
Fits in the palm of your hand weights less than a half a pound and fits in your pocket. Makes all those beautiful scenery videos you see and hooks up to your phone to see what it sees. Not a problem flying it either, it's fly by wire and uses a flight control computer with different modes so it's easy to fly and learn. Video reviews are useful for buying stuff online and I seldom buy anything expensive without watching a few.

A useful thing in combat and gives ya a God's eye view, or you can send it up a trail instead of a point man.

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yeah, i believe they do it twice a year, and conscript about 12k each time, but they aren't real soldiers, they're kids, college students, restaurant workers, farmers, doing their time. the only real use they could be would be to drive supplies up to the real units, but putin doesn't have many real units left anymore...
I bet the nickel mines in Norilsk never looked so good to these poor sob’s
Combat power is when you can wear down an invading army trading territory and towns for time ambushing the Russians every step of the way. They bought enough time to train a new army and replacements for losses, which were much lighter than the Russians. Combat power is when you can drive the enemy back from your capital, it's primary target and then begin counter attacking his worn out and ground down forces with your new greatly expanded army and reservist forces. If they can cut the Russians off and chop them up into small groups, they can get them to surrender with a minimum of casualties and and a maximum of prisoners. The Russians have several small armies that can be defeated in turn by superior Ukrainian highly mobile forces, just like Napoleon did it. Once they drive them back far enough from the capital area, they won't have the combat power or numbers to return and local reservists can hold them, mop up or take new ground. Then the big force can move to another front and defeat another smaller Russian army, that has no mutual support from other fronts and dead top leadership from snipers and drone strikes.
This entire thread has been filled with Vlad's, crimes, blunders and fuck ups, as it chronicles the destruction of the Russian army and probably Vlad. Here is documented the magnitude of his fuck up and why he will go down in Russian history as a fool and a loser who fucked the nation and himself for a stupid fantasy.

His carefully cultivated image as a strong man is shattered along with his military's reputation. Vlad needed that hard power to maintain dominance over his weaker neighbors, he had no soft power before and less hard power now. A lot of these places under Putin's thumb and in the economic toilet with him might want to assert their independence. Vlad is weak and will be a lot weaker in another month of war and courage is contagious, very contagious, like hope. These new weapons the west has, makes it a much more even fight for many of them and it would cost Vlad many tanks and dead bodies to invade one of them, even smaller ones. Remember, much of the Russian money and manpower is invested in tanks, close air support planes and helicopters, that Javelins, NLAWs and Stingers have largely negated. They don't need masses of armor anymore to defend against armor columns supported by close air support. So I imagine some people are digesting new information and thinking on Russia's borders.
Of course the leading politicians in our country sided with Russia, fuck knows, but then again, the newspaper lead with a quote along the lines of EFF don't care about facts.
One man is responsible for..one man..and all the people in this world just can't seem to figure out how to handle this ONE MAN.

Solution is obvi to me.
If a judge ruled Donald couldn't drop the lawsuit until discovery by the defense was completed along with his testimony under oath, it would immediately halt all these bullshit lawsuits by him and others. Perhaps a new precedent needs to be set and backed up by the SOTUS and some guidelines issued for those with a track record of abusing the courts. His false accusations harmed the defense and need to be cleared up under oath. A simple solution that I don't see too many problems with.