How much is petrol per gallon near you?

My girl used to do door dash and uber eats. About 20 of every 120 went to gas. Now it's like 50+ it seams, and no one wants to tip because prices are already up. I made her stop, it's not worth the time or the miles. Look at gas stations in movies where the world is ending, even their prices are better than ours!
Well up the road three miles it’s 5.20 a gallon up the road four miles it’s 4.79 and four and half miles it’s 4.59 so it’s all over the place here
The bad thing is that 5.20 gas station gives the others the power to go up 19 cents a day till its all above 5. Like a virus
Cheapest I ever see is like $4.54 a gal. So I feel like most places really are blindly robbing you when they are not paying that much for their supply if others can sell at 4.50

Should of invested in gas not weed :wall:
I thought you were joking, holy fuck, it is like $8.50 a L there. Dude you guys need to overthrow the government
wirking hard on that one. only problem here in the uk, is people say there going to do something, but when it comes to it, they dont. so the revolution is verry slow in comming lol
doubleatotheron, y, your paying half the price of ours, i dont understand why the big differance,
Refineries are heavy in the Texas Oklahoma areas and there’s shorter distances to transport finished and from field to refinery as well just over all less cost so it equals cheaper gas
1 out of 3 Americans will stand up for their rights, 1 out of 3 don't care, and 1 out of 3 won't. If u split the don't care in half.... we are damn red vs blue these days. I feel like we are being set loose on one another like inner city violence polices its self. Sry i dont wanna get political lol
….. which is very common here. When I was in the car biz, we always sold 3-4 times more trucks than cars.

I'm thinking Ford isn't going to be able to make the Electric F-150 Lightning fast enough. They've already started delivering them to customers but if you didn't get in early you'll likely have to wait a couple years at least to get one.

I want one.
