

Well-Known Member
Well with superior ranged artillery that was designed back in the day to defeat the Russian artillery, they can have a 5 mile advantage when defending or attacking. They can keep the Russians 5 miles from the river bank minimum and they will have no drones to speak of. The Ukrainians don't have all the artillery they want, but much of it is concentrated on anything in range around the city and half the Russians in Ukraine are there trying to secure the last little piece of the oblast. They are doing this for political purposes and not military ones, it is the worst possible place for them to mass their forces. It looks like a trap for the Ukrainians, but they have their equipment across the river and only infantry and NLAWS are in the city. Meanwhile they are supported by Ukrainians on the heights behind them and the river around 2 km from the Russian lines by mortars and even Javelins at that distance. Then there is the artillery using drones striking Russian equipment 20 km from the river. It looks like a trap for the Russians to me and the last city in the oblast is the cheese.
I am expecting the Ukrainians to make gains back. Just worried Russia will look at the new weapons as "a provocation" and burn the place to the ground. and blame the fire on the Ukrainians.

A resident of Donetsk spoke about the shelling of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the city center
Ukrainian troops shelled the Voroshilovsky district of Donetsk, firing 40 rockets from a BM-21 Grad multiple launch rocket system. This was reported by the representative office of the DPR in the Joint Center for Control and Coordination of the Ceasefire (JCCC).

“Fire was recorded from the VFU (Armed Forces of Ukraine — approx. URA.RU) in the direction of Tonenkoe — Donetsk (Voroshilovsky District),” the statement of the JCCC in Telegram says. According to the agency's preliminary data, at least ten civilians were injured, one of them a child. “Apartments, cars are on fire,” Andrey Rudenko, military commander of the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company, who is at the scene, wrote in his telegram channel.

Putin compared US weapons in Ukraine to nuts cracked by the Russian Federation. Video
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said that Russian air defense systems are "clicking like nuts" on American equipment that the United States supplies to Ukraine. He spoke about this in the program “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin”, which was announced on the Russia-24 TV channel.

“Our air defenses [US equipment] are cracking like nuts. Dozens have been destroyed,” Putin said in an interview with Pavel Zarubin, which was announced on the Rossiya-24 TV channel.

Russia launched a special operation in Ukraine on February 24. Putin declared the goals of demilitarization and denazification of Ukraine. He also stated that Russia is helping the residents of Donbass, who were subjected to genocide by Ukraine. On May 9, US President Joe Biden signed the Lend-Lease Act to help Ukraine. Earlier, the Russian military destroyed a convoy of American and European military equipment that they were sending to Ukraine.
The State Duma called for a tribunal over those responsible for the shelling of Donetsk
All war criminals must be held accountable, including for the shelling of Donetsk. This was stated by the chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party, the head of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs, Leonid Slutsky.

“All war criminals must be held accountable, including for today’s shelling of Donetsk,” Slutsky said in an interview with TASS. He also added that the shelling of Donetsk by the Armed Forces of Ukraine is another confirmation of "the need for a special operation conducted by Russia to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine."

On June 4, the Armed Forces of Ukraine fired at the following directions: Novgorodskoye - Panteleymonovka, Krasnogorovka - Donetsk, Ozeryanovka - Mikhailovka, Avdeevka - Donetsk. Two Grad missiles were also fired in the Novomikhailovka-Donetsk direction. Nationalists fired 40 rockets in the Voroshilovsky district of Donetsk . As a result of massive shelling , five people were killed and 20 more were injured.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry exposed the United States using the example of arms supplies to Ukraine. Screen
The military budget of the United States of America is several hundred times greater than the amount allocated for the development of international trade. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian drew attention to this.

“A 400x difference shows how much the US government loves to fight,” a Chinese diplomat tweeted. The picture published in the post shows a mountain of dollars allocated by the White House to support Ukraine. Nearby is a modest bundle of banknotes representing all American investments in ten countries that are members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (SEA). According to Zhao Lijian's calculations, the White House donated about 400 times more to the needs of Ukraine than to the countries of Southeast Asia.

FA: Biden will 'take a bow' to Saudi Arabia over Russia
American leader Joe Biden decided to "go bow" to Riyadh to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud to convince him to increase oil production and impose sanctions against Russia because of a special operation in Ukraine. However, he will return empty-handed, columnist Dahlia Dassah Kay expressed in an article for Foreign Affairs magazine.

“In exchange for dubious success, [U.S. President Joe] Biden will receive almost guaranteed reputational damage. This train didn’t need to be planned at all,” said Dahlia Dassa Kay. In her opinion, Biden's decision to "go to bow" to Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud will be a mistake, as he will leave empty-handed. She is sure that there, first of all, they will take into account their own interests in order to avoid a decrease in global demand for the resource.

Earlier it was reported that Saudi Arabia intends to support Russia as a member of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), despite the tightening of Western sanctions and a possible European Union ban on Russian oil imports. This was stated by the Prince of Saudi Arabia , Energy Minister Abdulaziz bin Salman.


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Lavrov said that the West forbade Ukraine to continue negotiations with Russia
“The West does not allow Ukraine to negotiate. Ukraine seemed to put forward a proposal two months ago on how to resolve this issue. We have taken these proposals as a basis. So a day later, the West forbade the Ukrainians to continue this process,” Mr. Lavrov said in an interview with the Bosnian-Serb television and radio company Radio and Television of the Republika Srpska, published on the website of the Russian Foreign Ministry. In response to a question about whether the negotiations have prospects, he noted that "Ukraine is a bargaining chip, a tool that is manipulated primarily by the United States and Great Britain."

Face-to-face talks between the delegations of Russia and Ukraine were last held on March 29 in Istanbul. The head of the Russian delegation, Vladimir Medinsky, then said that after them, Kyiv took a “constructive step” towards reaching a compromise, presenting a list of its proposals in writing. Among them is the declaration of Ukraine's neutrality, as well as bilateral negotiations on the status of Crimea. After that, according to the Russian authorities, the Ukrainian side changed its position and refused to extend security guarantees to Crimea and Donbass.

Earlier, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, said that it makes no sense even theoretically to talk about the negotiations between the presidents of Russia and Ukraine, Vladimir Putin and Vladimir Zelensky. Deputy head of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev said that the conflict in Ukraine can be resolved diplomatically, but this is less and less likely. According to him, Ukraine may lose sovereignty due to the refusal to negotiate. Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matvienko said that Russia does not intend to persuade Ukraine to return to the negotiating table. She stressed that negotiations with Ukraine are possible only on Moscow's terms.
Belarus prepares to legalize parallel imports
The Belarusian authorities decided to provide an opportunity to import original products not only to copyright holders or distributors, but also to any importers. Belarus will develop a bill providing for the legalization of parallel imports. The decision was made against the backdrop of sanctions also being imposed against Minsk due to the situation in Ukraine.

“The decision to develop a draft legislative act providing for the legalization of “parallel imports” of goods, as well as the possibility of using software and other objects in the digital sphere without the permission of the copyright holders, was taken by the operational situational headquarters under the Council of Ministers,” the Belarusian government reports . This temporary measure will help to saturate the consumer market, it will also help prevent a shortage of imported goods, the Cabinet of Ministers explained.

The Russian government allowed parallel imports of goods at the end of March. The list of goods is determined by the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the ministry noted that the list will include products that are "necessary to saturate the consumer market."

Kadyrov announced the use of new tactics by the Russian army in Ukraine
The head of Chechnya Kadyrov: the Russian army will use new tactics during a special operation in Ukraine
In the very near future, the Russian military will use new tactics during a special operation in Ukraine, announced the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov , she wrote about this in her Telegram channel.

The politician clarified that thanks to this, the Russian forces will show “more efficient and faster results” every day. Kadyrov promised to talk about the situation in Ukraine and upload video evidence of the destruction of the Ukrainian army.

"This is just the beginning. These are flowers, soon there will be berries. Expect surprises,” said the head of the region. He also called on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to give in to Russia. “I warn you for the last time! Raise your hands and go out to the square with the words “Don’t shoot, dear, I surrender,” Kadyrov addressed him.

Earlier, he said that the head of the Ministry of Defense, Sergei Shoigu , set new tasks for a special operation in Ukraine, which involve improving tactics and conducting military operations at an accelerated pace.

It became known about Japan's plans to participate in the NATO summit for the first time
Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida plans to attend a NATO summit for the first time this year. This became known to the NHK television channel

According to him, first the Japanese prime minister will visit the G7 summit, which will be held June 26-28 in Berlin, and then the NATO summit in Madrid , from June 28 to 30.

Sources said that Kishida may reveal his position on the situation in Ukraine, which coincides with the position of the member countries of the alliance, as well as discuss the actions of China and North Korea and talk about Tokyo's plans to strengthen its defense capabilities.

At the same time, NHK clarifies, due to the fact that Japan is not a member of NATO, the issue of its participation in the bloc's summit is still being worked out.

On June 2, US Permanent Representative to NATO Julianne Smith said that in the new NATO strategic concept, they want to proclaim Russia the main threat to the alliance. According to her, the North Atlantic bloc has not yet completed the development of a strategic concept.


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"Provocative step": how Russia reacted to the possible supply of American multiple launch rocket systems to Ukraine
May 28, 2022, 22:33
Moscow hopes that Washington will not take such a provocative step as the supply of multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) to Ukraine, as this could lead to an escalation of the conflict. This was stated by Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov, answering a question about “leaks” that appeared in the media regarding the White House’s alleged decision to transfer long-range missile weapons to Kyiv.

“We hope that common sense will prevail and Washington will not take such a provocative step,” Antonov said. - According to US media, the administration may transfer MLRS HIMARS and M270 MLRS to Kyiv, which will be equipped with M31 GMLRS guided missiles. There is a risk that such funds will be placed near the Russian borders and the Ukrainians will have the opportunity to strike at Russian cities.”

According to the diplomat, such a situation is “unacceptable and unacceptable” for Russia.

Putin - "Me sound worried? Nah"


Well-Known Member
"Provocative step": how Russia reacted to the possible supply of American multiple launch rocket systems to Ukraine
May 28, 2022, 22:33
Moscow hopes that Washington will not take such a provocative step as the supply of multiple launch rocket systems (MLRS) to Ukraine, as this could lead to an escalation of the conflict. This was stated by Russian Ambassador to the United States Anatoly Antonov, answering a question about “leaks” that appeared in the media regarding the White House’s alleged decision to transfer long-range missile weapons to Kyiv.

“We hope that common sense will prevail and Washington will not take such a provocative step,” Antonov said. - According to US media, the administration may transfer MLRS HIMARS and M270 MLRS to Kyiv, which will be equipped with M31 GMLRS guided missiles. There is a risk that such funds will be placed near the Russian borders and the Ukrainians will have the opportunity to strike at Russian cities.”

According to the diplomat, such a situation is “unacceptable and unacceptable” for Russia.

“I am sure that our armed forces will take the necessary steps to reset the capabilities of the Armed Forces of Ukraine,” he stressed.

“I would like to emphasize that through diplomatic channels we have repeatedly informed the United States that the unprecedented pumping of Ukraine with weapons significantly increases the risks of an escalation of the conflict,” Antonov said.

“The US is getting deeper and deeper into the crisis in Ukraine. This is fraught with unpredictable consequences for global security. We call for an end to the senseless and extremely risky pumping of weapons into the republic. It is important to abandon threats against us and statements about the military victory of Ukraine,” the Russian ambassador said.

He believes that in order to end the conflict as soon as possible, Washington and Kyiv need to "recognize the reality."

“This would make it possible to move forward along the path of a political settlement and prevent the deterioration of the situation in the field of international stability,” Antonov is sure.

“Russia has already warned both the West and the United States against sending their MLRS to Ukraine, which could potentially be used to hit targets on Russian territory. And Washington should take this as a serious warning. Unwinding tensions in Ukraine due to such supplies will not bring stability to the region, ”military expert Viktor Litovkin stated in an interview with RT.

According to him, in this case, the responsibility for the escalation of the situation will lie entirely with the United States.
“This may be an attempt by the White House to test Russia's reaction to such data. In addition, Western media in general are designed to annoy Moscow. They do this all the time and will continue in the same spirit, and regardless of what Biden's decision on the supply of MLRS will be. Washington is betting that such media reports will force Russia to take some kind of protective measures that will drag it into an arms race, ”Litovkin argues.

“Russia has a plethora of weapons that can hit those supply chains, as well as disable those weapons on the battlefield. In particular, the Kinzhal hypersonic system and Kalibr cruise missiles are capable of performing these tasks. Of course, the RF Armed Forces will destroy the US MLRS if they are brought to Ukraine. The Russian military will do everything so that these weapons cannot take part in hostilities, ”the expert said in a commentary to RT.

According to him, Russia will be forced to act “quickly and toughly,” since multiple launch rocket systems are long-range weapons.

“If, for example, the Armed Forces of Ukraine manage to install such weapons in eastern Ukraine, then both Russian cities and important infrastructure located there will fall into their zone of destruction,” says Baranets.

Putin - "Me sound worried? Nah"
Joe is just giving 4 systems, however the UK is also giving an unspecified number of systems and I imagine other allies might too, so it's hard to tell, like the artillery, how much shit the Ukrainians have and when it arrives. For now the 155mm artillery of various kinds appears to be the weapon of choice, at least in the confined areas of the city fight in the east. Provoked over a mere 4 missile systems? I think that is why their wrath was so general, they are being fucked by so many, it's hard to single out just one.

Here is the distance to the main road behind the city (don't make me spell it). Medium mortars can reach into the city and heavy 120mm mortars can reach about 9km or the main roads north of the city leading into it. Mortars are more effective in a city, since they can drop straight down on streets between buildings and have a rapid rate of fire. The 155mm and 152mm soviet artillery would reach out and touch things way back in the rear and with drones can control the main routes into the city. They also don't need to leave many troops here to defend, since the ground is so favorable, when they are done beating the shit out of the Russians and retreat from the city, the main body should move elsewhere.



Well-Known Member
Lot's more drones where that one came from and the missile probably costs more than the drone, depending on what it was, it could have been a DJI mavic costing a few thousand bucks. It was probably as cheap as a decoy and it was better the missile was used on it than something more expensive or manned.

Simple drones are so cheap, I'm surprised aircraft aren't deploying them as decoys, since the can be compact, tube launched and would stay in the air a lot longer than a parachute carrying a flare and could maneuver too.

Ukrainian Drone Records Itself Being Shot Down By Russian Anti-Air Missile Over Pologi
35,066 views Jun 4, 2022 Stunning footage released by the 45th Ukrainian Artillery Brigade camptured the moment when a Ukrainian drone filmed itself being shot down by a Russian anti-air missile while after spotting a Russian military vehicle and coordinating artillery fire. The drone was flying over a oil plant in Pologi in the Zaporozhye region of Ukraine when it spotted a large number of Russian military vehicles. After directing several artillery rounds on the area the drones presence was noticed by Russian troops who used a SAM system to knock the unmanned aerial vehicle out of the sky. Source: https://www.facebook.com/45oabr/


Well-Known Member
Dunno if this is the general state of affairs, as far as arms go, or if it's what they wanted the French TV crew to see. The arms pipeline has been open for awhile and more than heavy arms have been pouring in. Most importantly over the next month a lot more heavy weapons will be deployed.

If the Ukrainians attack Kherson, or look like they will, it will cause the Russians to redeploy from other areas that might be the real focus of attack. When they are done with the Russians in the east, they can withdraw behind the river on the heights, behind very good defensive positions. The Ukrainians could move the mass of troops from there to other places quickly, to attack where the Russians are weak. In the east the Ukrainians lured the Russians into a city turned into a killing ground, that the Russians need to take for political reasons. The city is under Ukrainian mortar and artillery fire while being counter attacked by Ukrainian infantry. By all accounts the Russians got hammered hard and they will loose many BTGs here before it is over. When they lose enough BTGs and the western weapons arrive in greater numbers, they will go on the offensive in a big way, this is preparing the ground by wearing them down as they try to advance.

Kyiv to counterattack in Kherson after strengthening positions around the city • FRANCE 24 English
67,942 views Jun 5, 2022 While Russian forces are fighting a merciless battle to take the Donbas, Kiev is strengthening its positions in other parts of the country. This is illustrated in the north of Kherson, the city taken by Moscow at the beginning of its invasion of Ukraine. Our reporters Jonathan Walsh and Amar Al-Hameedawi went to the front line in this region.


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Should the West be careful not to humiliate Putin? | Rose Gottemoeller
888 views Jun 5, 2022 "The Russians have really humiliated themselves from the beginning of this fight." Humiliation of Russia is happening because of its own actions, says former NATO deputy secretary general Rose Gottemoeller.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member

Should the West be careful not to humiliate Putin? | Rose Gottemoeller
888 views Jun 5, 2022 "The Russians have really humiliated themselves from the beginning of this fight." Humiliation of Russia is happening because of its own actions, says former NATO deputy secretary general Rose Gottemoeller.
i think we should deliberately humiliate them at every chance we get...fuck living under the threat of nuclear blackmail, fuck putin for thinking he can get away with that shit, he's a tin badged sheriff of a two horse, two whore shit hole country, and he made it that way. i say force him to put up, or shut the fuck up, no more fucking nuclear blackmail, ever.
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Well-Known Member
i think we should deliberately humiliate them at every chance we get...fuck living under the threat of nuclear blackmail, fuck putin for thinking he can get away with that shit, he a tin badged sheriff of a two horse, two whore shit hole country, and he made it that way. i say force him to put up, or shut the fuck up, no more fucking nuclear blackmail, ever.
The plan might be to wait until Vlad croaks or is so sick others take over, destroy his army slow enough so he doesn't get spooked and run away too soon. Meanwhile make it appear that you are not arming Ukraine too much, but what they have and will be getting will be quiet enough, but the more MLRS's they have, the less blood it will cost them and the more abandoned Russian equipment they can harvest. MLRS can reach to the rear of the BTGs where, the fuel, logistics and senior commanders are. The 155mm artillery will force their artillery back with it's far superior range and accuracy aided by plentiful drones. They just need more artillery to do the job and the recent battles in the east have concentrated large Russian forces in range, trying to take the last city in the oblast. They are chewing up lot's of Russian BTGs there, infantry in particular, having got sucked into Urban warfare under Ukrainian AA defense, guns and mortars.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
you know that MLRS are notorious for being unreliable pieces of shit, i've seen at least three separate stories from three individuals who said they were on maintenance duty for them, and that at least one out of eight in a unit was always down, being repaired....
and Biden is being a pussy, not letting them have the long range missiles that could be used to threaten putin into stopping long range shelling of Kyiv....i guess they're better than nothing, but i'm not as excited about mlrs as you seem to be, when i'm expecting them to be used minimally to keep them in operating order


Well-Known Member
you know that MLRS are notorious for being unreliable pieces of shit, i've seen at least three separate stories from three individuals who said they were on maintenance duty for them, and that at least one out of eight in a unit was always down, being repaired....
and Biden is being a pussy, not letting them have the long range missiles that could be used to threaten putin into stopping long range shelling of Kyiv....i guess they're better than nothing, but i'm not as excited about mlrs as you seem to be, when i'm expecting them to be used minimally to keep them in operating order
They are giving the truck mounted ones and the Brits their own version of the tracked ones. They don't need many, one reload per BTG would paralyze their front. Each BTG is an independent fighting unit with it's own logistics and fuel support and they are often deployed in depth. It would allow for rapid movement by the Ukrainians and is a game changer, even in limited use, it is a precision weapon. not an area one like the Russians, though it can be used as one. The brits never said how many they are giving and other allies use them too. The poles ordered 500 of them from Uncle Sam and they and the Ukrainians are tight as ticks. Like the artillery a lot is being quietly accumulated a half dozen to a dozen units at a time from various countries, in addition to the American systems. It will add up, but meanwhile the Russians are being chewed up where it is being used. He does not have an endless supply of equipment or warm bodies and can't replace either, except with junk and derelicts. Once they are worn down, they then will be broken and when they are broken, it will be a whole new ballgame.


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Live: Ukraine says Russia struck Kyiv using missiles fired by strategic bombers
Russia launched missiles at its capital Kyiv via Tu-95 strategic bombers this morning, said the Ukrainian government. Meanwhile, Russia said it struck tanks supplied by Western countries in the city. This comes as fighting intensifies in Sievierodonetsk as the battle for the Donbas continues. Follow our liveblog to see the day's events unfold. All times are Paris time (GMT+2).

15:55pm: Russian strikes in Kyiv are first attacks on city in one month
Russian missile strikes targeted the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on Sunday, as fighting continues in Donbas. No casualties were reported from the attack in the capital. However, this marks the first Russian strike on the city in more than a month.

11:14am: Russia says it destroyed tanks in Kyiv sent by European countries
Russian strikes destroyed tanks and other armoured vehicles on the outskirts of Kyiv that had been provided to Ukraine by European countries, Russia's defence ministry said on Sunday.

The ministry's statement came after the Ukrainian capital was rocked by several explosions early on Sunday.

11:12am: Russian warplanes hit Kyiv with missiles
Russian Tu-95 strategic bombers launched missiles at Kyiv from the Caspian Sea early on Sunday and two of the Ukrainian capital's eastern districts were rocked by explosions, Ukraine's air force and the city's mayor said.

The attack targeted railway infrastructure in Kyiv, said Serhiy Leshchenko, an aide to President Volodymyr Zelensky’s chief of staff. At least one person was hospitalised though no deaths were immediately reported, Mayor Vitaly Klitschko said.

10:21am: Putin warns Russia will strike harder if longer-range missiles supplied
President Vladimir Putin warned the West that Russia would strike new targets if the United States started supplying Ukraine with longer-range missiles, the TASS news agency reported on Sunday.

If such missiles are supplied, "we will strike at those targets which we have not yet been hitting," Putin was quoted as saying in an interview Rossiya-1 state television channel.

9:09am: Ukraine power operator says Russian missile flew 'critically low' over nuclear plant
Ukraine's state-run nuclear power operator Energoatom said a Russian cruise missile few "critically low" on Sunday morning over a major nuclear power plant.

"It's probable that was the missile that was fired in the direction of Kyiv," the operator of the Pivdennoukrainska plant, also called the South Ukraine Nuclear Plant, said in a post on the Telegram messaging app.

Kind of what I was afraid of. And this would just be a warning. If the Ukrainians get an upper hand Putin will just turn any city into another Dresden. He does not need nukes although that is not ultimately off the table, he can not let Ukraine win. Also forget about Putin's health. Betting on him being on his deathbed is a sucker's bet.


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500 M142 HIMARS Launchers To Modernize Polish Rocket Artillery

On Thursday, May 26, the Polish Ministry of Defense sent an official Letter of Request to the US Congress for the planned acquisition of 500 MLRS units. The M142 HIMARS would be the Polish choice for its long-range MLRS platform under the Homar modernization program. Though the number requested has raised questions, several hundred launchers seems to be an excessive amount. However, this is precisely what the Ministry of Defense is looking for.

The confirmation of the request comes from the Polish Minister of Defense on Twitter. Mariusz Blaszczak announced that the Letter of Request was expedited to Congress and awaits a decision. Back in November 2017, the US State Department approved the foreign military sale of 16 HIMARs and in November 2018 a potential transfer of 20 HIMARs to Poland as part of a program to mount launchers on a Polish-made chassis. Combined these two procurements would cost $900 million – extrapolating the cost of as many as 500 systems would suggest a procurement running into the tens of billions of dollars.

A typical rocket artillery battalion in Polish Armed Forces consists of 3 artillery batteries, each battery equipped with 8 launchers. Every artillery regiment has 2 rocket artillery battalions (the 23rd Silesian Artillery Regiment is an expectation as it has 3 such battalions including a Czech RM-70/85 MLRS battalion instead of a self-propelled artillery one). There are 7 MLRS battalions in total, with 168 MLRS launchers. The additional 18th Artillery Regiment that’s being formed with the 18th Mechanized Division is going to employ another 48 MLRS launchers. The sum of all MLRS launchers within the Polish Armed Forces in operational forces is currently 216 launchers across 3 platforms: RM-70/85, WR-40 “Langusta”, and BM-21 “Grad”.

The 500 launchers requested appears to exceed the needs of Polish MLRS artillery units significantly. It also exceeds the total number of launchers in US service. This leads to the following conclusions, either the Polish MoD is looking for a replacement for the post-Soviet BM-21 MLRS as well as 2S1 Gvozdika and Dana self-propelled artillery vehicles or they are looking to radically expand Poland’s long range fires and massed rocket capabilities, this perhaps comes as part of plans to significantly expand the Polish Armed Forces. The requested number may of course still be revised at any stage of negotiations between the manufacturing and receiving parties.


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Russian major general died during a special operation in Ukraine
Military correspondent Sladkov announced the death of Major General Kutuzov during a special operation in Ukraine
Major General Roman Kutuzov died during a Russian special operation in Ukraine. This was announced on Sunday, June 5, by war correspondent Alexander Sladkov in his Telegram .

“You left like a soldier, like a warrior. Not everyone is given this,” the journalist said in the post.

In turn, the Telegram channel "Military Informant" clarified that Kutuzov died in the course of a combat mission near the village of Nikolaevka, Popasnyansky district, Luhansk People's Republic.

It is noted that during his service Kutuzov was awarded the Orders of Courage, "For Military Merit", Honor, as well as the medal "For Courage".

On June 2, it was reported that during the hostilities in the sky over the Lugansk region, a hero of Russia, a retired major general of the Russian Air Force, 63-year-old Kanamat Botashev , died . According to Baza, Botashev's plane was shot down, the pilot did not have time to eject.

In Russia, reacted to the closing of the sky for Lavrov's plane by three countries
MP Chepa believes that Russia will respond to the closure of the sky for Lavrov's plane

Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro took the decision to close the sky for the aircraft of Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov under pressure. This opinion was expressed in an interview with Lenta.ru by Alexei Chepa , First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on International Affairs .

According to the deputy, the reaction to the actions of the three countries because of the incident with the Russian minister will follow in the near future.

This will negatively affect relations with the Balkan states. At the same time, Aleksey Chepa believes that the countries closed their airspace not of their own free will.

“We understand that the most serious pressure has been exerted; today the United States of America and a number of other countries are putting pressure on all states that are trying to maintain relations with us through all channels. The Americans have not achieved the result they wanted - they are already developing the seventh package of sanctions, it is clear that this is already of some kind of absurd nature. Therefore, they are trying in every possible way to interact in meetings with Lavrov, because they understand that this plays against them, ”he explained.
Baza: arsonists of military registration and enlistment offices were detained in Russia
Employees of the Federal Security Service (FSB) detained two people suspected of setting fire to military enlistment offices. This is reported by the Baza telegram channel.

“In the Tula region, FSB officers contacted a certain Denis Abrarov from Tolyatti. He is suspected of attempting to set fire to the commissariat in Yasnogorsk. Timofei Mokiy was detained in the Moscow region. A 29-year-old man was detained in Lyubertsy. According to the investigation, he may be involved in two attempts to set fire to military registration and enlistment offices, ”Baza reports.

Earlier, in different regions of Russia, unknown people tried to set fire to the buildings of military registration and enlistment offices. So, in the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, a man threw a Molotov cocktail at the military registration and enlistment office . The publication Life reported that the Ukrainian special services were behind the arsons .

Pronews: Greece hands over 'unbelievable amount' of weapons to Ukraine
During the special operation, Greece handed over an "incredible amount" of weapons to Ukraine. This writes the Greek edition of Pronews.

“The amount of weapons and ammunition that Greece has donated and is about to donate to the Ukrainian regime of [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelensky is incredible. All of them come from the warehouses of the Greek army on the islands, ”writes Pronews.

According to the Greek media, the country has already transferred to Ukraine 15,000 73-mm rockets, more than 2,000 122-mm rockets, 20,000 Kalashnikov assault rifles, more than 3 million 7.62-mm cartridges, 60 FIM-92 Stinger MANPADS, 17,155 -mm artillery rockets and more than a thousand RPG-18 anti-tank missiles. According to Pronews, S-130 transport aircraft were used to transport these weapons, 360 TV channel reports .

Head of Luhansk OVA: APU could take Severodonetsk, but the city is not of strategic importance
The Ukrainian army can recapture Severodonetsk from the Russians, but the city has no strategic importance. This statement was made by the so-called head of the Luhansk regional military administration Sergei Gaidai.

According to a protege of the Kyiv regime, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have every opportunity to knock out Russian troops from Severodonetsk, but the command will not do this, since the city has no strategic importance. Lisichansk, which is located on a hill, is of strategic importance. The "liberation" of Severodonetsk makes sense only in political terms, which will raise the morale of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and demoralize the Russian army.

The head of the OVA said that at present, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine allegedly recaptured "half of the city" from the Russian army, but did not go further, because "there is no point." Foreign mercenaries deployed to Severodonetsk rendered great assistance in defeating the Russian troops.

Meanwhile, according to Russian TG channels, the situation in Severodonetsk has not changed much, Russian troops still control the residential development of the city, the remnants of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are also blocked at the Azot enterprise, trying to carry out sluggish counterattacks. The foreign mercenaries deployed to help them have already suffered losses. The same head of the Luhansk OVA reported on four mercenaries killed, naming their names: Ronald Vogelaara, Michael O'Neill, Born Benjamin Clavis and Wilfried Blair. What losses actually, nobody knows.

In turn, Russian and republican troops are preparing to storm Lisichansk, accumulating forces in the Seversky Donets region, which will have to be forced to take the city.


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Live: Ukraine says Russia struck Kyiv using missiles fired by strategic bombers
Russia launched missiles at its capital Kyiv via Tu-95 strategic bombers this morning, said the Ukrainian government. Meanwhile, Russia said it struck tanks supplied by Western countries in the city. This comes as fighting intensifies in Sievierodonetsk as the battle for the Donbas continues. Follow our liveblog to see the day's events unfold. All times are Paris time (GMT+2).

15:55pm: Russian strikes in Kyiv are first attacks on city in one month
Russian missile strikes targeted the Ukrainian capital Kyiv on Sunday, as fighting continues in Donbas. No casualties were reported from the attack in the capital. However, this marks the first Russian strike on the city in more than a month.

11:14am: Russia says it destroyed tanks in Kyiv sent by European countries
Russian strikes destroyed tanks and other armoured vehicles on the outskirts of Kyiv that had been provided to Ukraine by European countries, Russia's defence ministry said on Sunday.

The ministry's statement came after the Ukrainian capital was rocked by several explosions early on Sunday.

11:12am: Russian warplanes hit Kyiv with missiles
Russian Tu-95 strategic bombers launched missiles at Kyiv from the Caspian Sea early on Sunday and two of the Ukrainian capital's eastern districts were rocked by explosions, Ukraine's air force and the city's mayor said.

The attack targeted railway infrastructure in Kyiv, said Serhiy Leshchenko, an aide to President Volodymyr Zelensky’s chief of staff. At least one person was hospitalised though no deaths were immediately reported, Mayor Vitaly Klitschko said.

10:21am: Putin warns Russia will strike harder if longer-range missiles supplied
President Vladimir Putin warned the West that Russia would strike new targets if the United States started supplying Ukraine with longer-range missiles, the TASS news agency reported on Sunday.

If such missiles are supplied, "we will strike at those targets which we have not yet been hitting," Putin was quoted as saying in an interview Rossiya-1 state television channel.

9:09am: Ukraine power operator says Russian missile flew 'critically low' over nuclear plant
Ukraine's state-run nuclear power operator Energoatom said a Russian cruise missile few "critically low" on Sunday morning over a major nuclear power plant.

"It's probable that was the missile that was fired in the direction of Kyiv," the operator of the Pivdennoukrainska plant, also called the South Ukraine Nuclear Plant, said in a post on the Telegram messaging app.

Kind of what I was afraid of. And this would just be a warning. If the Ukrainians get an upper hand Putin will just turn any city into another Dresden. He does not need nukes although that is not ultimately off the table, he can not let Ukraine win. Also forget about Putin's health. Betting on him being on his deathbed is a sucker's bet.
I wonder how many cruise missiles he has left? The Germans, when they get around to it, are suppose to be supplying AA systems that can defend cities and the Ukrainians have SA3 systems. How big a pounding Kyiv can take is up to the Ukrainians, but other cities have been reduced to ruble rather than submit.

US intelligence mentioned it and there has been enough speculation that if becomes a factor moving forward. No one is depending on it, but they are planning contingencies on it, his retirement for health reasons for instance. If a patsy government was appointed to make peace, accept humiliation and take the fall, then the regular crowd can take over again after the dust settles and it's business as usual.

Destroying cities does not work and Christ knows what would happen if he dropped a tactical nuke on Kyiv, he might as well go full size for a spectacular impression IMHO, as use any nuke on a city. I think it would be fatal for Russia and perhaps us as well. We are headed for hard times as it is, with food and fuel prices fueling inflation and interest rates, many of the house poor in Canada are gonna be hit hard by mortgage interest rate increases, it might be brutal.