the media and pundits should be held responsible for the consequences of their broadcasted opinions

Ok you get one link, with one prime example. Takes two seconds to find video evidence if you’re just brave enough to step outside your safe space.

Just think of all the poor souls that believed those talking points, then regurgitated them in conversation or on social media….

Im sorry Roger. I agreed with your point (although I kinda like 60% of what Maher says) I just have a slightly different perspective on who is in the liars club

link invalid on the grounds of pure speculation and bullshit.

You are intellectually dishonest. Typical for a Republican.
No. Please list or direct me to the list, on a less biased site than his. Don’t play the “do your research” shenanigan. Unworthy.

You've been here long as I dear Bineer. I've just directed you somewhere where it's been listed chronologically if you dare.

While. Vets were starving people ran around with tea bags stapled to a three point hat; Sanders got the Vets COLA Bill of 2012 the GOP claim is VET-centric.

COLA = Cost of Living Adjustment..GOP didn't think Vets needed it.
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I back bernie over the rest of them, though it's not at all an all or nothing thing to me. My second pick was yang, so I am all over the map.

I think notching up a bunch of achievements/accomplishments is a hard hurdle for the farther left people, particularly on larger state or national levels. There isn't much backing outside of cities, they aren't just fighting against the right, the middle isn't terribly fond of them either.

A Republican claiming expertise in fact checking. That's hilarious.

I had a Republican Run-In over the weekend; note to GOPers never contact your manager and tell him half the truth because when he calls me I'm going to tell him verbatim (one of my skills) and point him to that nice security camera he sunk all that money in to.

The security camera never lies and leaving out information selectively? Thank God they're not human.
You've been here long as I dear Bineer. I've just directed you somewhere where it's been listed chronologically if you dare.

While. Vets were starving people ran around with tea bags stapled to a three point hat; Sanders got the Vets COLA Bill of 2012 the GOP claim is VET-centric.

COLA = Cost of Living Adjustment..GOP didn't think Vets needed it.
Yes, one is more than none. Don't forget about the bill that he authored requiring solar power on some new government buildings. That's not nothing too. I agree with you. He doesn't rate an F.
Yes, one is more than none. Don't forget about the bill that he authored requiring solar power on some new government buildings. That's not nothing too. I agree with you. He doesn't rate an F.

I'd like to hear of the other Bills created and passed by another who votes with Democrats or any Democrat for that matter..I hear they're good to go on Daylight Savings Time though<slow clap>.
Fully agree with the title of your thread. There is a long list of liars at CNN, MSNBC, and Fox that broadcast “news” that is merely opinion or flat out conspiracy that has been a detriment to society as a whole. Just think of how the false stories about Russia collusion fueled years of conspiracy millions bought in to

not to mention the COVID bullshit
hey, that's cool, believe whatever stupidity you want to believe, the more idiots who refuse to believe the truth, the more fucking idiots die to the virus that isn't real, and don't get to vote for qanon fuckheads who want to destroy democracy in favor of fascism...

who knew angry hippies were a thing, not me
who want to destroy democracy in favor of fascism...
that's what I was thinking when reading the OP and this
Freedom of speech has no value when used to protect purveyors of lies and disinformation.
sounds like
- Gleichschaltung
- Thought crimes
- Deutschland 1933

Seriously you can neither prove your point nor that the others did do any damage.

bill maher is not a psychologist
Psychologists are whores, they will say anything if you pay them

Sir Karl Raimund Popper
(28 July 1902 – 17 September 1994) was an Austrian-British philosopher, academic and social commentator. One of the 20th century's most influential philosophers of science, Popper is known for his rejection of the classical inductivist views on the scientific method in favour of empirical falsification. According to Popper, a theory in the empirical sciences can never be proven, but it can be falsified, meaning that it can (and should) be scrutinised with decisive experiments. Popper was opposed to the classical justificationist account of knowledge, which he replaced with critical rationalism, namely "the first non-justificational philosophy of criticism in the history of philosophy".

In political discourse, he is known for his vigorous defence of liberal democracy and the principles of social criticism that he believed made a flourishing open society possible. His political philosophy embraced ideas from major democratic political ideologies, including socialism/social democracy, libertarianism/classical liberalism and conservatism, and attempted to reconcile them

Popper argued psychology is just a pseudo-science. They cannot prove their claims in all individual cases but instead get falsified.

On the other hand there's a genetic code and its corporeal expression as put by nature. Just disregard all that nonsense and also ignore the increasing chemicals and poisons that are disruptive to human hormones with many novel sicknesses on the rise.
who knew angry hippies were a thing, not me
you point out a thing, without realizing it...hippies are angry...pot smoking, hallucinogen consuming, peace loving, civil rights protesting hippies are angry.
what exactly does it take to get people like that angry? what kind of entitled elitist asshole would be required? what sort of racist, fascist, spiteful children, pretending to be adults, could piss of those most gentle of folk? how many poor people being ground down to make rich assholes richer would that require? how many mentally and emotionally unstable, gullible, bullshit buying stupid assholes would it take to piss the hippies off?
cause i think we're there...
that's what I was thinking when reading the OP and this

sounds like
- Gleichschaltung
- Thought crimes
- Deutschland 1933

Seriously you can neither prove your point nor that the others did do any damage.

Psychologists are whores, they will say anything if you pay them

Popper argued psychology is just a pseudo-science. They cannot prove their claims in all individual cases but instead get falsified.

On the other hand there's a genetic code and its corporeal expression as put by nature. Just disregard all that nonsense and also ignore the increasing chemicals and poisons that are disruptive to human hormones with many novel sicknesses on the rise.
i could give a fuck about psychologists, was just making the point that the butcher or the baker or the rubber dildo maker have just as much qualification as maher has to make statements unrelated to their fields of expertise.
when "free speech" is weaponized and used to control and condition those vulnerable to it, is it still "free speech" ? or is it an attack?
when people purposely only tell part of a story, leaving out things that would completely change the meaning of the story, should that be protected as "free speech"? or should it be exposed and condemned?
if you're trying to say that genetic differences in people make a difference in their value as people, well, then you're a fucking racist...if you're trying to imply something else, i'm not quite getting it. some broader point about...what?
the increasing chemicals and poisons where? which ones? there are so many, and we've been doing it to ourselves so long, please be more specific.
that's what I was thinking when reading the OP and this

sounds like
- Gleichschaltung
- Thought crimes
- Deutschland 1933

Seriously you can neither prove your point nor that the others did do any damage.

Psychologists are whores, they will say anything if you pay them

Popper argued psychology is just a pseudo-science. They cannot prove their claims in all individual cases but instead get falsified.

On the other hand there's a genetic code and its corporeal expression as put by nature. Just disregard all that nonsense and also ignore the increasing chemicals and poisons that are disruptive to human hormones with many novel sicknesses on the rise.
