Diy rosin press

I still think it would be cheaper on dabpress website with sale and coupon code. At least close to the same price after you buy the pid and heating cables etc and saves you from having to buy the plates get them cut etc. If you want custom plates then ya I could see that better but bigger plates won't be effective without a larger size press which costs more etc....

I have so much aluminum laying around. To make it exactly the same cost effective you would need to make a bunch to make sense.
Usually by the batch. So 1 or 10 same price.
Yeah that makes sense. But that’s the beauty of weed you just talk nice to the guy and then see if he can throw it in with a batch of other stuff and throw him a few bucks and some weed. That’s what I did with the machine shop these guys were in the aircraft industry so drilling a few holes in some aluminum was no big deal. Buddy did it on his lunch break the same day and it cost me $20 and a quarter of some outdoor. It was a win win for everybody
Yeah that makes sense. But that’s the beauty of weed you just talk nice to the guy and then see if he can throw it in with a batch of other stuff and throw him a few bucks and some weed. That’s what I did with the machine shop these guys were in the aircraft industry so drilling a few holes in some aluminum was no big deal. Buddy did it on his lunch break the same day and it cost me $20 and a quarter of some outdoor. It was a win win for everybody

I had a guy bring me a backpack full of weed for an aluminum job I did for him. I said thanks but I want money not weed.
Yeah your probably right but I enjoy making things myself. I built mine a couple of years ago when the price of pre made presses was quite high. I have the same press as you which I got on sale. Best part of maximum tools is they are always on sale. I think I got the press for 50% off which certainly kept the price of things down. The bar stock was actually pretty cheap and cartridge heaters are stupid cheap. I think all told I was less than $450 for a 10 ton press fully made, and at the time that would’ve cost me close to a grand for something similar.
Ya mine was 299 (press) but had 100 off so 199
Plates 230 plus misc shipping fees
Well I haven’t done a squish in awhile so thought I would do one to add to the thread. Not working today anyways. This is a quarter ounce of flower pressed at 180 for just over 2 minutes bottle tech style. B2E1A5E8-B685-4F39-A61F-DC3891458ED1.jpeg838CBCEF-BCE5-4EE3-ABB7-B1A2053FC1FC.jpeg15C11333-B891-4564-ADF3-679932EA3D4A.jpeg7006CC97-2065-4970-8C06-4988A41795ED.jpeg85159307-0DE7-444F-91D6-A75D29CB731B.jpeg
Pressed up to 8 tons but had a small blowout at the back
I grow weed because I like to. Also because I like to smoke it and I prefer to smoke my own and know what is going into it.
I don't really do the math on it. Costs (after initial startup $) are power, nutes, seeds and medium. I get a few pounds of weed and a buttload of trim each run. I use the trim and some lowers that I wouldnt have smoked anyways, to make bubble hash or BHO. (I'm just on a rosin kick right now.) So I duno costs me a couple hundred bucks for a few pounds of flower, a brick of hash and a pile of bubble hash rosin. It would cost me 100-150 bucks a week buying it at 30/g and that's not even counting what I volcano, smoke joints/bongs with.
It's also not as simple as doing the math on it. You need to find a strain that makes alot of resin. Well ripe heads that is.

Good tips of tops seem to be the only part worth pressing. I always kept an eye out for them and would put them to the side for personal, back when I only had a very small press. Now that I've tried pressing all the buds on a larger scale, that motto has unfortunately proven to be oh so true!
Anyone have exp using a vacuum chamber to freeze dry live hash? Had an idea. Started researching, there's some info. Basically freeze the hash vac it then leave it the freezer for 24 hrs and by the process of sublimation the water should come out and crystalize on a piece of metal or something that can get 10-15° colder then the freezing point of the hash.
Anyone have exp using a vacuum chamber to freeze dry live hash? Had an idea. Started researching, there's some info. Basically freeze the hash vac it then leave it the freezer for 24 hrs and by the process of sublimation the water should come out and crystalize on a piece of metal or something that can get 10-15° colder then the freezing point of the hash.

That's some good thinking. I know that vacuuming with heat for extended amounts of time can degrade the terps and darken the color. I just heard of these freezdryers that a guy I know uses. They look very similar to commercial vac ovens. They use a vac as well. But OMG, look at what they made! I've never seen such a great collection of white hash even in books! I've been invited to come be a shop hand for a bit. I can't wait for the things I'm going to see and learn!


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For those so inclined
I had a 8 pieces ,about 2 sets of plate surface area and it cost about 100 Canadian for that a few years back when making a few items for my boat.

Good for you! Here is a link to an article that includes the machining prints and wiring diagram for rosin plates:

For those so inclined

Good for you! Here is a link to an article that includes the machining prints and wiring diagram for rosin plates:

That take’s a bit of thinking out of the puzzle.
Thank you.
Dude, Fade Dawg AKA Greywolf is the shizznitt when it comes to DIY! I just don't have the patience in this point of my life, sucks. I keep messing stuff up now a days when I try to work on my trucks, boat, or bike. I think I'll start blaming it on my vision, lol!