
I hope it will be over quickly with minimal loss of civilian life and that Europe stops playing chicken with a nuclear superpower.
It won't be over soon and threatening to use nukes as intimidation is the same as using them IMHO and that of others too I'll bet. This is gonna be as long and as fucking painful as we and the Ukrainian people can make it, the die has been cast.
I think we bear responsibility for this by making Ukraine believe we would have their back
We do have their back and will continue to do so, we will also have the back of all those former soviet republics and stans who are worried about Vlad and his dreams. Vlad just drove the stakes into the fucking sky, NATO will be more resolved than ever now.
America has stealth cruise missiles that can do the job of knocking out key places and they are most likely submarine based as well as land based and they don't need to be that close. A single nuclear ballistic submarine can take out every Russian population center of over 100K, both America and the UK have them, France also has an independent nuclear deterrent and submarines. Just realize what you are getting into, Russia has 6000 nukes, how many of them get off the ground will be another question. Biden might go to Defcon 2, Defcon1 we launch.
I don't think we will be growing cannabis indoors under lights after that
Imagine if Russia puts missiles on Cuba oh wait that happened already. We are basically watching the cuban missile crisis in reverse
Not at all. We agreed to move our short range missiles out of Europe when Nikita Khrushchev moved the missiles from Cuba. The removal of the nukes from Ukraine when the USSR crumbled was nothing like that. Russia still have those nukes, so there was no lessening of the threat (or deterrent, according to your point of view).
I don't think we will be growing cannabis indoors under lights after that
No one will be doing much after that other than trying to survive. However if the POTUS feels that Vlad is a real and present danger and they have a first strike stealth capability. It depends on if Vlad is mad, Joe isn't and neither are the western leaders, but if Vlad launches first they will glow in the dark for a century.
No one will be doing much after that other than trying to survive. However if the POTUS feels that Vlad is a real and present danger and they have a first strike stealth capability. It depends on if Vlad is mad, Joe isn't and neither are the western leaders, but if Vlad launches first they will glow in the dark for a century.
Why would he he already got what he wanted from this mess. Imo the whole point of Ukraine provoking Russia was to destroy EU (mostly Germany) economy by cutting it off from cheap energy and making it depend on US gas which will increase in price and help US economy become competitive
Why would he he already got what he wanted from this mess. Imo the whole point of Ukraine provoking Russia was to destroy EU (mostly Germany) economy by cutting it off from cheap energy and making it depend on US gas which will increase in price and help US economy become competitive
Ukraine provoked nobody, they are a victim of Putin's aggression like a half dozen other former soviet republics. Give it up, carrying Vlad's water entails carrying a lot of sewage and shit too, you might as well try to defend Trump FFS. You have no moral or ethic ground to stand on and are a push over in debate because of it. You are on a fool's errand for an uncaring and cruel master.
Ukraine provoked nobody, they are a victim of Putin's aggression like a half dozen other former soviet republics. Give it up, carrying Vlad's water entails carrying a lot of sewage and shit too, you might as well try to defend Trump FFS. You have no moral or ethic ground to stand on and are a push over in debate because of it. You are on a fool's errand for an uncaring and cruel master.
Ukraine provokes Russia by existing.
The only one who bears responsibility is Putin, the aggressor.

If you are referencing the Budapest Memorandum, Russia (Yeltsin) also agreed to protect Ukraine.
Because of that agreement, it now gives NATO the option to intervene if it wishes, so does the UN charter. However let's supply the Ukrainians, keep the supply corridors open and help for as long as the Ukrainians wanna fight. A no fly zone is a possibility too. Make this war Hell for Russia and as long and bloody as we and the Ukrainians can. The weapons we give them will be in their dead hands and not given to the Russians, as long as they can be feed. Remember all those cities in the middle east and how long they held out for, how hard it was to defeat them?