
I had a freind who worked for Bechtel and was in china on projects off and on for several years. This was 20 years ago or so. Corruption was everywhere at the local level and greasing palms was the norm to get anything done. I would imagine the equipment was not kept as expected in the Russian guard units. China has gotten better but Russia still lies internally as well as externally. Then the oligarchy get their share. Not good. I guess a high percentage of cruise missiles failed.
Xi will be doing an extensive audit of his military after this, just to make sure, they had better have their ducks lined up. Xi was trained as an engineer and thinks like one, when he's not being an asshole.
The air force was probably the most vulnerable to corruption, pilots only got an hour a month of flight time, barely enough to be proficient, God knows if they have decent simulators, or many. They sell their jet fighters abroad, and that can generate a black market for spares and such. They sell fuel on the black market, which is why they don't fly much and maintenance takes spares that have been sold off. Like tanks I imagine some planes in storage or reserves have been stripped of vital parts over time, maintenance is a much bigger issue in air forces than armies.

My guess for the air force no show was chronic corruption eroded their war fighting ability. They must have known at some level how bad it was and every body put their best foot forward for the invasion to impress Vlad and hope it went off without a hitch. So I figure the rest of Vlad's military is worse than what he sent to Ukraine or about the same. It was in effect a massive audit, a very large statistical sample of his forces that shows what he really has in the cupboard, not much.
Same as the ukrainians most likely
Same as the ukrainians most likely
Older publication, it was more true in the past than the present, it's what Zelenskiy and his party were elected to fight and one way was to get ready for EU membership and let the process help to clean it up. No society is perfect, Canada or the USA, we had corruption and were functioning liberal democracies, not a perfect ones. However it is possible to get better and change things in a liberal democracy by electing good people and not crooks, because ya hate brown folks and elect Madison Cawthorn to trigger them thar libs. Not when ya fuck yourself and everybody else over healthcare and education, because the brown folks might get some too and ya would literally die, than let them get some. That tends to fuck up liberal democracies and create crooks who blow the dog whistle the loudest to get elected and don't do much else. Except take money from lobbyists and whoever else will grease their palms, including Russians.
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Older publication, it was more true in the past than the present, it's what Zelenskiy and his party were elected to fight and one way was to get ready for EU membership and let the process help to clean it up. No society is perfect, Canada or the USA, we had corruption and were functioning liberal democracies, not a perfect ones. However it is possible to get better and change things in a liberal democracy by electing good people and not crooks, because ya hate brown folks and elect Madison Cawthorn to trigger them thar libs. Not when ya fuck yourself and everybody else over healthcare and education, because the brown folks might get some too and ya would literally die, than let them get some. That tends to fuck up liberal democracies and create crooks who blow the dog whistle the loudest to get elected and don't do not much else.
A noble cause to end hundreds of years of corruption. Ukraine has another dozen or so political parties, each with their own militias. I get that nato is fighting the spread of communism but besides the big Z who else are they arming and why was ukraine so unprepared? I’m all for high ideals but this area has been a boiling pot since the charge of the light brigade.
A noble cause to end hundreds of years of corruption. Ukraine has another dozen or so political parties, each with their own militias. I get that nato is fighting the spread of communism but besides the big Z who else are they arming and why was ukraine so unprepared? I’m all for high ideals but this area has been a boiling pot since the charge of the light brigade.
Well they seems to have done better with civil society and corruption than Vlad, the people feel it's worth fighting and dying for and are all in, including most of the crooks, who aren't psychos. It's a free country, a liberal democracy with freedom of speech and action and with freedom comes it's abuse and one of those abuses is corruption. Every European parliamentary democracy has many parties and coalition governments, it's the norm in such a system.
Well they seems to have done better with civil society and corruption than Vlad, the people feel it's worth fighting and dying for and are all in, including most of the crooks, who aren't psychos. It's a free country, a liberal democracy with freedom of speech and action and with freedom comes it's abuse and one of those abuses is corruption. Every European parliamentary democracy has many parties and coalition governments, it's the norm in such a system.
Was watching an interview on the streets of Lviv, young people sitting at cafes when the air raid siren goes off and people just keep walking around like its just another air raid siren. What surprised me was not one was armed, just trying to finish the last few miles to poland.
People under 20 in Russia grew up with fast food and a western lifestyle, though a poor one. Almost all the groceries in the stores are imported from Europe and they make little at home while depending on oil money like the Saudi's. The nation's capital has been stolen for decades and hidden abroad or used to by luxury items as the spoils of the old soviet union were divided up among the connected and corrupt. Small and medium businesses were stifled and successful ones were stolen by the connected.
Was watching an interview on the streets of Lviv, young people sitting at cafes when the air raid siren goes off and people just keep walking around like its just another air raid siren. What surprised me was not one was armed, just trying to finish the last few miles to poland.
I don’t think there are many gun shops in Ukraine.
Was watching an interview on the streets of Lviv, young people sitting at cafes when the air raid siren goes off and people just keep walking around like its just another air raid siren. What surprised me was not one was armed, just trying to finish the last few miles to poland.
They drove the Russians back beyond artillery range of the city and only long range rockets can hit it now. They are getting some much needed R&R, unlike the Russians the Ukrainians rotate their troops out of the line for leave regularly. Most of the young people probably have guns and uniforms, but on your day off you sure as shit don't want to carry one and might like to wear sneakers if you can.
Same as the ukrainians most likely
Until the 2014 Revolution of Dignity, Russia sold gas to one man in Ukraine at half price. He then sold it at normal price and used most of the slush for bribes. Russia would tell him who and how much, and he would deliver the money. So corruption is embedded to a deep level. It's going to take a while to root it all out. But let's not pretend not to know the root of it.

It was after a pro Russian government was over turned in 2014 that poot-poot invaded the first time.

, , , , , , , , . I get that nato is fighting the spread of communism but besides the big Z who else are they arming and why was ukraine so unprepared? . . . . .
Russia is not a communist country. Hasn't been for a long time. NATO is trying to keep a hot war from spreading to other parts of Europe.

Ukraine unprepared? All the pros said they would last four days if they were very lucky. Now over a month later, they have fought Russia to a standstill in the north. They may still lose part of their country, but poot-poot lost this war weeks ago. Everyone sees how weak he is. Now several more countries are wanting to join NATO that had been sitting on the fence, so he's going to get even weaker.
They drove the Russians back beyond artillery range of the city and only long range rockets can hit it now. They are getting some much needed R&R, unlike the Russians the Ukrainians rotate their troops out of the line for leave regularly. Most of the young people probably have guns and uniforms, but on your day off you sure as shit don't want to carry one and might like to wear sneakers if you can.
You could be right but Lviv is a few miles from Poland, a quick run in sneakers.