Canada is a multicultural society and a parliamentary democracy like Australia, the difference between us and America is we have a better form of democracy that more closely follows the will of the people. It does not matter if the symbolic head is a queen or a president, the power is in parliament and majority rules there. We currently have a liberal minority government which ran left of our left party the NDP on many issues, we have Tories too, they are a curse all must bear. If the liberals, NDP and Greens did not split the vote, the country would be over 2/3s left of center. Like Australia we are in bilateral defense agreements with the USA and are in NATO too, we gave up on nukes long ago.
The French are a bonus, conquered by the British, but then the American revolution and French revolutions happened shortly after. The Brits learned a thing or two and cut deals with Quebec in exchange for loyalty to the crown that guaranteed, self government, freedom of religion, language, education and civil law. There was a separatist movement in the 60 & 70s, but it died out as conditions improved and institutional bigotry disappeared, while bilingualism became federal policy. No country these days can hold together by force of arms, not even America, it has to be by the will of the people, self determination.
The Atlantic charter was signed in sight of my parents village in Newfoundland, it founded the UN and the four basic freedoms, the right of self determination among them. The old imperialist Winston Churchill signed the death warrant of imperialism and in 20 years the British empire was almost gone, less than 10 years after India and Pakistan were independent. It is imperialism and self determination that are the main issues in Ukraine and with Russia in general, it is still an empire internally and cannot become a liberal democracy as constituted.
America is a semi democratic country where a minority rule, or can veto meaningful change and that minority is turning fascist. The house is gerrymandered, the senate represents geography, not people and on top of that 60% is required to get any thing passed. The presidency is not by a simple majority either and is not even democratically elected. These kinds of countries are at greatest risk for turning authoritarian, the semi democracies. The courts have been politicized and corrupted and the law is used as a bludgeon against minorities in many places, an instrument of cold civil war on racial minorities motivated by hate in many states.