State of the Union

Did he stop buying Russian oil?
Everybody will stop buying Russian oil soon enough, there are just details to be cleared up. Of course all this might be solved in Moscow by a single bullet and a lot of this shit might be dropped. One man's dream, dead men don't dream, or do much else other than rot. Joe will do good with this war, white Christians with guns and guts defending liberty resonates deeply with the republican base and will divide them. Trump managed to put both feet in his mouth at once! Wars come in many different flavors and America has tasted a few, this one happens to be very good for Joe and when he whips Vlad's ass it will be even better.

I think they are saying Biden will close USA Airspace to Russian Aircraft.
That includes the fly overs by Russia that we have agreed to for Nuclear.
We allow Russia to fly over with all the spy equipment they can pack in a plane and we do the same in Russia.

Putin threatens Nukes we stop the mutual observation of our Military readiness.

Isn't it nice to have a President that has a back Bone and the Balls to stand up to Vlad Putin?
Imagine where we will be when people reelect Donald Trump.
Tonight Donald is not only leaving a wet spot in his chair for Putin he will need help getting separated from the chair's fabric because of his wetness for Putin gluing him to the chair.

And now time for the State of the Union.
Appreciate a REAL AMERICAN President not in love with Putin.
We may not ever have one again if you vote for Trump in 2024.

Everything you said is spot on. :clap: Fuck Putin! All politics and parties aside... I've never really cared for Biden or Trump as our president but always felt if I had to pick it would've been Trump.. I feel after this Invasion and the seeing Biden's strength and the world uniting even Trump supports will sway from him. There is no way in hell Trump could've handled anything of this magnitude with dignity, strength and a leader. Since the Ukraine invasion and seeing Biden's confidence and the alliances of NATO showing unity to help Ukraine, I have gained a lot of faith in Biden and the world. Meanwhile Trump is boasting about Putin just makes me sick given what has happened in Ukraine. I really hope Trump isn't running in 2024.. after showing his support for Putin and therefore supporting Ukraine invasion makes me sick.

Did you even watch and listen to the State of the Union? Of your country I assume. What's your take on capping Insulin prices for the pandemic of Diabetes in your own country? Any takes on the many infrastructure issues that were set forth? What about the high tech front of Intel creating thousands of jobs, and with those tax, with a ginormous chip manufacturing center right in your own country? Or maybe the high tech surveillance of your country's border suits your needs? How about the vets?

I'm just a Canadian watching your state of affairs in the world and it doesn't matter if all of that isn't reachable yet. From what I've seen it's pretty much what America needs. Politics aside of course.

Put your money where your mouth is.
Just because hes giving a good, coherent speech you have to ignorantly claim they gave him something. If you dont have a good argument, or something to say, you have to attack the messenger.

Hes more coherent than your boy tRump will ever be.
You know its rumored tRump was eating, and snorting Adderall on the set of Apprentice???


Tom Arnold Claims Donald Trump Snorted Adderall on 'The Apprentice' Set

Actor and comedian Tom Arnold accused President Donald Trump of previously abusing Adderall on the set of NBC's The Apprentice.
"Donald Trump abused Adderall on the set & it made him crazy. He even snorted Adderall. Mark Burnett knew it. It's scary," he wrote in a tweet, accusing The Apprentice creator of knowing that the president took the attention deficit hyperactivity disorder drug

Bidens never been known to have ADD/ADDHD either, so if they gave him Adderall and he had no medical need for it, h would be speeding his ass off, and he gives no inkling of being hype up. Adderall is chemically related to Meth.

Trump couldnt even say Origins correctly in a speech he gave. He kept on saying Oranges. He didnt pronounce Yosimite correctly.

Here he cant pronoune words correctly, and is doing alot of sniffing. Not to mention cotton mouth, which is common with Adderall/Amphetamine use.
How come no one ever questions Trump about his first father-in-law, a Communist Party informant in Czechoslovakia, and his current father-in-law, a former Communist Party official in Yugoslavia? Or ask him about his constant sniffling?

And people say Biden cant speak?? Especially when he was born with a speech impediment??

Hes a much better, and more coherent speaker than tRump.

Who said anything about trump being my boy?
I think he took something. Speech wasn’t that great. He usually looses train of thought in the middle of a point. Maybe a few cc’s of b12?

Did you even watch and listen to the State of the Union? Of your country I assume. What's your take on capping Insulin prices for the pandemic of Diabetes in your own country? Any takes on the many infrastructure issues that were set forth? What about the high tech front of Intel creating thousands of jobs, and with those tax, with a ginormous chip manufacturing center right in your own country? Or maybe the high tech surveillance of your country's border suits your needs? How about the vets?

I'm just a Canadian watching your state of affairs in the world and it doesn't matter if all of that isn't reachable yet. From what I've seen it's pretty much what America needs. Politics aside of course.

Put your money where your mouth is.
Yes. I didn’t like when he called Ukrainians — Iranians. A regular old senile guy gets a pass but he’s the leader of the free world. He has to keep it together cuz Nancy will article 25 him
Everybody will stop buying Russian oil soon enough, there are just details to be cleared up. Of course all this might be solved in Moscow by a single bullet and a lot of this shit might be dropped. One man's dream, dead men don't dream, or do much else other than rot. Joe will do good with this war, white Christians with guns and guts defending liberty resonates deeply with the republican base and will divide them. Trump managed to put both feet in his mouth at once! Wars come in many different flavors and America has tasted a few, this one happens to be very good for Joe and when he whips Vlad's ass it will be even better.
That’s 209,000 barrels..per day. Soon enough was 6 days ago. Feeding lots of Russian solders on a convoy stretching 40 miles.
Yes. I didn’t like when he called Ukrainians — Iranians. A regular old senile guy gets a pass but he’s the leader of the free world. He has to keep it together cuz Nancy will article 25 him

If that's all you got from that, oh well I guess.

Good luck in life.
The only thing that I wondered about is He didn't call out his opponants in the Senate. Fat Teddy sat impassive and unimpressedly stoic until Joe mentioned the border then he jumped up! It was positively Pavlovian! :D

The Republican rebuttle was well delivered bullshit, but she did a more credible job than Lumpy holding the theam of the web of half truths of the Rethuglican line of corporate shills.
Everything you said is spot on. :clap: Fuck Putin! All politics and parties aside... I've never really cared for Biden or Trump as our president but always felt if I had to pick it would've been Trump.. I feel after this Invasion and the seeing Biden's strength and the world uniting even Trump supports will sway from him. There is no way in hell Trump could've handled anything of this magnitude with dignity, strength and a leader. Since the Ukraine invasion and seeing Biden's confidence and the alliances of NATO showing unity to help Ukraine, I have gained a lot of faith in Biden and the world. Meanwhile Trump is boasting about Putin just makes me sick given what has happened in Ukraine. I really hope Trump isn't running in 2024.. after showing his support for Putin and therefore supporting Ukraine invasion makes me sick.

I hope trump does run again in 2024 and is the Republican nominee. It just means that trump the traitor will lose again and the Republicans won't get back in the White House.