Well-Known Member

These images are of Iryna Filkina, who had big plans for this year.
She was turning 53 in 2 weeks and planned to start focusing on herself after spending the past three decades working tirelessly and raising her two daughters in the suburbs of Ukraine's capital Kyiv.
Then Putin & Russia murdered her on her way home from work last week while riding her bicycle which you can witness in the video
Now, Russia is withdrawing from its futile attempt to capture Kyiv, resupplying material & manpower to continue its invasion of Ukraine, now focusing on the Eastern regions.
They now are in retreat to reorganize.
Kill/attack them NOW!!!!!!!
Now is the time for the ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD to stop this obliteration of the Ukrainians by a murderous madman.
We're going to sit by & watch this shit happen live on CNN/FOX/MSNBC/NPR & simply threaten more sanctions?
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Putin is playing us/you.
He has NONE/ZERO nuclear options you fucking idiots.
Do the fucking math/calculous/science
If he did/his soldiers die also & the area that is destroyed is uninhabitable for 100,000 years.
Also, If he did, the USA/GB/France would fucking vaporize him/Russia.
Enough bullshit/playing nice/diplomacy.
The Russians attacked a peaceful neighbor
Now is the time, right now, while his troops are repositioning/resupplying to destroy them.
4 hours of air strikes/cruise missiles & the Russians would be finished & Putin along with them
He will never use a nuke & but if NATO/USA/WORLD sit back now & let this continue, then evil wins.
Want the war to end?
Kill every fucking Russian standing on Ukrainian soil, which we have the capability to do.
JUST FUCKING DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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