and will cover the hearing with seven cameras. Each network — except Fox News, which is not covering the hearings in full — will add analysis and reporting.


So far we know:

The insurrection was planned
Proud Boys & Oath Keepers were in touch with the WH
Trump was willing to have Pence hanged
Trump advisers said all of the plans were illegal
Trump absolutely knows there was no significant fraud
The GOP knows there was no significant fraud
Fox News is complicit
Trump continues to espouse the Big Lie & his supporters continue to send the "billionaire" their money after he stole $250 million from them.
Something tells me that a trenchant analysis of how Fox is complicit … won’t be airing on Fox.


Well-Known Member
It's jail for America's Frontline Doctor Simone for what else? Grifting.

Hopefully they wrangled out of her who it was that canceled her and the rest of the speakers that were supposed to go on after Trump on Jan 6th, freeing them all up to do their failed insurrection.


Well-Known Member
Libya was a mistake, we never should have intervened, but it was a humanitarian effort, not a regime building exercise.
do you even know what the incident everyone refers to as Benghazi was? or are you just regurtgitating republicunt talking points like a mindless parrot? our ambassador to Libya, a state department information office, and 2 security personnel were killed by sharia muslims who attacked the embassy. hillary clinton was secretary of state at the time, and the republicans have insisted ever since that she was somehow responsible for the attack...it has been independently investigated by the fbi and there was a senate hearing, just like the current one into trumps fuckery...and it found hillary was innocent of wrongdoing...a panel that was vastly republican...who would have liked to hang her ass out to dry permanently...found she was innocent of any wrongdoing...but it's all the republicans have, so they keep bringing it up, over and over, even though they themselves couldn't nail her for a fucking thing, despite their best efforts...
Bush started Afghanistan, not a democrat...but of course, blame democrats for that too, because what does the truth matter in the face of your feelings?...
as far as the withdrawal from Afghanistan? well, trump arranged all that, in his typical completely incompetent manner...he was rude to the taliban, and tried to bully them. they told him have all your people gone by this day or we'll kill them all. then they refused any further communication with us, as our leader had been a fucking rude piece of shit to them. so Biden inherited his fucking shitty mess, and did what he had to do to get people out by the date the taliban had given, to avoid further conflict. but of course, clearly that is also the fault of democrats....somehow...if you turn your head and hold your tongue just right...against trump's asshole...it all starts to make absolutely no sense... :rolleyes:
Took Obama 8 years to issue a leave now order did it? But but but George started it.

Shut up, it doesn't take 8 years to evacuate. Rest of that horse piss isn't worth bothering with.


Well-Known Member
that makes you even worse than a trumptard....desantis is a fuckbag racist, misogynist, homophobic piece of shit. he's a mean spirited vindictive cocksucker. he has installed white supremacists in the florida government,
he went to war with Disney and basically lost...his fan boys claim he was a navy seal...he was in the judge advocate corp...he was a paper pusher, whose only contact with the seals was coordinating legal matters with them...
he has a decent education, and he earned a few commendations while in the navy, but since then, he has turned into a brown shirted fascist thug...just a piece of fucking shit, and anyone who supports him is no better
Blah blah he's a big meany that makes you go unhinged. Stop cursing so much, you're not a damn rapper


Well-Known Member
Trump rips Arizona GOP’s Rusty Bowers ahead of public testimony to Jan. 6 panel
Former President Trump on Tuesday ripped Arizona state House Speaker Rusty Bowers (R), who is set to testify in front of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot later in the day alongside election officials from Georgia.

“Arizona Speaker of the House Rusty Bowers is the latest [Republican in name only] to play along with the Unselect Committee,” Trump said in a statement issued through his Save America PAC.

Trump also claimed that Bowers told him following the 2020 election that he would have lost his reelection bid to his Arizona House seat if not for the help of the former president.

Bowers is set to testify along with Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger (R) and his deputy Gabe Sterling in the House select committee’s panel as lawmakers seek to show the extent of Trump’s pressure campaign on state officials to overturn the 2020 election results.

The Arizona state House Speaker refused efforts to overturn the 2020 election results in the state, joining a slew of battleground states that Trump lost, despite calls from the former president and Rudy Giuliani to delay or change results. Bowers later survived a recall attempt in his state.

In February, the Arizona Republican effectively doomed a bill that would have allowed primary or general election results to be rejected by the state’s legislature.

“For somebody to say we have plenary authority to overthrow a vote of the people for something we think may have happened, where is [the evidence]?’’ Bowers told Capitol Media Services at the time.

He would later be named one of five recipients of the 2022 John F. Kennedy Profile in Courage Award for “their courage to protect and defend democracy”; other awardees included select committee vice chairwoman Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) and former Georgia election worker Wandrea “Shaye” Moss, who is also testifying with the committee later Tuesday.

Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers refutes Trump’s description of phone call: ‘That certainly isn’t it’
Arizona House Speaker Rusty Bowers (R) refuted former President Trump’s description of a phone call between the two men after the 2020 presidential election, telling the members of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol that he never told Trump the election was rigged.

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-Calif.), a member of the Jan. 6 panel who took a leading role in Tuesday’s hearing, began Bowers’s in-person testimony by asking the Arizona official about a phone call that took place between Bowers and Trump after the 2020 presidential election.

Trump, in a statement Tuesday morning, said that Bowers “told me that the election was rigged and that I won Arizona.”

Bowers, however, denied that description under oath later Tuesday.

“I did have a conversation with the president. That certainly isn’t it, but there were parts of it that are true, but there are parts that are not,” Bowers told Schiff when asked if he had such a conversation with Trump.

Pressed on if he told Trump that the election was rigged and that the former president actually won the race, Bowers testified that has never made such a statement.

“Anywhere, anyone, anytime has said that I said that the election was rigged, that would not be true,” Bowers said.

“And when the former president in his statement today claimed that you told him that he won Arizona, is that also false?” Schiff asked.

“That is also false,” Bowers responded.

Bowers received a call from Trump and attorney Rudy Giuliani amid the pressure campaign to overturn the results of the election.


Well-Known Member
Bowers says Biggs asked him to sign letter to decertify state’s electors
Rusty Bowers, the Republican Speaker of the Arizona House of Representatives, said that Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.), the former chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, called him on the morning of Jan. 6, 2021, asking him to support the decertification of electors.

“He asked if I would sign on both to a letter that had been sent from my state, and/or that I would support the decertification of the electors,” Bowers said at a Tuesday hearing of the House select committee investigating the Jan. 6 Capitol attack.

“I said I would not,” Bowers added.

A representative for Biggs did not immediately return a request for comment.

The Jan. 6 select committee subpoenaed Biggs last month, along with several other GOP members of Congress. They have not complied with the subpoenas.

In a previous hearing, the Jan. 6 committee named Rep. Scott Perry (R-Pa.), the current chair of the House Freedom Caucus, as one of multiple GOP members who requested pardons from former President Donald Trump. Perry, through a spokesperson, denied that.

Biggs was apparently part of that group of interest.

In a May letter requesting information from Biggs, the committee said that Biggs was identified by former White House personnel as being part of “an effort by certain House Republicans after January 6th to seek a presidential pardon for activities taken in connection with President Trump’s efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.”