
they have to have the men to operate those vehicles...they'll do little good with no one to drive them, load them, fire them, maintain them. the more men russia loses, the less of those weapons are of any use. i'm not suggesting that the Ukrainians won't make a horrible sacrifice, but i think they fight smarter, give ground when they need to, and lose less men and equipment over all than the russians do, while training willing recruits and getting more weapons from their allies. will that be enough? i think so, if they get enough equipment, fast enough.
It's probably what the MLRSs are for, also a 155mm extended range or GPS Excalibur round could reach them, if they could get close enough. I'm sure they know where they all are and such a dangerous item would be tracked. Also military drones of various kinds can take them out.
You can't have true socialism without true freedom and the fight for freedom must be won first. Do you live in a free country? If so why? What makes it a free, even if it is an imperfect nation?
A free society is Anarchy.

What makes Australia such a great country to live in? Three things i think.

1: Abundance of food and water. Although some parts of the country are overpopulated and has outgrown the water reserve's.
2: A people's political party. Labor is and always has been the people's party and is the largest political party in Australia.
3: Compulsory voting. Once a person chooses to vote they are expected to for life. Which means voting is made very easy and the will of the majority is heard. This means that the citizens get things- Like Universal health, decent min wages, Employer paid superannuation, paid sick leave, paid 4 weeks holidays, Paid long service leave, Paid maternity leave, etc etc. It also means we don't have the massive poverty and gang violence and homelessness that some countries have.

I think those three simple things has made us not just a true democracy rather than a republic like the US but healthy, richer and with more free time to pursue interests rather than work. Because we are expected to vote politics is a normal daily subject and is talked and debated about rather freely wherever we go so we don't tend to use insults as points, in fact as the saying goes the first to insult loses. We obviously have far less censorship than the majority of countries. We also are a fairly modern country in regard to infrastructure so we don't have the failing and falling down infrastructure that everyone says America has for eg, and obviously we are a much, much safer country than the majority. We haven't the infrastructure as modern as say Japan, China and United Arab Emirates nor quiet as safe but we are not that far behind them either considering our size and GDP. We don't raise scared children. People are encouraged to speak their mind no matter their age.

We also like a drink and rum was a currency.
Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke was previously the world record holder for the fastest drinking of a yard of beer, when he downed a sconce pot in eleven seconds as part of a traditional Oxford college penalty.

What makes Canada a great place? The French influence must contribute?
You guys are connected at the hip with four nuclear powers which is interesting.
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they have to have the men to operate those vehicles...they'll do little good with no one to drive them, load them, fire them, maintain them. the more men russia loses, the less of those weapons are of any use. i'm not suggesting that the Ukrainians won't make a horrible sacrifice, but i think they fight smarter, give ground when they need to, and lose less men and equipment over all than the russians do, while training willing recruits and getting more weapons from their allies. will that be enough? i think so, if they get enough equipment, fast enough.
Sure they need the men. But it seems the Russians have enough as they are pounding the heck out of the Ukrainians. I don't want to see the Ukrainians lose ground but hate to think more men are being killed unnecessarily. They need the guns yesterday.
A free society is Anarchy.

What makes Australia such a great country to live in? Three things i think.

1: Abundance of food and water. Although some parts of the country are overpopulated and has outgrown the water reserve's.
2: A people's political party. Labor is and always has been the people's party and is the largest political party in Australia.
3: Compulsory voting. Once a person chooses to vote they are expected to for life. Which means voting is made very easy and the will of the majority is heard. This means that the citizens get things- Like Universal health, decent min wages, Employer paid superannuation, paid sick leave, paid 4 weeks holidays, Paid long service leave, Paid maternity leave, etc etc. It also means we don't have the massive poverty and gang violence and homelessness that some countries have.

I think those three simple things has made us not just a true democracy rather than a republic like the US but healthy, richer and with more free time to pursue interests rather than work. Because we are expected to vote politics is a normal daily subject and is talked and debated about rather freely wherever we go so we don't tend to use insults as points, in fact as the saying goes the first to insult loses. We obviously have far less censorship than the majority of countries. We also are a fairly modern country in regard to infrastructure so we don't have the failing and falling down infrastructure that everyone says America has for eg, and obviously we are a much, much safer country than the majority. We haven't the infrastructure as modern as say Japan, China and United Arab Emirates nor quiet as safe but we are not that far behind them either considering our size and GDP. We don't raise scared children. People are encouraged to speak their mind no matter their age.

We also like a drink and rum was a currency.
Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke was previously the world record holder for the fastest drinking of a yard of beer, when he downed a sconce pot in eleven seconds as part of a traditional Oxford college penalty.

What makes Canada a great place? The French influence must contribute?
You guys are connected at the hip with four nuclear powers which is interesting.
Canada is a multicultural society and a parliamentary democracy like Australia, the difference between us and America is we have a better form of democracy that more closely follows the will of the people. It does not matter if the symbolic head is a queen or a president, the power is in parliament and majority rules there. We currently have a liberal minority government which ran left of our left party the NDP on many issues, we have Tories too, they are a curse all must bear. If the liberals, NDP and Greens did not split the vote, the country would be over 2/3s left of center. Like Australia we are in bilateral defense agreements with the USA and are in NATO too, we gave up on nukes long ago.

The French are a bonus, conquered by the British, but then the American revolution and French revolutions happened shortly after. The Brits learned a thing or two and cut deals with Quebec in exchange for loyalty to the crown that guaranteed, self government, freedom of religion, language, education and civil law. There was a separatist movement in the 60 & 70s, but it died out as conditions improved and institutional bigotry disappeared, while bilingualism became federal policy. No country these days can hold together by force of arms, not even America, it has to be by the will of the people, self determination.

The Atlantic charter was signed in sight of my parents village in Newfoundland, it founded the UN and the four basic freedoms, the right of self determination among them. The old imperialist Winston Churchill signed the death warrant of imperialism and in 20 years the British empire was almost gone, less than 10 years after India and Pakistan were independent. It is imperialism and self determination that are the main issues in Ukraine and with Russia in general, it is still an empire internally and cannot become a liberal democracy as constituted.

America is a semi democratic country where a minority rule, or can veto meaningful change and that minority is turning fascist. The house is gerrymandered, the senate represents geography, not people and on top of that 60% is required to get any thing passed. The presidency is not by a simple majority either and is not even democratically elected. These kinds of countries are at greatest risk for turning authoritarian, the semi democracies. The courts have been politicized and corrupted and the law is used as a bludgeon against minorities in many places, an instrument of cold civil war on racial minorities motivated by hate in many states.
A free society is Anarchy.

What makes Australia such a great country to live in? Three things i think.

1: Abundance of food and water. Although some parts of the country are overpopulated and has outgrown the water reserve's.
2: A people's political party. Labor is and always has been the people's party and is the largest political party in Australia.
3: Compulsory voting. Once a person chooses to vote they are expected to for life. Which means voting is made very easy and the will of the majority is heard. This means that the citizens get things- Like Universal health, decent min wages, Employer paid superannuation, paid sick leave, paid 4 weeks holidays, Paid long service leave, Paid maternity leave, etc etc. It also means we don't have the massive poverty and gang violence and homelessness that some countries have.

I think those three simple things has made us not just a true democracy rather than a republic like the US but healthy, richer and with more free time to pursue interests rather than work. Because we are expected to vote politics is a normal daily subject and is talked and debated about rather freely wherever we go so we don't tend to use insults as points, in fact as the saying goes the first to insult loses. We obviously have far less censorship than the majority of countries. We also are a fairly modern country in regard to infrastructure so we don't have the failing and falling down infrastructure that everyone says America has for eg, and obviously we are a much, much safer country than the majority. We haven't the infrastructure as modern as say Japan, China and United Arab Emirates nor quiet as safe but we are not that far behind them either considering our size and GDP. We don't raise scared children. People are encouraged to speak their mind no matter their age.

We also like a drink and rum was a currency.
Former Australian Prime Minister Bob Hawke was previously the world record holder for the fastest drinking of a yard of beer, when he downed a sconce pot in eleven seconds as part of a traditional Oxford college penalty.

What makes Canada a great place? The French influence must contribute?
You guys are connected at the hip with four nuclear powers which is interesting.

I don't agree at all with the first line but had to like your post cause I love Australia and agree with most points. Other countries too have those things in your third item but without compulsory voting though. You guys do have excellent and ridiculously affordable pub food that looks and tastes like 5-star restaurant food in Europe but in large portions. Also agree with the infrastructure being great (in NSW anyway), still shocked at the low rates for modern train rides.

Abundance of water though? Yeah and the floods are getting more frequent and worse. Australia has very poor fresh water management, decades behind some other countries. Mind-boggling at times. One moment you got floods, the next drought causes dead kangaroos, cattle and wipes out forests in the same spots. Need more canals, much bigger dams, and do a much better job at managing rivers, lakes, and the Great Artesian Basin.

Germany is under scrutiny cause they say one thing and then do another while they have the power to make a huge difference. Your bombing comment is just emotion-fueled anti-americanism / trolling. "as the saying goes the first to insult loses"...
and there goes another botnet........buh bye

Canada is a multicultural society and a parliamentary democracy like Australia, the difference between us and America is we have a better form of democracy that more closely follows the will of the people. It does not matter if the symbolic head is a queen or a president, the power is in parliament and majority rules there. We currently have a liberal minority government which ran left of our left party the NDP on many issues, we have Tories too, they are a curse all must bear. If the liberals, NDP and Greens did not split the vote, the country would be over 2/3s left of center. Like Australia we are in bilateral defense agreements with the USA and are in NATO too, we gave up on nukes long ago.

The French are a bonus, conquered by the British, but then the American revolution and French revolutions happened shortly after. The Brits learned a thing or two and cut deals with Quebec in exchange for loyalty to the crown that guaranteed, self government, freedom of religion, language, education and civil law. There was a separatist movement in the 60 & 70s, but it died out as conditions improved and institutional bigotry disappeared, while bilingualism became federal policy. No country these days can hold together by force of arms, not even America, it has to be by the will of the people, self determination.

The Atlantic charter was signed in sight of my parents village in Newfoundland, it founded the UN and the four basic freedoms, the right of self determination among them. The old imperialist Winston Churchill signed the death warrant of imperialism and in 20 years the British empire was almost gone, less than 10 years after India and Pakistan were independent. It is imperialism and self determination that are the main issues in Ukraine and with Russia in general, it is still an empire internally and cannot become a liberal democracy as constituted.

America is a semi democratic country where a minority rule, or can veto meaningful change and that minority is turning fascist. The house is gerrymandered, the senate represents geography, not people and on top of that 60% is required to get any thing passed. The presidency is not by a simple majority either and is not even democratically elected. These kinds of countries are at greatest risk for turning authoritarian, the semi democracies. The courts have been politicized and corrupted and the law is used as a bludgeon against minorities in many places, an instrument of cold civil war on racial minorities motivated by hate in many states.
Its the liberals that are the curse, well and Quebec also. :P

interesting.....gonna arrest russian for fighting against the RA and give them a 20yr sentence.....this is not gonna go so well.....
The danger is it could spread among the Russians and one day they could occupy a piece of Russia next door to eastern Ukraine. There are Belarusians fighting for Ukraine too and a resistance movement inside Belarus. A couple of years down the road could see Belarus aligned with Ukraine against Russia as western buffer states and energy suppliers, those gas fields in Ukraine extend into southern Belarus too. Russia keep it all undeveloped or from being developed so they could sell their gas to Europe, both Ukraine and Belarus were screwed for decades by Putin so he could lock Germany in as a customer.

It's not just about idealism, anti imperialism and liberal democracy, there are very sound economic and geopolitical factors involved here too. Between Ukraine and Belarus they could be sitting on several trillion cubic meters of NG and plenty of oil. That gives the more self centered Europeans, plenty of incentive to back Ukraine and get on board any clever plan to to destroy the Russian army and remove them as a threat. It will cost Ukrainian blood, might starve millions and risks nuclear war, but it is what it is. It might also be the real reason Ukraine gets into the EU, by jumping the line, that and the EU cashing in on rebuilding and post war prosperity in Ukraine.
One can only imagine what a future regime might face in Russia with a largely destroyed army driven from Ukraine and a revolution in Belarus they were powerless to stop, with their economy on the rocks by then. Rapid oil and gas development in these countries would mean the money Russia made everyday from gas and oil would go to Ukraine and Belarus, leveraging the existing pipeline infrastructure. A couple of billion euros a day would mean a lot of rapid prosperity in Russian speaking countries, right next door to a piss poor Russia under the sanctions shithouse. Especially if that good life and liberty were broadcast into Russia from the borders of those places, in Russian by Russians. It would make life very uncomfortable for any heirs to Putin who also had shitty paranoid ideas and an authoritarian regime. All the young brains in Russia would end up in Belarus or Ukraine, soaking up the big bucks and liberal democratic ideas.

Boris Johnson on visit in Kyiv: Speaks on Ukraine's defense issues with Volodymyr Zelenskyy
2,067 views Jun 17, 2022 The UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy hold a meeting in Kyiv. They spoke on the Ukraine’s security and defense issues. The main topic of negotiations is the importance of providing Ukraine with heavy weapons and air defense systems. Thus, Ukraine will be able to defend itself against Russia’s aggression. The United Kingdom strongly supports Ukraine both militarily and financially. Volodymyr Zelenskyy noted that sanctions pressure on Russia must be increased and all the losses inflicted on Ukraine must be compensated by Russia. The UK Prime Minister and President of Ukraine discussed practical steps of pressure on the aggressor state.