State of the Union

Do I understand that our President hinted they are going to seize assets of Putin Oligarchs? I'm hearing that is how Putin is getting away with exporting the wealth of the Russian People. He is having others hold his assets around the world.
Will Biden seize their yachts, houses/apartments and other wealth?
I am hearing that Putin has moved the wealth out of Russia and keeps it in the west. That makes him vulnerable.

HA! So we're going after the mobile wealth that Putin is hiding?
After all Putin makes about $140,000 a year as President but owns a Billion Dollar house.

Death by a thousand cuts is what they are going to do to Putin.
I figure even if Putin takes Ukraine he still doesn't win. That his hidden wealth will be seized wherever and whenever and well, that makes me happy.
Do I understand that our President hinted they are going to seize assets of Putin Oligarchs? I'm hearing that is how Putin is getting away with exporting the wealth of the Russian People. He is having others hold his assets around the world.
Will Biden seize their yachts, houses/apartments and other wealth?
I am hearing that Putin has moved the wealth out of Russia and keeps it in the west. That makes him vulnerable.

HA! So we're going after the mobile wealth that Putin is hiding?
After all Putin makes about $140,000 a year as President but owns a Billion Dollar house.

Death by a thousand cuts is what they are going to do to Putin.
I figure even if Putin takes Ukraine he still doesn't win. That his hidden wealth will be seized wherever and whenever and well, that makes me happy.
He doesn't actually own it. Like Roy Cohn, Donald's mentor, he has no assets.

Cough, cough.
The "facts" he stated were debunked moments after the speech. The only thing that could be touted as an accomplishment is he said they had deployed new state of the art detection tools to stop illegal border crossings. Clearly if they did do that the new tools are not effective.

The State of The Union Speech did nothing to tell us the state of our Union. It was mostly presented to improve Democrats performance in the primaries. No accomplishments but a lot of "We're going to do <fill in the blank>.". Anyone who has been paying attention to the past 13 months would be left not believing a word the man said. It seemed to me the lamer his message the louder he got. He sounded like an uniformed blowhard. His remarks on the war in Ukraine were totally off track with the reality of the devastation happening there. He went down a list of Republican talking points as if the Democrats suddenly came up with them on their own. I don't think Mitch McConnell blinked once during the entire speech. Nancy Pelosi looked and acted like she was on quaaludes and Kamala Harris looked like she'd rather be anywhere else.

His entire speech was contrary to what is happening here and abroad. It can be summed up like this:

Let's buy American, except for oil, let's buy that from Russia and help pay for the war.
The "facts" he stated were debunked moments after the speech. The only thing that could be touted as an accomplishment is he said they had deployed new state of the art detection tools to stop illegal border crossings. Clearly if they did do that the new tools are not effective.

The State of The Union Speech did nothing to tell us the state of our Union. It was mostly presented to improve Democrats performance in the primaries. No accomplishments but a lot of "We're going to do <fill in the blank>.". Anyone who has been paying attention to the past 13 months would be left not believing a word the man said. It seemed to me the lamer his message the louder he got. He sounded like an uniformed blowhard. His remarks on the war in Ukraine were totally off track with the reality of the devastation happening there. He went down a list of Republican talking points as if the Democrats suddenly came up with them on their own. I don't think Mitch McConnell blinked once during the entire speech. Nancy Pelosi looked and acted like she was on quaaludes and Kamala Harris looked like she'd rather be anywhere else.

His entire speech was contrary to what is happening here and abroad. It can be summed up like this:

Let's buy American, except for oil, let's buy that from Russia and help pay for the war.
lmao do you just make this crap up, or are you just regurgitating shit from proven liars that are feeding you talking points that you pretend are real?

It is about as well thought out as when you were going on about how a man with a stutter had a hard time getting a couple words out perfectly.
The morons can't come up with a factual argument to my points and go on about the former administration or spelling errors. Try to stay on topic.
The topic was mistakes he made. And you JUST made one. This isn’t live. You obviously don’t proofread shit. I love a hypocrite so I had to respond. :hump:
The morons can't come up with a factual argument to my points and go on about the former administration or spelling errors. Try to stay on topic.

Like your ignoring the pointing out of your troll about a guy with a stutter not getting a couple words out cleanly?
Fair enough. I get your point. I still think they put a lil sumpin in his pudding before the SOTU
Could just have a POTUS that took a major speech seriously, knowing that the entire world would be watching.

Ive watched a lot of his speeches/town halls and it was not that much different than it usually is with him. At least there were no obvious signs of being on anything like junky ticks or sniffing nonstop. So maybe he just took a good nap and made sure his makeup was tight before pushing him out there.

As for the fact checks, the one I read seemed a bit nit picky to me (I get that they have to find anything they can to point to though, just things like saying that the infrastrucutre bill is not the largest by not looking at the total value of the investment instead they used a per GDP statistic to be able to say it is not right, and the gun manufacturers not being able to be sued thing too. I thought Biden did a solid job with talking about the pandemic while walking the line of it not being something that can get bad again. But I can see the AP's calling him out on that).
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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Joe Biden related a faulty Democratic talking point about guns in his first State of the Union speech, made his plan on electric vehicles sound more advanced than it is and inflated the sweep of his infrastructure package. On several fronts, he presented ambitions as achievements.

A look at some of his claims Tuesday night and a glance at the Republican response:


“Severe cases are down to a level not seen since July of last year.”

THE FACTS: Biden overstated the improvement, omitting a statistic that remains a worrisome marker of the toll from COVID-19.

While hospitalizations indeed are down from last summer, deaths remain high. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s COVID tracker shows 289 deaths on July 1, 2021. This past Monday the CDC tracker reported 1,985 deaths.

(chart is interactive on AP's website)
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BIDEN, asking Congress to pass measures he said would reduce gun violence:
“Repeal the liability shield that makes gun manufacturers the only industry in America that can’t be sued, the only one.”

THE FACTS: That’s false. While gun manufacturers do have legal protections from being held liable for injuries caused by criminal misuse of their weapons thanks to the 2005 Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act, they are not exempt or immune from being sued.

The law lays out exceptions where manufacturers or dealers can be held liable for damages their weapons cause, such as defects or damages in the design of the gun, negligence, or breach of contract or warranty regarding the purchase of a gun.

Families of victims of the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, sued gun maker Remington, alleging “wrongful marketing” of firearms, and last month agreed to a $73 million settlement.



BIDEN, promoting his $1 trillion infrastructure law:
“We’re done talking about infrastructure weeks. We’re now talking about an infrastructure decade. ... We’ll build a national network of 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations.”

THE FACTS: Not so fast.

The bipartisan legislation approved by Congress ended up providing just half of the $15 billion that Biden had envisioned to fulfill a campaign promise of 500,000 charging stations by 2030.

Biden’s Build Back Better proposal aimed to fill the gap by adding back billions to pay for charging stations. But Sen. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., in December declared that bill dead in its present form due to cost.

Administration officials now say the infrastructure law will help “pave” the way for up to 500,000 charging outlets by 2030. That’s different than charging stations, which could have several outlets. They say private investments could help fill the gap. Currently there are over 100,000 EV outlets in the U.S.

The Transportation Department’s plan asks states to build a nationwide network of EV charging stations that would place new or upgraded ones every 50 miles along interstate highways. The $5 billion in federal money over five years relies on cooperation from sprawling rural communities in the U.S., which are less likely to own EVs due to their typically higher price.

States are expected to start construction as early as fall.


BIDEN, on Intel’s plans for new factories in central Ohio: “Up to eight state-of-the-art factories in one place, 10,000 new jobs.”

THE FACTS: His statement is premature. That many factories are not imminent and may or may not ever be built.

Earlier this year, Intel announced it would open two factories expected to employ 3,000 people. The other 7,000 positions the project is slated to create are temporary construction jobs. It is also planning a chip foundry business that makes chips designed by other firms. Construction is expected to start this year.

Intel has raised the possibility of constructing up to six more factories over the next decade, which could bring the total number of factory workers up to 10,000. But that is only a prospect, years away.


BIDEN: “The pandemic also disrupted the global supply chain ... Look at cars last year. One third of all the inflation was because of automobile sales. There weren’t enough semiconductors to make all the cars that people wanted to buy. And guess what? Prices of automobiles went way up ... And so we have a choice. One way to fight inflation is to drag down wages and make Americans poorer. I think I have a better idea to fight inflation. Lower your costs and not your wages. Folks, that means make more cars and semi conductors in America. More infrastructure and innovation in America. More goods moving faster and cheaper in America ... Instead of relying on foreign supply chains let’s make it in America.”

THE FACTS: It’s dubious to suggest that more domestic manufacturing means less inflation.

Manufactured products made overseas, particularly in countries such as China or Mexico where wages are lower, are generally cheaper than U.S.-made goods.

Biden also places too much weight on supply chain disruptions from overseas as a factor in the worst inflation in four decades. Although those problems indeed have been a major factor in driving up costs, inflation is increasingly showing up in other areas, such as rents and restaurant meals, that reflect the rapid growth of the economy and wages in the past year and not a global supply bottleneck. Those trends are likely to keep pushing up prices even as supply chains recover.



BIDEN on the infrastructure bill:
“The single biggest investment in history was a bipartisan effort.”

THE FACTS: No, it wasn’t that historic.

Biden’s infrastructure bill was big, adding $550 billion in fresh spending on roads, bridges, and broadband Internet over five years. But measured as a proportion of the U.S. economy, it is slightly below the 1.36% of the nation’s gross domestic product that was spent on infrastructure, on average, during the first four years of the New Deal, according to an analysis by the Brookings Institution. It is even further below the roughly 2% spent on infrastructure in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
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As I type there is about an hour to go.

The Republicans led by Mitch McConnell are complaining about domestic energy production.
Never mind that what they want damages Native American lands, oh no obviously the Indians have to be relocated once again. Not gonna happen Mitch.

So the Republicans are upset tonight just before the State of the Union that they cannot profit from the market opportunity because of Putin's War.

They could give a poop about Ukraine.

Funny how you missed the part about the US sending Russia 63 million dollars a day for the oil we buy from them. The 105$ a barrel truly benefits Putin. Explain exactly the damage to "Native American Lands"for us? And by the way I paid $3.45 a gallon this morning for gas, how am I profiting from that?
Strong on Russia, lacking in military support details as it should, don't wanna excite Vlad or let too much out. It was clear to me though that he figures he's got Vlad by the balls and sees a chance to finish the fucker off with Ukraine help! You can tell he admires the Ukrainians courage and pluck and personally wants to help, like most decent people. This puts the fight for liberal democracy on Vlad's doorstep and in Vlad's face, it is now an existential problem for him personally. By the time of his first SOTU address, ole Joe had Vlad by the balls and the Ukrainians were squeezing hard enough to make him howl nukes! Ukrainians are a better bet for America and Europe today, than Britain was in WW2! :lol:
Too funny, are you high? Have you noticed we are sending Putin 63 million dollars a day for the oil we buy from Russia? Biden is hardly making any effort to help the Ukrainians. I will say Zelensky is a far better leader than Biden.
The "facts" he stated were debunked moments after the speech. The only thing that could be touted as an accomplishment is he said they had deployed new state of the art detection tools to stop illegal border crossings. Clearly if they did do that the new tools are not effective.

The State of The Union Speech did nothing to tell us the state of our Union. It was mostly presented to improve Democrats performance in the primaries. No accomplishments but a lot of "We're going to do <fill in the blank>.". Anyone who has been paying attention to the past 13 months would be left not believing a word the man said. It seemed to me the lamer his message the louder he got. He sounded like an uniformed blowhard. His remarks on the war in Ukraine were totally off track with the reality of the devastation happening there. He went down a list of Republican talking points as if the Democrats suddenly came up with them on their own. I don't think Mitch McConnell blinked once during the entire speech. Nancy Pelosi looked and acted like she was on quaaludes and Kamala Harris looked like she'd rather be anywhere else.

His entire speech was contrary to what is happening here and abroad. It can be summed up like this:

Let's buy American, except for oil, let's buy that from Russia and help pay for the war.

You really are clueless. An obvious trump supporter despite claiming not to be. If trump was in office Putin would have had a green light. Hell trump would have used the SOTU to praise Putin.