No clue. But if nothing else he is a troll and will pretend like his military is weak on purpose.Nice to let us know who they are..isn't this kind of stuff a secret? Do you think Putin is doing a Trojan making us think he's weak?
They had lot's of help, new information from western intelligence agencies alone must be causing a fucking traffic jam! Plus there are many sympathizers and hackers around the world including those in Russia are active and Russia is the new whipping boy. Then there's re all the pissed off GRU, FSB and the whole fucking Cyrillic alphabet pissed off at him, including the army who he fucked before murdering. Those ones know the truth too and some of them might not be happy about it. So it's a busy time for Ukrainian intelligence and I'm sure they have been hiring!and there goes the bot farms......UA Intel pretty good....
Ukraine dismantles 5 disinformation bot farms, seizes 10,000 SIM cards
The Ukrainian Security Service (SSU) has announced that since the start of the war with Russia, it has discovered and shut down five bot farms with over 100,000 fake social media accounts spreading fake
They had lot's of help, new information from western intelligence agencies alone must be causing a fucking traffic jam! Plus there are many sympathizers and hackers around the world including those in Russia are active and Russia is the new whipping boy. Then there's re all the pissed off GRU, FSB and the whole fucking Cyrillic alphabet pissed off at him, including the army who he fucked before murdering. Those ones know the truth too and some of them might not be happy about it. So it's a busy time for Ukrainian intelligence and I'm sure they have been hiring!Vlad the spymaster strikes again...
No clue. But if nothing else he is a troll and will pretend like his military is weak on purpose.
I do think that he wanted to suck us into fighting a war though (to give China/India/Iran/Saudi/insert dictatorship a reason to escalate, and has been flat out owned by Biden's refusal to give Putin what he really wanted while bringing NATO together.
Biden coming out to run against Trump screwed all their dick plans for the world.
Having friends is very helpful for many things in war, from supplies to spies. When General Eisenhower, after he was appointed supreme allied commander in early 1944, he was given a tour of the British code breaking operation at Bletchley park, to make sure he took the intelligence seriously. By then it was quite an operation employing thousands who could read German field orders before the Germans could decrypt it themselves and they had cracked the high level system Hitler and the High command used. To say that Ike was ecstatic is too light a term, he near danced with delight!oh they hired alright...right now Ukraine has a very well IT department now....they're even credited of stopping a recent cyber hit on Ukraine from Russia....soo..
When people are thwarted in their desires they often become angry, when we are angry our focus narrows to our prey and generally excludes other information. Like the cop murdering a citizen, is so caught up in the moment and hate fueled anger, it has caused his attention to become restricted and he ignores the cellphones around him taking videos. The same for those southern folks who used to stand proudly around lynching's for photos to be shot. Those photo's later appeared in northern newspapers and magazines, where folks didn't understand the local "culture" of terrorism and had a different attitude towards extrajudicial vigilantism and racist murders.That's why Putin is lashing out- world domination eludes him again.
Putin placed a bet but The House won.
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With twenty or so thousand dead and thousands of others abandoning most of Russia’s operable materiel, I consider that unlikely. I think Vladolf made a massive blunder, and I predict Ukraine will continue to inflict on the Russian military death by a thousand cuts until they have recovered all their annexed territory.Nice to let us know who they are..isn't this kind of stuff a secret? Do you think Putin is doing a Trojan making us think he's weak?
i hope someone attacks us too, so we can stomp their fucking guts out of their assholes...just like we should be doing to putin right best be glad Biden has some restraint, there are plenty of people here and world wide who would completely support kicking putin's ass so hard his fucking shit filled head falls the fuck offThey wont take it cause they are losers and just backing up where is more civilians sad scared rats. Hope someone attack USA too after what you are doing so many countries already.
When people are thwarted in their desires they often become angry, when we are angry our focus narrows to our prey and generally excludes other information. Like the cop murdering a citizen, is so caught up in the moment and hate fueled anger, it has caused his attention to become restricted and he ignores the cellphones around him taking videos. The same for those southern folks who used to stand proudly around lynching's for photos to be shot. Those photo's later appeared in northern newspapers and magazines, where folks didn't understand the local "culture" of terrorism and had a different attitude towards extrajudicial vigilantism and racist murders.
Vlad's focus has narrowed on this prey and he is ignoring vital information about other things, his ego and even survival is on the line. He is beginning to accept that he can't win, but not, that he might well lose and lose badly. He apparently still doesn't know the true state of the war or military, he should just watch some German news, he speaks the lingo. Vlad has got many problems these days, as many as Donald and he ain't paying any attention to Trump any more, he is paying attention to Biden however and increasingly to the German chancellor in the future. He had better start paying attention to Zelenskiy too, or he will humiliate and bury him, he's already humiliated him. If Zelenskiy was allowed on Russian TV, he would have buried Putin already, along with a free media and national outrage. He would defeat him in his own country on TV, he speaks perfect Russian and was a celebrity there for years. That's gotta hurt Vlad's feelings, because he knows it's true, or fears that it might be.
I think that is why NATO is so in Russia's face this week, they are daring them to give them a reason to set things right.i hope someone attacks us too, so we can stomp their fucking guts out of their assholes
you get all your information form a state run news service that tells you what it wants you to know...but we're the ones that are brainwashed zombies...¿Why you think they live bad in russia? There is many vloggers and even tv people who is visiting russia and not so many say they want go better place they got all they need? Every country have bad and good places. You think your media isnt propaganda tool? We saw after this corona shit how sheep people are and just watching mainstream news. Now after 2 years people are waking up when family members and cousins are dying or injuried because vaccination.
Russian newscaster calls for ‘regime change’ in U.S., reinstatement of ‘partner’ Trump
A Russian television personality reportedly called for “regime change” in the U.S. by removing President Biden and reinstalling former President Donald
The air force was probably the most vulnerable to corruption, pilots only got an hour a month of flight time, barely enough to be proficient, God knows if they have decent simulators, or many. They sell their jet fighters abroad, and that can generate a black market for spares and such. They sell fuel on the black market, which is why they don't fly much and maintenance takes spares that have been sold off. Like tanks I imagine some planes in storage or reserves have been stripped of vital parts over time, maintenance is a much bigger issue in air forces than armies.They could have done a multi axis of attack operation w/better planning and logistics,Russia's whole operation is perplexing now that we have seen it play out,initially we thought they would operate in a Western manner since the blueprint has been shown,which is to debilitate all air defense,aircraft landing strips,command and control installations w/precision munitions and gain air supremacy,however they just carried out typical Russian doctrine based on massive artillery and no regard for using their soldier's lives,they were arrogant and had no respect for brave Ukranian's defending their homeland, they completely underestimated their opponent(violating a golden rule) in combat and were too stubborn to embrace how modern warfare is conducted which is astonishing when you consider that the blueprints have been written since 1990. In the end I'm happy that they have failed in this endevour,can you imagine the peacocking Putin and Mr. Xi as well as other authoritarian leaders would be doing at this moment in time,the fear in Europe of a precision Russian steamroller,the wind in the sails of Mr. Xi's Taiwan designs,damn I'm glad this thing played out in this way to give pause to aggression.