The Junk Drawer

I agree completely. No state should be involved in the business of murder.
In principle I agree, however arranging Vlad's execution by precision missile strike is not beyond my moral and ethical consideration, provided I were a Ukrainian. Indeed as a official of the state it might be my duty, if it were yours, would you object or hesitate?

One big issue with capitol punishment is if you have the capital, you don't get the punishment, or even indicted. Obviously justice is imperfect and is not equal for all.
Goggles, battery and transmitter are extra, but can be used with a wide variety of things.
From: $99.99 To: $192.00 depending on what ya want, bare bones is useful if ya crash, take the electronics out of the wreck and into the new airframe for $99 USD. Cheap thrills and a technical challenge. Feels like a fighter jet at a fraction of the speed and can carry a gopro.
Free Range AtomRC Dolphins

Grid Scale Energy Storage 30x cheaper than Lithium-ion! How do they do that?

May 15, 2022 Utility scale energy storage is a hot topic right now as grid operators look for ways to economically adopt intermittent renewable sources like wind and solar into our global electrical systems. Now a team at MIT has combined and improved several existing technologies into a flexible modular solution that could be as much as 30x cheaper than existing lithium-ion technology.
40% efficiency of the cells, wonder how much heat lost due to the water cooling. All that heat lost from the water is wasted power.
40% efficiency of the cells, wonder how much heat lost due to the water cooling. All that heat lost from the water is wasted power.
It probably regulates the temperature for the most efficiency. I'm wondering if direct solar use with mirrors might be an option for collecting energy, the efficiency is higher than solar and the durability longer. In any case it's being added to a growing list of energy storage options, economics, not God will sort em out in the end.
I agree completely. No state should be involved in the business of murder.
An eye for an eye
a tooth for a tooth, right?
A very primitive philosophy.

I do not agree with the death penalty, as no one has the right to take another's life except in self-defense/war.
Plus, too many mistakes have been proven to be the case.

Myself, I believe in incarceration for life/no parole.
Exist in a 10x10 box, with your food handed thru a slot
No TV/Xbox/ (I'll allow the Bible/Charles Dickens)

Let them live in that environment for the rest of their lives

That works for me
Conveniently, it already has the Spirit Airlines colours.
This guy makes cheap planes from common materials like ceiling tiles and foam board, often with plans in the description. A talented and skilled guy. Sometimes I like to watch these build videos, I haven't made any of these DIY kinda planes, cause commercial ones are so cheap, however it looks like fun, I have the materials and parts and a workshop too... It's more like a crafting thing, but ya get to fly the result. Because of regulation my focus might shift to DIY FPV RC boats. I was looking at this because flying over water is less hassle than land and would put an FPV camera in the pilots position and a thin glass cell phone screen protector as a wind screen. The material he uses is hard to find in north America, so dollar store foam board would be substituted.

People still build RC planes the classic way with balsa wood, but foam and composites are increasingly being used as are 3D printed planes. This is also a STEM educational activity Science, Technology, Engineering and Materials and a hobby for nerds of all ages, from kids to old farts and everything in between.

About as cheap as it gets!
Stanley Box RC Plane DIY

Oct 3, 2021 How to make RC Airplane out of cardboard Stanley Heat Gun Box

Holy shit! That's awesome!
View attachment 5134651

Holy shit, that's some story :)

I'm trying to figure out what breed that dog is, which is hard with this dog.
It is muscular, which kinda eliminates a Lab.
Next breed that comes to mind especially because of it's ears being short, is a Bull dog.
Big fucker, whatever it is :)
I'm laughing now thinking about Goldilocks & the 3 bears

Now that would be funny if it was a bear instead.
Holy shit, that's some story :)

I'm trying to figure out what breed that dog is, which is hard with this dog.
It is muscular, which kinda eliminates a Lab.
Next breed that comes to mind especially because of it's ears being short, is a Bull dog.
Big fucker, whatever it is :)
I'm laughing now thinking about Goldilocks & the 3 bears

Now that would be funny if it was a bear instead.
They would shit to bed then.