2022 elections. The steady march for sanity continues.

The freedom to fuck yourself up IS NOT the freedom to fuck up others…or to fuck up a society shared with others beside yourself (…even if you *don’t* like those others)
It is a simple principle, but daunting to practice. Unintended consequences generate complex ethics around any choice perceived as personal andor private.
Delayed unintended consequences make for a quantum increase in complexity. I’ll illustrate.

Minutes ago I heard someone on the highway that is always in earshot go full throttle in what sounded to me like exuberance and not necessity.
Now 99% of us would have heard the song of that large, well-tuned V8 and had a response of apathy, vicarious joy or irritation at the noise. Mine was “dude, youre ruining it for our kids.”

That said the above is the product of the product of indoor growing, whose carbon footprint is pretty big.
Judge: Georgia voters can challenge Greene’s reelection run
A federal judge on Monday ruled that a group of Georgia voters can proceed with legal efforts seeking to disqualify U.S Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene from running for reelection to Congress, citing her role in the deadly attack on the U.S. Capitol.

The challenge filed last month with the Georgia secretary of state’s office alleges that Greene, a Republican, helped facilitate the Jan. 6, 2021, riot that disrupted Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s presidential election victory. That violates a rarely cited provision of the 14th Amendment and makes her ineligible to run for reelection, according to the challenge.

The amendment says no one can serve in Congress “who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress . . . to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same.” Ratified shortly after the Civil War, it was meant in part to keep representatives who had fought for the Confederacy from returning to Congress.

Greene, 47, filed a lawsuit earlier this month asking a judge to declare that the law that the voters are using to challenge her eligibility is itself unconstitutional and to prohibit state officials from enforcing it.

Judge Amy Totenberg, in a 73-page ruling, denied Greene’s request for a preliminary injunction and temporary restraining order.

Totenberg, who was appointed to the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia by President Barack Obama, wrote that Greene had failed to meet the “burden of persuasion” in her request for injunctive relief.

Georgia law says any voter who is eligible to vote for a candidate may challenge that candidate’s qualifications by filing a written complaint within two weeks after the deadline for qualifying. The secretary of state must then notify the candidate of the challenge and request a hearing before an administrative law judge. After holding a hearing, the administrative law judge presents findings to the secretary of state, who then must determine whether the candidate is qualified.

Free Speech for People, a national election and campaign finance reform group, filed the challenge March 24 on behalf of the group of voters.

Greene said in her lawsuit that she “vigorously denies that she ‘aided and engaged in insurrection to obstruct the peaceful transfer of presidential power.”
This kind of reminds me of those heady days back in 2016 when it was claimed that billionaire trump waiving his 400k salary meant he was honest, just in it for the little people because he loved America.
Yeah just (impolite sounda)
To be fair, the same exact thing is happening to the democrats. You have the so-called "progressives" going so far to the left it's laughable while at the same time the so-called "centralist" democrats have essentially joined the republican party.

What is going to happen though is that democrats are going to lose both houses this November. The reason is pretty simple: the instant they got elected, they completely trashed everything they ran on.

Here are the issues they talked about 24/7 during the election cycle and the result since getting elected:
  • Medicare for All - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • Student debt relief - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • Police Reform - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • Expanded Medicare - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • Lower prescription medication prices - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • Rich pay their fair share of taxes - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • Economy for all - Not a damn thing has been done.
  • $15.00 minimum wage - allowed to be shot down by the parliamentarian. :roll:
The moment they got elected, it was all thrown in the garbage in favor of their own interests. Again.

Joe Biden has done essentially fuck-all. He's so busy trying to be remembered as the second coming of FDR that he's pretty much trashed any chance he had of getting re-elected, provided his health holds out and he lives that long that is. His approval rating right now is right about where Trump's was - in the mid 40's and stuck there.

Dems are going to tote an ass whipping this election cycle.

They completely deserve it.
The radical violent right has gone so far down the rabbit hole that not even right leaning conservatives support the GQP
And no centrist are joining the Republican white Christian only party
Laughable you even said it
Biden job approval second lowest among presidents since 1950s: Gallup
President Biden’s approval numbers remain stuck at near-record lows as he faces a series of setbacks, according to a new poll.

The latest Gallup survey released Friday finds that roughly 41 percent of U.S. adults approve of the job Biden is doing just over a year into office, about the same as previous surveys showing him underwater among the public.

Fifty-six percent of those surveyed in the latest poll disapprove of Biden’s job performance as president. That’s a near reversal from his approval numbers when he entered office, when 57 percent of adults surveyed said they approved of the way he was handling his job.

Biden job approval second lowest among presidents since 1950s: Gallup
President Biden’s approval numbers remain stuck at near-record lows as he faces a series of setbacks, according to a new poll.

The latest Gallup survey released Friday finds that roughly 41 percent of U.S. adults approve of the job Biden is doing just over a year into office, about the same as previous surveys showing him underwater among the public.

Fifty-six percent of those surveyed in the latest poll disapprove of Biden’s job performance as president. That’s a near reversal from his approval numbers when he entered office, when 57 percent of adults surveyed said they approved of the way he was handling his job.

Gallup noted that Biden’s average approval rating for this point in his term is lower than all other predecessors going back to the 1950s, with the exception of former President Trump, who had a 39.1 percent favorability during the same period in his term.

Several post-World War II presidents in their first term even had fifth-quarter averages above 50 percent, with three — John F. Kennedy, George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush — above 70 percent, according to Gallup’s data.

Biden’s approval numbers have steadily fallen since he took office in January 2021, and the latest survey tracks with other recent polls, including a Politico-Morning Consult poll from last month that found Biden’s approval at about 45 percent.

Biden’s upside-down job approval rating could ultimately impact this year’s midterm elections, with Democrats defending slim majorities in the House and Senate.

“While it is possible that Biden’s job approval could increase between now and the fall elections, doing so would go against the historical pattern for second-year presidents,” Gallup’s analysts report.

“The prospects for significant improvement in Biden’s job approval ratings before the fall midterms seem dim not only because of the historical record for second-year presidents, but because his approval ratings have been stuck in the low 40s for eight months.”

Biden has faced a series of major challenges since taking office, including the chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, rising consumer prices for food and gas, surges in cases amid the COVID-19 pandemic and an influx of migrants attempting to cross the nation’s southern border.

The president has set out on an aggressive travel schedule in recent days to tout achievements from his time in office, including a crucial $1.2 trillion infrastructure spending plan that passed Congress with bipartisan support last year.
i'm laying at least 90% of the blame for this on the press. they can't say one fucking good word about him without a but...and the good words preceding those buts are few and far between
i'm laying at least 90% of the blame for this on the press. they can't say one fucking good word about him without a but...and the good words preceding those buts are few and far between
I still put the vast majority on right wing propaganda online (even the stuff cat fishing as 'the left'). But do agree with what you are saying about the news media doing everything that they can to not have a full positive talking point aired about Biden.
i'm laying at least 90% of the blame for this on the press. they can't say one fucking good word about him without a but...and the good words preceding those buts are few and far between
I think many don’t remember that Reagan broke the press, not just the unions.

Prior to that, the access of the press to public activities - explicitly including elected officials - was an accepted norm; under Reagan, press access to the administration became conditional: no interview for you, you ask the wrong questions; no seat in the briefing for you, we don’t like what you printed about X; if want more than press releases, add more conservative voices to your roster - and treat them extra-nice. Radio, TV, papers all faced the same wall. The Unification Church’s Washington Times, OTOH, *always* had a seat at the administration’s doing.

In response, NPR (national communist radio, according to an aunt), brought a major administrative strategist on board as a regular, began seeking out more GOP faces - letting them have the mic. “Liberals” & Democrats were always asked hard questions, dug into during follow up, challenged, just like always, but the LACK of such questions to “conservative” voices, and the supine attitude of reporters when collecting their pronouncements, was glaringly obvious.

Yes, NPR used to piss me off in exactly the same ways Fox does.

The years since 1981 have been vicious, grueling years for journalism - even before the installation of the modern insurrectionist brainwashing industry.

The practice got worse when Shrub was in office; his booting a reporter from campaign coverage because he didn’t like her tone was news for more than a week. And the defeated and twice-impeached former president pissed on the smoldering ashes of the very notion of a free press as the protectors of liberty, of course.
Shell company made illegal $500K donation to pro-Trump super PAC, watchdog alleges
A watchdog group on Monday alleged that the largest single donation to a super PAC aligned with former President Trump was made illegally.

In a complaint filed with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), the Campaign Legal Center said that an obscure Florida-based company called ML Organization LLC violated federal election law by making a $500,000 donation to Trump-endorsed super PAC Make America Great Again, Again!

The complaint alleged that the donation constitutes an unlawful straw donor scheme designed to conceal the donor’s true identity. Citing public records, the group said that the donation likely came from Bill Pulte, the grandson of the founder of home construction giant PulteGroup, or another unknown person.

“Voters have a right to know when wealthy special interests are spending money to influence elections and rig the political system in their favor,” Saurav Ghosh, director of federal reform at Campaign Legal Center, said in a statement. “The facts indicate that this LLC is a straw donor and not the true source of this $500,000 contribution, an illegal tactic that erodes transparency.”

The Campaign Legal Center said that there is no record of ML Organization having any business activity or generating any income since it was incorporated in 2018, an indication that it didn’t have the cash to make the donation without receiving funds for that purpose.

The FEC and Justice Department have taken action against several individuals for taking part in straw donor schemes. In February, the Justice Department indicted three government contractors for allegedly using a shell company to funnel $150,000 to a super PAC supporting Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine).

Make America Great Again, Again! — the only super PAC approved by Trump — is airing ads supporting Trump-backed candidates in the 2022 midterms. As of the most recent FEC filings, the group has raised $14.4 million and has $12.5 million cash on hand.
Polls are saying that 40% is 'undecided' in WV GOP Primary and they're only a week away..how could this be? Simple; they're not reporting how they wish to vote because they don't want Trump to know they're not voting for his pick.
Make America Great Again, Again! — the only super PAC approved by Trump — is airing ads supporting Trump-backed candidates in the 2022 midterms. As of the most recent FEC filings, the group has raised $14.4 million and has $12.5 million cash on hand.
So does that mean Trump made $1.9M? OK, $1.8M after web hosting expenses?
Polls are saying that 40% is 'undecided' in WV GOP Primary and they're only a week away..how could this be? Simple; they're not reporting how they wish to vote because they don't want Trump to know they're not voting for his pick.
or it just could be that they all suck equally? do you want the giant douche, or do you want the turd sandwich?