2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

The fact that this is a plan true or not should tell you all.

Comments from Mitch..you've got no cred dude.

It means it's on their minds to use to leverage against something else like billionaires pay no taxes.
The fact that this is a plan true or not should tell you all.

Comments from Mitch..you've got no cred dude.

It means it's on their minds to use to leverage against something else like billionaires pay no taxes.
What language was that? I mean, I could read every word but taken together they made no sense.
What language was that? I mean, I could read every word but taken together they made no sense.
republicanese....to learn it, you either have to be indoctrinated over the internet for at least 6 months, or you can go the fast route, a lobotomy performed in the back of a garage with greasy vice grips and a philips screwdriver
The fact that this is a plan true or not should tell you all.

Comments from Mitch..you've got no cred dude.

It means it's on their minds to use to leverage against something else like billionaires pay no taxes.
It’s a real plan alright…McConnell has told no bigger lie than that he’s “not in favor” Scott’s ‘no Vaseline for USA’ plan.

TL;DR = no taxes for the rich; the whole burden goes on the poorer classes; the poorest class(es), in tax debt, consigned to some version of workhouses or indenture. If you can’t see it, you’re not reading it and thinking about what it actually says & means.

This isn’t subtle: de-facto slavery is in the green room, waiting to go onstage - those who spend the greatest part of their earnings on simple survival…need more “skin in the game”…but that’s all most of us every really have to exchange for money: our time, and our labor.

Is that NOT sufficient skin in the game already? 10% raking in 90% of the earnings while 90% live off 10% split between them? The investors may be owners, may get called creators, but they only make decisions, not things: workers produce everything sold.

We’re long overdue to break the game: extraction has been the name of the game for as long as conquerors having been giving their buddies land - and people - to use as they wish (the entire master/servant game right there)…and it’s extraction that‘s been fouling the water, poisoning land & sea, and working people to death since before the industrial revolution.
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It's pretty cooool. I embrace this going hog wild shit. It was taking forever; we could supply endless bread and circuses to placate the masses, nothing would ever change. It's a solid 95% chance it just goes to shit and there is a terrible war with half of the 99% fighting the other...but maybe that 5% chance of this or similar is the push people need to form something better happens.
The bread-&-circuses are what’s keeping the so-called ‘right’ pacified: the dreams of transgressive rage, righteousness, and retribution that have been baked into the stories of ‘New American Apostolic Christianity’ and ‘American patriotism’ is work or starve, pay your poll tax, pay your pew rent, be a better, more productive, more efficient, more inexpensive,more attractive worker. Get with the program, don’t rock the boat, hate the right people, always side with your betters if you know what’s good for you. Own your own business! Be an Independent Contractor! A new life awaits in the off-world colonies!

”The masses” are the ones whose health, life, and efforts who get the leavings…no bread for them, or circuses - why bother when they’re disposable? Work ‘em to death, and if you run short, just import more…and keep those baby factories ON THE JOB, ‘cause it’s cheaper than importing (or was, we mostly use self-importing commodity labor because NO ONE gives a shit about them except the ‘citizens’ one rung up from them, who see the fate of the newcomers as a prediction of their own futures).

It’s really very simple: you side with the slavers, or you side with the slaves. Despite decades of searching and thinking I’ve been unable to identify a middle ground between them. There is no ‘compromise’ between slavery and liberty: slavery WILL NOT compromise, and liberty CANNOT compromise.

I’ll stop here.
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We need to get to the point where more people view it that way. I believe you are looking at the middle ground now. In the context used, the slavers have convinced half the slaves that the other half are responsible for the issues.

Edit: I think if stuff gets crappy enough maybe we can evolve. My comment about now being the middle ground doesn't quite fit what you are saying. I agree with your usage, I am kind of talking about something else.
We could sit in what I see as a transitory state indefinitely. The population has just enough bread and circus type stuff that we buy into the division offered. Those things that placate people, and allow slavers to stay in power by getting the slaves to fight amongst themselves, have to get pulled out from them. Otherwise dickfuck mccamo gear doesn't have to confront being hungry or seeing their kids not have the same opportunities as the elite folks, and my middle class ass suburban leaving rural life ass has to deal with the same.

Edit: so I have embraced the end game, let's hurry up and get there before we destroy ourselves waiting, watching fucking reality TV and eating doritos.
We need to get to the point where more people view it that way. I believe you are looking at the middle ground now. In the context used, the slavers have convinced half the slaves that the other half are responsible for the issues.

Edit: I think if stuff gets crappy enough maybe we can evolve. My comment about now being the middle ground doesn't quite fit what you are saying. I agree with your usage, I am kind of talking about something else.

https://www.rawstory.com/couy-griffin-2657527654/?cx_testId=4&cx_testVariant=cx_undefined&cx_artPos=3&cx_experienceId=EXC93HV4HK4I#cxrecs_sScreen Shot 2022-06-18 at 10.17.37 AM.png
"Cowboys for Trump" founder Couy Griffin is defiantly refusing to certify the results of New Mexico's primary election in Otero County, where he sits as a commissioner despite his Jan. 6 Capitol trespassing conviction.

"Commissioner Couy Griffin and the other two members of the Otero County Commission are claiming — without evidence, of course — that Dominion voting machines cannot be trusted," CNN's Jake Tapper reporter. "They're echoing former President Trump's conspiracy theories, since disproven, about the 2020 election."

Tapper played a new clip of Griffin discussing his refusal to certify.

"If they want to throw me in jail, if they want to criminally charge me with a felony, I would rather go down with dignity and honor making a sacrifice for the good of my country than try to save myself in this," Griffin said.

READ: The next Jan. 6 hearing ‘is going to trigger Trump like nothing else’: Rick Wilson

"It's a war right now, I feel like," he said of his fight against democracy. "It's like a battle and whenever you're in a battle, and you're engaged, you take it to the end no matter what the personal ramifications may be."

At stake are 7,123 ballots cast in the primary by the citizens of Otero County.

Also on Friday, Griffin was sentenced by U.S. District Judge Trevor N. McFadden.

He was sentenced to 14 days in jail and a $3,000 fine, but was released as he had already spent 20 days in jail in DC after his arrest, The Washington Postreported.

"After his sentencing, Griffin implored reporters to follow up on discredited conspiracy theories about the Capitol’s doors mysteriously opening on Jan. 6, about an Arizona man falsely accused of being an FBI agitator in the crowd, and the possibility that voting machines in New Mexico might be electronically hacked," the newspaper reported. "Instead of taking his case to a jury, Griffin elected a bench trial with McFadden, an appointee of former president Donald Trump. Evidence at his two-day trial showed that Griffin and his videographer climbed over various barricades and barriers, then clambered onto the inauguration stage in front of the Capitol and spent more than an hour speaking through a bullhorn to the surging mob."
