
Doesn't look like there is any second verification of any other sources yet but this is a bit of fun news.

The 'Anonymous' collective says it has hacked the central bank of Russia

  • The Central Bank of the Russian Federation (the Bank of Russia)

Eamonn Sheridan
Wednesday, 23/03/2022 | 19:09 GMT-5

'Anonymous' says it will be releasing more than 35,000 files in the next 48 hours.
Says some of the docs pertain to secret agreements/contracts

Should be worth keeping an eye out for
Russian Bank Hack
Shallow graves and small pot plots may become popular, works for PTSD for many, stops the dreams/nightmares...

At least some Sunflowers.

Do you remember that Grandma who told a Russian Soldier to put "these" sunflower seeds in his pocket so Sunflowers would grow when Ukrainians killed him?

Somethings I will never forget!
If not the 7,000 to 15,000 Russian dead soldiers rotting in the ground might. Remember Native Americans planted a fish under their Corn.

Ukrainians are giving them HELL!
Most will be collected and accounted for, their name published in newspapers, many the Russians took back home. They will find it harder to get them out in the future, as they are increasingly cutoff and chopped up into manageable units that surrender or die for Vlad. The Ukrainians will want to do as much as possible while the Russians are still trapped on the roads and I think they are about ready with new troops and modern arms.
Most will be collected and accounted for, their name published in newspapers, many the Russians took back home. They will find it harder to get them out in the future, as they are increasingly cutoff and chopped up into manageable units that surrender or die for Vlad. The Ukrainians will want to do as much as possible while the Russians are still trapped on the roads and I think they are about ready with new troops and modern arms.

Yeah, I also see these stories on how Russia has been dealing with it. So that limits the Sunflowers a bit. So sad.

Russia has mobile crematoriums that ‘evaporate’ dead soldiers:
I think it was PBS News hour but I was watching last night and I didn't know that 25% of the Russian Soldiers are conscripted for 1 year.
So they are required to serve. I'm betting they are not all that excited to die.

If I was mandated to serve a year by law I sure in the hell wouldn't take chances with my life.
These are small, can easily fit in a backpack, have a range of miles, are GPS enabled with map apps, have HQ cameras and a 20 minute flight time. This is just Finland, there are millions of enthusiasts in the EU countries.

I'm sure the CIA and others are all over it, they are allies now. It will be hard for Vlad to replace such equipment, everything in it, including the shipping container was imported, there were many imported microchips in there too.
while the physical value of the equipment is high, the real value is reverse engineering the thing so that radar systems can be hardened against it's method of operation...and, it gives an insight into what their missiles will be protected against, and in what ways they might be vulnerable
Hey he can have a chat with the conscript driving a truck, tell him about the Ukrainian government's offer of citizenship for surrender and good treatment, maybe even give him one of those paper passes that have been flying around littering the place. "Tell ya what, you can hide out in my farmhouse and I'll take the truck, the wife has a nice hot meal waiting for you!" ;-)
That could be the deal of a lifetime.
I think it was PBS News hour but I was watching last night and I didn't know that 25% of the Russian Soldiers are conscripted for 1 year.
So they are required to serve. I'm betting they are not all that excited to die.

If I was mandated to serve a year by law I sure in the hell wouldn't take chances with my life.
yeah, i believe they do it twice a year, and conscript about 12k each time, but they aren't real soldiers, they're kids, college students, restaurant workers, farmers, doing their time. the only real use they could be would be to drive supplies up to the real units, but putin doesn't have many real units left anymore...