
Hannity's supporters, perhaps, and any fuckwit dumb enough to listen to Graham and the second coming of McCain, to be sure. The rest of us aren't dumb enough to be fooled into another proxy war. Spin this shit all you like, it doesn't change the fact that you're the ones on the side of Bush, Obama, the Clintons, Soros and the billionaires you all supposedly despise so much, and of course the good old MIC.
i could give a flying fuck about who you want to blame. this is a chance to beat a threat to world peace once and for all. if we don't take it, they will continue to cause death and misery across half the world, they will continue to steal the resources and property of their neighbors, they will continue to rape, murder, and steal...that is fucking unacceptable, and if i have to hold george soros' drink while he fucks Hilary in the ass to wipe that threat from the face of the earth, then i'll hold his fucking drink...get where i'm coming from? i'll sacrifice my soul to save a billion other souls from being shit on by russia
ahh, i see, you're a fucking russia shill...i didn't realize you were a soulless russia supporter who condones raping little girls and old ladies, and carpet bombing apartment buildings, theaters, and maternity hospitals...how dare those fucking Ukrainian nazis elect a Jewish president, and right after having a Jewish prime minister too...because there is nothing nazis do more than elect jews to their governments....and the Ukrainians have only had 30+ years to get to those ethnic russians that are living in their country, if they had wanted them gone, they had plenty of time to get them gone. that's all putin propaganda bullshit and you swallowed it so deep when i take the hook out, you'll swim sideways for a few minutes then float to the top belly up...
When they set the hook it will rip his asshole out.

i find this highly interesting, for a couple of reasons. it illustrates how easily people are led by the nose by propaganda, and how little they realize that control exists. it also illustrates how easy it is for pollsters to manipulate the results they get, just by changing the wording of a question to emphasize or de-emphasize one element of the question...it's a good idea for America to help Ukraine, but NOT a good idea for the Biden administration to help Ukraine....it is fucking amazing how easy it is to manipulate weak minded magats
I hate to be cynical, but they are Europeans in dire need of oil and gas... :wink:
Now all ya got to do is show a little spine and energy security could be in your near future. If it works out, you won't need all those stock piled weapons anyway with Russia off the table and Ukraine an EU member. It will be come Europe's Texas, we could be creating a monster!:lol: For the Russians anyway...

Lucky Luke wakes up..........................stubs his toe on a kitchen chair.......................says Fuck You America!

Drinks his coffee :rolleyes:
He used to hang around with Julian Assange back in the day. If Uncle Sam lets him go after a squeal deal in exchange for Roger Stone's ass, he can greet him at the airport in Oz. He should bring something to help with anal retentiveness though, cause Julian might need to change his depends in the airport after a long flight from America.
Kinda like the Republican fascists infiltrating the institutions of government in America. Fascist work the same way all over the world. The US senate is like the UN security council with a Russian veto, change is blocked in both places by fascist forces and corruption. They cause most of the shit and refuse to fix the problem, then feed off the ensuing chaos and division, standard operating procedure.

I guess they were expecting some Russian indictments and needed a guy on the inside. Like if Gym Jordan was on the J6 panel, he would have turned into a circus, however Donald didn't want it. Now they can present a clear coherent narrative of events, without constant bullshit and interruption. Donald is defenseless by choice, his choice and now he will pay for that choice. Vlad had choices too and he will pay for his as well.

They are not taking these loses for territory, in a tactical sense, they have to be inflicting equal or better losses on the Russians, who are doing most of the attacking. Their guns are in range of the new Ukrainian guns and counter battery radars with drones will allow the Ukrainians to take these guns out. The great bulk of them are firing at Ukrainian real estate and not at Ukrainian guns which are highly mobile, when they fire, they reveal their location for counter battery fire. Often for purposes of sighting and security the Russian guns are in groups, while the Ukrainian guns are dispersed and use fire discipline, shoot and scoot.

The Ukrainians might have a lot fewer guns, but if every time the Russians fire their's it gets taken out or a group of them do, it can equalize the causality rate a bit where it counts the most. If a Ukrainian crew takes out a few Russian guns a day along with other equipment, a hundred guns can do a lot of damage to the Russian BTGs in a week by stripping away the 8 or nine guns supporting their front. The Ukrainians won't need a tenth the shells the Russians use to do it either, if they are good gunners and have supporting equipment. Every time the Russians fire to destroy a village in the range of these guns and their counter battery radars, they can come under accurate fire almost instantly, so can the Russian C&C when they transmit on radios.


Well Russia did cut Germany's gas supply by 60%...

Anybody who thinks this war will be confined to Ukraine or that peace can be negotiated with Putin is nuts. Break their economy and break their army, use Ukraine to do both, give them the arms to break the Russian army and drive them from all of Ukraine. Then give Ukraine the $2 billion a day the Russians used to get from Europe for gas and oil by helping to quickly develop their resources, while leveraging existing transport infrastructure.
Well Russia did cut Germany's gas supply by 60%...

Anybody who thinks this war will be confined to Ukraine or that peace can be negotiated with Putin is nuts. Break their economy and break their army, use Ukraine to do both, give them the arms to break the Russian army and drive them from all of Ukraine. Then give Ukraine the $2 billion a day the Russians used to get from Europe for gas and oil by helping to quickly develop their resources, while leveraging existing transport infrastructure.

looks like Germany is getting prepared

Put it in the right thread, I am pretty sure you would not mind.

i looked for about 3 hours one day, following link after link...i couldn't find one reliable estimate on how much artillery ammunition they had on hand or could produce on demand.
but i did find that they can't make anything but basic ballistic, non guided shells. the more advanced guided shells, and air burst munitions, require special fuses and components that the russians are incapable of making.
so we don't know how many they have, or how many they can make, but they can't make anything but the most basic of ammunition, which reduces their effectiveness and limits their options.
but...we should take this back to the war thread......
Which is kind of what I have come up with. But right now the Russians are mostly using regular dumb artillery shells to the tune of 60,000 a day

Russia is hammering Ukraine with up to 60,000 artillery shells and rockets every day
U.S. and western artillerymen go through extensive training so that they can put unguided rounds on target with their first shots, while the Russians lack a professional artillery corps, Samarov told Task & Purpose. Going back to the Soviet Union, the Russians have viewed artillery as a mass area weapon.

“This sort of saturation of grid squares kilometer by kilometer is very consistent with their doctrinal approach on the use of artillery,” Samarov said. “They very much view artillery as a weapon of mass rather than a weapon of precision. It works particularly well when you’ve got large numbers of personnel that are either conscripted or not particularly well trained.”

I doubt they would be running out of them any time soon, or with the equipment to fire them. I have read that their smart munitions may be down to 60%, this does effect them with trying to get pinpoint hits but the Russians have no problem levelling a neighbourhood to take out a target. I do not see the Russians being beaten on the battlefield due to the lack of stuff to shoot at the Ukrainians, more the opposite.
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